Blue Vs Green Clonazepam... Plz Help Me To Know The Better Of The Two? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHello all, I usually am given the GREEN #98 833 1mg clonazepam, but when I filled px today, she gave me the BLUE v2531 1mg clonazepam. Could someone please let me know which are known to be better? Thanks
Do not listen to the European guy saying that nobody makes 1 mg clonazepam. Here in the U.S we have dozens of generic prescription meds and pharmaceutical companies that make them but don't export them. Roche is a French pharmaceutical Co. And yes even they make a 1 mg available here. Your question is about the difference in brand not the usual dosage. All U.S. companies are FDA tested and do allow a 10% grace. So basically the worst thing that could be different is one color could contain up to 1.1 mg and the other may be as low as 0.9 mg. Just study up on the two different companies or go with your favorite color. Hope this helps some people understand generic drugs.
The holey pills were the brand name Roche, in US. I have found that the Teva brand, round green tablets work best for me.
Re: Pinky (# 14)
I've been on 1 mg 1 time nightly for 17 years. Is there a problem with that. It still works good for me and the dosage has never had to be increased.
Re: Pinky (# 26)
Sorry to hear that. Benzos are best med for a lot of problems. This war on chronic pain patients is going too far. They have the least amount of side effects in my opinion. I like Teva ,I take 1 mg green, tablets 3x a day and 2mg, white tablets x2 at bedtime for sleep.
I have been on the 1mg clonazepam for more then nine years and I have been given the blue ones the green ones and the yellow ones all 1mg and they all work the same too me.
There is no difference between the two. If you feel there is, it's just a placebo effect. I take 1mg Clonazepam, twice a day. I've had the blue and I've had the green. There was absolutely no difference. How do I know this? I had a two month supply once, one blue, one green. I separated 30 green, 30 blue, and put them in a bottle and gave it a good shake. Understand, my tolerance was very low, because I skipped an entire month. Every time I took my dose for that month, I'd reach in, grab a pill, and put it in my mouth without looking at it. That entire month, I felt absolutely no difference from day to day.
A pharmacist even told me once that the colors vary from time to time, because they are distributed by two separate companies, and one company is cheaper for them to buy from than the other. I didn't ask him which color, but he told me, "they buy whichever one happens to be cheaper at the time", leading me to believe that pill prices fluctuate from company to company.
Re: Sara (# 6)
Actually depends on the manufacturer and regulations.
Active - Inactive ingredients
There are actually laws regulating active ingredients so they are not permitted to drop below a certain amount and it was surprising how some manufacturers qualify. A small difference in active ingredient can be a big impact on someone taking the medication. With that said, changing inactive ingredients alone could actually have an affect on one person, yet not another.
Saying they're the same to me would be like saying all peanut butter is the same......#justsayin'
Re: Minoguesque (# 2)
Yes, there are 1mg clonazepams...klonopin. Green being TEVA 833, doesn't take effect as quickly, nor dissolve, but seems to last longer. Blue being a 2531 V from Qualist (spelling?) which MUST be a sublingual because it dissolves as fast as sugar, but it kicks in quicker but not as long. I have PTSD and get a 1mg every so often. Try to be careful...the green is more helpful for me by a good amount. Now essentially, it is the same medication, with some different ingredients and works differently for many. I've met people who really like the way the blue helps their anxiety, but for me, with heart palpitations that come for NO reason (could be best Christmas morning ever...boom) I kinda need the green due to it lasting longer throughout day. This has the problem of being debatable as well, but for me my testimony on what helps better is not up for debate. Anyway...YES...1mg klonopins sir.
Check out the google image search page, and type in clonazepam. I did not realize how many different generics there were of clonazepam. Before I became disabled, I used to get the brand name of everything, but always got green Teeva, liked them best.
Re: Minoguesque (# 2)
You obviously don't know about US Clonazepam and all the different generics we have to deal with. The UK has National Health coverage and in the USA there is nothing like that. We have very, very different medical problems at the national level than the UK does. Thank you for the informative essay on how it is in the UK, but it doesn't help because of the major differences in the generic market.
Re: Pinky (# 14)
A good one that listens to his patients.
Re: SSSGMA (# 12)
I can’t find a doctor that’s into helping me get my meds legitimately here in the US. I’m too dependent to stop but being a former alcoholic, I wouldn’t be able to function without them.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
My friends say the green ones are stronger but I’ve always gotten the blue 1mg pills for the past year. My pharmacy just switched me today to the green ones and I was like sweeeet my friends say these work better! But it’s all just 1mg of clonazepam lol can’t be too different. But yes there are blue and green 1 mg clonazepam pills. Why would there only be .5 and then 2mg? Lol don’t listen to some of these people. Here in the US we have 2 different brands of 1mg. The blue and the green!
Re: Pinky (# 14)
I've been on my benzos for over 20 years and if not I have extreme anxiety panic attacks and seizures so idk I guess it depends on the person an what they are going through
Re: CcRN (# 4)
I agree a thousand percent ! The green ones always work with the 1st one! I can take 20 blue ones in 8 hrs and still feel NOTHING . PHARMACY says they can't order the green ones anymore unless I wanna pay $200 ??? I suffer still with the blue every month :(
Re: Minoguesque (# 2)
Stoppppp. You're used to peach or white because those are .5 doses!! Of course kpins can be 1 MG and even 2 MG pills which are typically blue or green. Please get a handle on your knowledge.
Re: Sara (# 6)
I totally disagree I have taken both for 25 years and the green ones are much better
Re: CcRN (# 4)
The blue ones work better for me. Must depend on the person
Re: Pinky (# 14)
I have been on mine for 3 years as well, it is not good for your heart. But with that being said that's a small chance for those of us who NEED this to live a normal life. For me and others who live with frequent panic attacks its worth the risk. Our quality of life is awful without these meds. There is nothing wrong with our doctors, they are actually doing what is best for our quality of life.
The same thing happen to me today when I got my Clonazepam filled, I got blue tablets instead of blue. I called the pharmacy, they said the only difference it's the same meds, just a different manufacturer.
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