Blue Vs Green Clonazepam... Plz Help Me To Know The Better Of The Two? (Top voted first)
UpdatedHello all, I usually am given the GREEN #98 833 1mg clonazepam, but when I filled px today, she gave me the BLUE v2531 1mg clonazepam. Could someone please let me know which are known to be better?
They are the same thing, neither is better than the other although after being on them for 6 years, I prefer the blue ones because I let them melt under my tounge and the blue ones melt faster. Blue and green are the same things though. Hope that helps your question!
The blue ones suck!!! They never work for me. Green ones are always on point. I think the blue ones have so much filler in them bc they are big for 1mg. Request the green ones
What you really have to do is try them and see if one works better for you.
While they are technically the same medication in the same dosage, there can be fluctuations, however, what causes problems for some people might work great for you and vice-versa.
Are there any questions or comments?
I've been on 1 mg. Clonazepam generic Klonopin for 20 years. The color variations are simply different pharmaceutical companies. They are all still the same drug. I've got blue now but have taken mostly green. I see no difference in the effect of the drug. I take 4x daily. Always have. Let's me go out into the world and sometimes at home without having a Panic Attack. I have had Anxiety disorder for 40 years diagnosed. Hit at puberty. I don't know what you all take them for but I am grateful for this medicine. They tried Valium and Zanex on me. Valium I was on for years but they got to where they didn't work and Zanex forget about it. They were horrible. Klonopin saved me. I had attacks that felt like heart attacks often. I was in hospital for hyperventilating until I passed out a few times. Only had 2 in public and in a few years and a few at home but it was always in summer and I've had a few heat strokes trying to mow yard. Whatever your need for this drug I hope it helps you like it has me. I was so tired of the panic attacks when I was given this medicine I didn't know if I would ever be able to function without 3 or 4 attacks per day. It was difficult then. Hope everyone is getting the medicine you need. I'm not a big pill popper but I'm so glad for this medication.
I have been on the blue ones for years and there is a difference for me. The blue ones make me feel relaxed with minimal side effects and happy dreams. The green one are horrible for me, they're giving me nightmares and a erratic heartbeat. I went to a different pharmacy and I have to see what I can do to get another prescription because I believe there will be serious consequences
Dear SarahDeep, I'm on the 1mg of klonopin and they r green. I've been on them 4 almost 10 years now. Same dosage and color. Maybe, they gave u a different generic and that's why they look different. Sometimes, they will do that if they can't get the brand they usually get. Or, they switch companies.
The differences between meds here in the US, and the ones overseas never cease to amaze me. But I've been on 1mg for years. Given to me by my regular primary physician. At first I was getting the green ones, and definitely noticed myself building a tolerance, then all of a sudden this Obamacare nonsense has changed the way doctors and insurance companies are allowed to care for their patients. When I went to get my meds this month the pharmacy told me that my insurance company switched which generics they give and mine will now be coming from a different manufacturer. So they are the same dose, but blue pills instead of green ones. Well I only happened upon this thread because I was looking for answers about whether or not I could actually feel a difference between the two. I'm glad I'm not the only person who says they feel one more strongly than the other. For a couple days I thought I was crazy. But taking 1mg twice a day is a very common dosage here in the states. The green ones I felt were no longer working. And after a few years on them I was almost about to ask him to up my dose thinking I'd built a tolerance. Once I tried these blue ones it felt like he already had upped the dose. But nope still 1mg pills. Which I found very confusing. But hey, if it means not having to up my dosage yet, then I'll take it. But those ones with the "K" shaped hole in the middle are not generally seen much here in the states either. For as many years as I've been on these, and known others taking them as well, I've never seen a person given these. Not even in hospitals. Its common practice here to give generics whenever possible, and if you are requesting the non generic name brand of a medication in most states your doctor has to specify that on your prescription and then justify that to your insurance company. Its all about what's cost effective, and not generally what's best for patients.
