Buy Cream For Swelling In Legs And Ankles
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My feet and legs are very swollen and painful . what is the best salve to use for this condition?qbb


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salve for swollen legs a d\\salve for swollen legs and feet.

The very best salve for swollen feet and intense pain.

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I've been having bad swelling for years now that the Dr's can't figure out so I know your frustration! I've been doing a lot of research on this issue and have decided to personally use a Vitamin K cream, which has started to clear it up. You can literally see my blood vessels in my feet, which were looking HORRIBLE and like a road map but since using the Vitamin K cream, it's starting to help with the blood flow and there's actually area now that are clear....YAY! However, I'm not suggesting this for anyone because you need to do your own research and/or discuss it with your Dr since the use of it also depends on other health problems, as well as medications that you may be on. I hope that anyone reading this can get relief from their swelling because I know how painful it can be, as well as the frustration of it!

Blessings and peace

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This may be something that cannot be solved just by using a topical salve. You really need to figure out what's causing them to swell like that.

If it's due to edema, which is fluid retention, then you're most likely going to need medication to help clear it up.

Learn more edema details here.

Have you consulted your doctor to get a diagnosis?

You really need to to do, because if it is fluid retention, it could lead to some dangerous health conditions, if it is left untreated.

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