Brintellix (trintellix) Withdrawal (Page 2)
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Started 10 mg Trintellix 3 weeks ago. Vomiting at least 2x a day and constant nausea, fatigue, muscle and back pain. Trying to wean off it - doctor said take it every second day for a week then go see her. What is the normal time frame for withdrawal? I am terrified of this drug. I am diabetic and it is making my sugars wildly fluctuate too.

26 Replies (2 Pages)

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How did the weaning go? I had no withdrawals, and feel so much better. I still have the extra weight I gained on meds, but I've not gained any additional.
Best of luck!

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Good day everyone,

After taking Trintellix for over a year now, I decided to quit cold turkey. This medication made me feel nauseous, super depressed, caused weight gain, made me antisocial and I regularly had thoughts of suicide. Since quitting on June 29th, 2017: Days 1 through 5, I have had no bad side effects. The positive side effects for me are crystal clear thoughts, zero depression and no suicidal thoughts whatsoever. I feel like a new person, well actually, I feel like myself again. I can't believe that I let this medication screw my life up for so long. I decided to take control of my life on June 29th. Instead of taking medication, I am using physical activity to get back into shape. I am taking over my life again. I will no longer be visiting the pharmacy each month to pick up meds. I feel invigorated now. 5 days and counting, no longer in the routine of waking up and starting my day washing down pills.

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I started around march also. I am taking 20 mg and i am very nauseous. I am not sleeping very well also. I have decided to stop taking it, not sure how. I'm thinking i will go to 10 mg a day for a week, then the following week every other day. Then the following week i will stop. Too much nausea and very tired and still very depressed and anti social. I also think of dying too much. I have tbi from 2 years ago. I wish you the best of luck!

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I want to wean off of trintellix. I started it in March. Dr worked me up from 5 mg to 20 mg. But the weight gain is horrible. I came off of effexor a couple of years ago and the withdrawals were horrible. Any experience with this?

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Hi Judy,

Sorry to hear about your challenges with Trintellix. The answer that Lundbeck gave you sounds like the ugly / sad truth with many types of pharmaceutical medications... where it seems patients are the guinea pigs of this vast experiment society calls big pharma. I believe their clinical trials only go so far and that's why they don't know what to do... However with a doctor's help there are "safe" ways to taper off anything and they can help you do it in the most subtle and concise manner to mitigate possible risks or side effects upon doing so. In the meantime I would encourage you to stay positive and optimistic when it comes to finding a solution and peace of mind in the process. Will look forward to any future updates you might have. Warm regards~

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Called Lundbeck (canadian office in Montreal) today to get advice on how to wean off/stop taking Trintellix. Shocked to be told "there is NO protocol for weaning/stopping this drug. You have to let your doctor decide how to proceed"! "Everyone has a different reaction". My doctor is away for a week so. My pharmacist and I are trying to figure something out, but I am absolutely stunned at Lundbeck's answer

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