I am prescribed 1mg colonopin from va hospital
I prefer the Green. A few months ago I started getting blue. There is a difference in taste. The green when I have had panic attacks out of nowhere I put under my tongue and dissolve and slow my breathing and heart rate down. It slowly dissolves and has a sweet taste. The blue taste terrible. They are like aspirin if you have an emergency as soon as in mouth crumble and choke me. When I'm already having an attack which I tend to have bad ones when trying to shop in a busy store or am in large crowds Its not always easy to get help. It's very frightening to experience and I was much more comfortable with the green ones because of this. I also do not think the blue work as well. I've been taking them for 15 years. I believe the blue have a lot of buffer in them and that is why they crumble and break apart easily. Bring back the green. :D
That is not true at all! People need to be informed the FDA allows a variation of 20% of the active ingredient clonazepam in any brands medication or pills which means when you get a 1 mg pill from one brand you could be getting potentially only .8 mg or up to 1.2 mg. And also different brands use different binding agents which can have different effects for different people as far as intensity or lack there of. For me personally and everyone I know every single brand has a different effect. Also by the way as far as blue 1 mg pills there are three different companies that put them out, one of them has V2315 on it one has E 63 or E 65 (can't remember) on it and the other in has C1 on it – the C1 pills suck ass and many people have complained to the pharmacies that they feel like they were given the wrong medication because they don't work at all for most people. But all three of those pills that I listed in the brands that make them all make blue 1 mg Klonopin's and you need to be informed that every brand has different amounts of active ingredients in in active ingredients which lead to different Effects for every different person. It's not safe to be giving out false information to people who are looking for help and genuinely need this medication and the most affective kind for them. Call different pharmacies in your area and ask which ones they carry and they will tell you which ones by brand or by imprint and that way you can try each brand and know which works best for you.
your from the U.K. the products are different in the U.S.A. I have had 3different companies with 1mg blue kpins
I have the blue ones and I can not sleep if I take one. I've tried three different time and it's ugly to have to stay up all night without sleeping. These were given to me for Anxiety/restless legs.
Re: Babybleau78 (# 42)
You are mistaken. Xanax is the brand name for Alprazolam. Klonopin is the brand name for Clonazepam. Two different medications entirely, but both are benzodiazepines.
Well I’ve been on them for six years plus actually. And I do not believe that the mint green light green whatever you wanna call it to me they don’t do anything. I actually switched pharmacies so I can get the dark blue I don’t know why but I can’t even take less of them because they work so much better I don’t know why no one believes it pharmacist is telling me they’re both the same but if they’re two different makers how can they be the same so I guess it’s maybe what you prefer and how your body excepts the difference! Hope that helped ! We r all different !! So u may not find it to be correct!!
Re: Minoguesque (# 2)
Go back to the drawing board - you're wrong. Invest in time in your research before you wanna lay down all kinds of false information because a couple things you have drastically wrong.
Re: CcRN (# 4)
I a million percent agree that the blue ones are pretty much blanks. The green or the yellow 1mg are all that works for me but every pharmacy keeps saying they can't dispense any other than blue? I even tried to order the green and other brands but was told it would be app $200 for 60. The green have always been generic . Took Green for 25 years no problems, definitely generic price . Blue is just me suffering still every month. ??
Re: Pinky (# 14)
I've been on it 20 years... sometimes I've been allowed to take 1mg 4x daily for lengthy periods of time because I was diagnosed with agoraphobia and it's a horrible "social" anxiety disorder. After being on the right meds for my other disorders Klonopin is a PRN as it's intended to be. Certain triggers or times of year I take it daily more than once at times and sometimes I only need it once a week or so... my psychiatrist prescribes it because it's the least likely to become habit-forming of the benzoids... anyway my point is that it can be used as a daily med for years and years as long as it works for you. Also, I know a lot of young people that will take prescription benzoids to get 'high' and it's easy to tell who actually has anxiety/panic disorders because I've never felt high. Just brings me down to what is considered a "normal" level. On a scale of 1 being low and 10 being high anxiety, most people wake up at a 1 or 2...I wake up at an 11 and it increases from there. Klonopin has been a God send to let me function on what seems to be a more normal state of mind and body as often as necessary.
In India I use to get a clonazepam I.P 1mg Brand Name is Lonazep-1 from sun pharma. small wite tablet with sun written on top. It is a sublingual tablet.I don't know I only get that brand from one shop it has NRx on Top left corner and The Shedule won't match. Since the schedule has already changed but according to manufacturing date it seems like it contains another tablet. It gives a opiate like euphoria when combined with other opiates no memory loss. Usually I hate valium, alprazolam,and other benzodiazepines. But I love that tablet. I usually take pentazocine i.p 60mg/2ml combined with avil 22.5mg/2ml. But it has a very short half life and very very addictive and less potent too and antagonist too so I take it with diazepam or clonazepam(euphoria happy). but it is somewhat similar to morphine and valium combined.
Here in America klonopin come in blue, & green in 1mg, also white. I have blue ones now with C 1 on them.
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