Blue Vs Green Clonazepam... Plz Help Me To Know The Better Of The Two? (Page 5)


Hello all, I usually am given the GREEN #98 833 1mg clonazepam, but when I filled px today, she gave me the BLUE v2531 1mg clonazepam. Could someone please let me know which are known to be better?


107 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Cristina (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

JFC None of what you are complaining about has anything to do with the ACA.
Stop being such a bigot.

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Re: Pinky (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

There are exceptions to every situation. Some people try behavioral therapy and SSRIs, meditation, SSRIs, ect, with no improvement. t that point long term benzodiazepines, especially in low doses, can in fact and should be prescribed.

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Re: CR (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

wrong, different manufactures different inactive ingredients aka fillers. So while the active ingredient may be the same the rest of the what pill is made of is different. And can have an effect on how your body intakes it.

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Re: Steven Pleasant (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Omg. Me as well. I hate the green. I feel like I still have anxiety and they make me sleepy. And heart seems to be faster. The blue as long as I stick to my dose are perfect. I feel normal go about my day without anxiety. I stated in the green at first. Then they change me to the blue been in for five years. Today they gave me the green. I drove back to tell the pharmacy and they said they are out of the blue. I'm calling my Dr in tei days. I'm feeling medicated as I write this and just took the first green one about 40 mins ago. I hate them. I think everyone is different and some may be ok with the feeling but raising two grandkids I have so much to do. Just sharing.

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Re: Vampgirl (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

Agree 100%
The green do nothing for me. Nothing.

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

1 mg is very common in the US.

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

The ones with the K are Brand Name Klonopin. Because they come in generic form, insurance will not usually pay for Brand Name drugs.

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Re: Pinky (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Because people with seizures have a hard time sometimes controlling their seizures. So if you find something that works, you stick with it. Making changes just because it's been a certain amount of years, could trigger seizures to start back or worsen.

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Re: Kk (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

What area are you located in?

I’ve lived in the Southeast and Eastern part of the states the majority of my life and no matter where I went I was given the generic C1 Blue clonazepam.

Since moving to the Southwest, I’ve noticed some pharmacies carry Blue C1s, and others carry Green Tevas.

Specifically: I’m located in AZ now and both CVS and Walmart provide Blue C1, (not sure about Walgreens) but I recently switched to an Albertsons Pharmacy (way cheaper there with my good RX card), and they gave me the Green Tevas.

Maybe try an Albertsons/Safeway pharmacy if you have one around you, they for sure have the Green ones.

If not, I’ve lived in tons of other regions in the US and I just call around to each pharmacy near me to see which ones they carry. I’ve actually been on the Blue C1s for over 10 years so I don’t have a lot of experience with the Greens. Hopefully they work the same for me.

But anyway I hope this helps!

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Stoppppp. You're used to peach or white because those are .5 doses!! Of course kpins can be 1 MG and even 2 MG pills which are typically blue or green. Please get a handle on your knowledge.

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Re: CcRN (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I take the green ones and they f*****g suck - switch me.

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Today I was given green instead of blue. Are they the same or does one work better than the other?

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Yes when you have anxiety and panic attacks you want the best medication possible. So that's why the question was asked.

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Re: CcRN (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

What is your dose?

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

That’s why you've never heard of em or seen green or blue, because you're on 2mg. It also depends on where you live and the pharmaceutical company who makes your pill.

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Re: Sara (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I totally disagree I have taken both for 25 years and the green ones are much better

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Re: CcRN (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

The blue ones work better for me. Must depend on the person

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Re: CcRN (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Agree a thousand percent. The blue 1mg ones to me have a o.25 effect. The green ones 1 mg it's 1 and done lol. Definitely stops all the panic anxiety stress in seconds . In blue ones would take 5 tablets vs 1 green.

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Re: Pinky (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on mine for 3 years as well, it is not good for your heart. But with that being said that's a small chance for those of us who NEED this to live a normal life. For me and others who live with frequent panic attacks its worth the risk. Our quality of life is awful without these meds. There is nothing wrong with our doctors, they are actually doing what is best for our quality of life.

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Re: zaborav (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on 1mg of clonazepam for 3 years. It comes in blue form (\/) and green (teva). I live in the USA.

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