Blue 10mg Diazepam (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been prescribed Valium for anxiety for a while, I recently got some 10mg ones with an A and a straight line across the middle with 278 at the bottom and on the other side a mark like a smiley ) but the right way round "as in when people put this next to a comment" :) we know its a smiley! Not sure if they are fake or generic! Any info would be appreciated

125 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Bodidley (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree. They sound fake! I've never ever heard of genuine Valium with a smiley face on them from the doctor! Be careful.

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Re: Theodore (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

I do have some typing errors, apologies for that. What I'm trying to say is that everyone is different. I found the fluoxetine helpful in severe cases of anxiety the AXID induce sleep, some use amytriptaline an old medication from the 70’ and 80's. Under research they found the tricyciclic antidepressants affect the heart, so they make the SSRI medications like ZOLOFT PROZAC ETC. Some have irrational fears etc phobias. I do panic disorders, clostophobia, anxiety worry of certain sickness all those can be control but your doctor with you will work out which one is appropriate the benzodiazepines normally given short treatment for a month after dependacy exist hard to get off, we all depend on any medication diabetics depend on insulin etc, regarding the authenticity of the medication avoid bye those online just ask your doctor and your chemist and follow your doctors advise avoid any alcohol when you are using this medications, sometimes take time for the body to absorb the medication as it goes via the digestive procedure, but always ask your family doctor for advice and take or use from a reputable company. Take good care of yourself.

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Re: Uman Don (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Your right m8, the BEST QUALITY VALIUM TABLETS ARE THE "WHITE 10MG ABBOTT" ones that come in blistered strips of 10. They're made by ABBOTT under licence of HOFFMAM LE ROCHE BASIL SWITZERLAND. They are of a very good standard if not been faked!!!

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I've been taking diazepam since I was 16, and I'm 42 now. Like nearly every one I've read about on this website I was prescribed them. As soon as the doctors thought I was using too many, they canceled my prescription and referred me to a drug councilor. Like this was going to help me. Recently I've been getting the CRESCENT 10MG DIAZEPAM, but they're so tiny. Can anyone tell me if they've had them? And are they safe to take? Any advice will be appreciated.

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Re: Becky (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

I've also been given these tiny blue diazepam, and there in a tub of 100. The makers are "CRESCENT"
Have you received these in the same way as I have?

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Re: Duke (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I’m on diazepam since 1994., and obviously I have to take them every day, but other than that, I don’t feel some special emotions change, normality would be the word. Nothing bad happened and will not happen. My specialist told me better not to taper off as it’s quite dangerous and I would need to stop my whole life (work, relationships, kids, wife) for 6 months just to see if I function without them. Not worth it.

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Re: DONNA7175 (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

Where did you get the tub of crescent? They are not fake. I’d like to get some myself for a sick relative who has been cruelly reduced by the doctor despite have to go through chemotherapy.

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Re: DONNA7175 (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

They are safe I promise. Share the information where you got them from please
Many thanks

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Hi can anyone pls tell me I know the 3 named brands activis/teva/crescent for anxiety and sleep I’ve recently been given a small tub maker is crescent 10mg x 100 but they are tiny little blue pills the tub was sealed it says lot number 01/11/16 I just want to know if these are old school type ones or if they are fake or street ones flogged on as real any help be appreciated pls

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Re: Mr Diaz (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

Same ere in UK 1994 now docs kicks us of and let us fend for ourselves

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They are NOT fake. They are made by Crescent Pharma

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Re: Magenta (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

Just so I understand, are you saying that the entire word "Diazepam" is actually inscribed on your pills? Can you try sharing a photo through imgur or a comparable service and just post the link to it back here? How did they manage to fit the entire word on small pills like that? I've seen another thread on here about blue diazepam pills with the inscription "D 10" or "D10", but not the entire word on it.

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You are spot on. The drs wont prescribe the benzodiazepines bcs of the real abusers not the likes of me just trying to get a nights sleep. A recovering alcoholic of 25 yrs. given up smoking too. They want to zone me out with yet another anti depressant way I’m not having it. Ringing dr again on Tuesday. No mirtazipine for me they don’t agree with me. Dr has said benzodiazepines just like dummy, well I’m just going to say “you know what? I want my dummy 2 x5 diazepam per day“ so my anxiety levels don’t get to the point where I’ll be forced either to source them through other means or to drink alcohol after 25 yrs... it’s f***ing ridiculous. It’s making my life almost impossible to tolerate.

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I use the PDR. What you bought is fake.

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Does anyone else know if diazepam from crescent pharmaceuticals ltd code number A 278 is legitimate or fake?

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How do I get my prescription filled with the real 10 g diazapam? I get them anyway but there not enough i've been getting fake ones in blister packs what do u suggest?

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Hello I bought these too and are exactly as described but dont have much effect on muscle spasm

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Yes I got some of these creset 10mg with A278 on one side and a bent line on the other side, they melt in your mouth and taste sweet no nasty drug taste are these legit ? They seem to wack me to sleep but are they the real deal help please.

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Hi, did you get an answer to this question as I too have these and im not sure if they're genuine or not?

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Not true, crescent 10mg are not fake. Just need to taste one to prove it. In my life I got put on methadone, diazepam's 100mg daily and 2 nitrazepam. Just got off everything apart from the benzo problem I still have. I do believe that they are not making 10mg diazepam's anymore.

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