Bisoprolol Withdrawal Anxiety


I was on bisoprolol for 2 years, and weaned off (with my cardiologist's ok) due to side effects (lightheadedness and low level anxiety). It's been 9 weeks. The lightheadedness is much better. But the last 2 weeks, the anxiety has gone through the roof: nervousness, anxiousness, edginess! My PCP gave me 1 script of xanax to help me get through the bad days until the anxiety subsides (low dose, .25 mg). And up until now, I've only had to take it a few days a week, every few weeks. Out of the last 11 days, I had to take a xanax 9 out of them. Up until I started taking bisoprolol, I never suffered from any form of anxiety. Or ever needed to take any type of benzo, for any reason. I am feeling pissed off, defeated. If anyone went through this and is feeling better, I could really use some positivity, and success stories.

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