Bipolar Disorder Medicine And Fat Loss Steroids Combined


I am suffering from Bi-Polar Disorder and my Psychiatrist has given me following medicines.
1. Desval ER 250
2. Tetrafol
3. Pentamed 40
4. Soltus OD 100
5. Pacitane

I am planning to take Steroids (Clenbuterol 40 and T3) to lose weights along with the medicines prescribed to me above.

What precaution should I take while taking these medicines and Steroids.

Gender: Male
Age: 36
Height: 5 feet 8 inches.
Weight: 90kgs.

2 Replies

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No, the steroids will not help with weight loss, they actually cause weight gain and mostly through fluid retention, which can be quite dangerous.

If you want to lose weight, you need to discuss it with your doctor to find the best way for you to do so naturally and safely.

What types of foods do you eat?

How much exercise do you get?

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no clen an t3 are used by bodybuilders to reduce body fat to a very low level to show off there muscle vascularity. water retention is the last thing they want ?

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