Blue Vs Green Clonazepam... Plz Help Me To Know The Better Of The Two? (Page 6)


Hello all, I usually am given the GREEN #98 833 1mg clonazepam, but when I filled px today, she gave me the BLUE v2531 1mg clonazepam. Could someone please let me know which are known to be better? Thanks

107 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

There are green 1mg ones in the US. It's a generic brand.

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Re: Pinky (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on it 20 years... sometimes I've been allowed to take 1mg 4x daily for lengthy periods of time because I was diagnosed with agoraphobia and it's a horrible "social" anxiety disorder. After being on the right meds for my other disorders Klonopin is a PRN as it's intended to be. Certain triggers or times of year I take it daily more than once at times and sometimes I only need it once a week or so... my psychiatrist prescribes it because it's the least likely to become habit-forming of the benzoids... anyway my point is that it can be used as a daily med for years and years as long as it works for you. Also, I know a lot of young people that will take prescription benzoids to get 'high' and it's easy to tell who actually has anxiety/panic disorders because I've never felt high. Just brings me down to what is considered a "normal" level. On a scale of 1 being low and 10 being high anxiety, most people wake up at a 1 or 2...I wake up at an 11 and it increases from there. Klonopin has been a God send to let me function on what seems to be a more normal state of mind and body as often as necessary.

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Re: Vampgirl (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

I wonder… do you also have ADD/ADHD? I see a lot of people saying the greens work way better for them and blues suck. But I have only taken mine 2 times in the past couple years (for breakthrough panic) and the blue hit me so quickly and I was instantly calmed/felt better and even nice. The green had pretty much zero effect and I even took a 2nd one n it kind of only made me feel “mellowed” out after the 2nd. Soooo wondering if ADD/ADHD or other things may play part as to which one works better with each persons brain chemistry.

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have had green, blue, and I holes and they all seem the same, but here in the U.S., most prefer blue because I think they were given blue first. Any change in a drug drives people crazy. Louis, I've only seen white 2 mg ones.

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Look at the blue ones and the green Klonopin milligram. I live in Puerto Rico and my mom sent me mine every month. It’s very easy. If you like to vape you put it in a vape package put the vape pack inside. That was the way we always did it and you can fit in there.

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Re: CR (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Have you really been taking two different kinds? Let me know.

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Re: Heather (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

Yes took 1 blue for years. Without me paying
attention switched in 3 green. No affects. Please help us who are suffering

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