Blue 10mg Diazepam Ma Holder Teva Uk Ltd 86644 U (Page 2)


I received Blue Diazapam with 10 on one side and a line in the middle on the other side

26 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Bruno43 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

How do I fill a prescription with this brand mate?

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Re: Robert (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I am needing a 10 mg dose and can’t get it filled. What should I do? It’s virtually impossible to get them as my pharmacist no longer exists. Please let me know.

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Re: Robert (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Can you help me to get a prescription filled for Diazepam 5mg dans?

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Re: Mrniceguy (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Dan's are no longer manufactured my friend. Discontinued over a month ago I believe, although stock room may have had months supply. Time to start a UK valium discussion.

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UK discussion is 10 times better. I'm a bensiden guy, was prodes for 2 years before that. Sent back a bad prescription, getting new ones soon so forum will light up when they arrive. Pharmacies will buy them by the thousand. Plus Ksalol alprazolam from Serbia are a great brand. Funny I've got a researcher in Germany, they said the German valium was only around half as strong as the brand imported from Serbia.

Interesting on the point of Teva, Crescent, and Actavis. Would love to get those brands from my doctor but God knows what you have to say/have wrong with you to get valium. I've had pregabalin, mood stabilizers, too many to type. 1 week of temazepam. Since then none. Also had propranolol, ssri, ssni, etc. God anything prescribed but a benzo. They're so scared of losing there practice they're hurting genuine patients. What he will do for my anxiety crippling my life?

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Re: Robert (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Teva is a solid brand, I would be happy with Teva, crescent, accord.
Had these for years never had an issue, actually having trouble finding them now, as unable to get the other two brands also atm. Rhe only ones I can get are prodes & Bensedin, both of which I find hit or miss. If you can acquire TEVA then lucky you!

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