Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 77) (Top voted first)


Is narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?

Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?

Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?

Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.

Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.

The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.

While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.

In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.

What will you do?

Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.

1547 Replies (78 Pages)

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Re: Roro (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

So, I work the pharma industry... your interpretation of the genetic vs. name brand is way off. I am a chemist, I work for one of the biggest pharma out there. I work in what’s called “dissolution” testing. The FDA requires all drugs, be it “name brand” or “generic” to release at least 85% of API (primary ingredient “ regardless manufacturer. I have to admit these drugs have different “excipients” - “additives” that may have an effect on the drugs effectiveness. But to state that “generic” drugs are different is a farce. There’s variability even within “name” brands....

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My wife was on high dose of morphine and OxyContin before the war on opioids kicked into high gear.It became more and more difficult to get her pain meds due to a botched operation.She took her frustration out on cutting down her does on herself for 9 months.She got herself down to 1/2 dose and could not go any further.I took her into an inpatient clinic in a wheel chair because she could no longer walk.3 days later she texted me to come and get her out.To my surprise she walked out under her own power.I was amazed but the best part she has not taking morphine or OxyContin and even going from a wheel chair and walker to a bicycle.Ive been trying for 6 months to get someone to listen to my and my wife’s storey.This is not a cure but she only gets two treatments with very little pain a year and she is closing in on one year with no pain drugs.Ive written everyone from pain clinics,National institute of health to President Trump.I could use some direction from this group to get this message to the right person,my name is Den and Please help me help you

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Hi, My pharmacist calls my Dr about once every 2 weeks, to bother him about something so it must be her. It is a rite aid, only 1 pharmacist there is rude to me, the other gal is real nice to me and I don't think she would bother me. On the other hand, my state has legal marijuana now. I tried a pill tonight, It was stronger to help my pain than 30 mg oxycodone med.

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Re: C (# 637) Expand Referenced Message

You have tried to politicize this thread at every opportunity. On top of being a Democrat you are a liar. Now go away with your political opinions. NOTHING has changed you liar. Except the obamler care mandate no longer forces all of us to subsidize everyone else. You simply cannot understand normal thinking.

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madashell (# 735) --

You have posted YOUR OPINION and not LAW. If you don’t like the laws as written then elect politicians that will make laws that you like and change the ones you don’t. Right now, remember the words of obamler after he was coronated. “Elections have consequences and we won”.

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Re: madashell (# 740) Expand Referenced Message

Ok, here goes. YOU posted a long list of OPINIONS that are NOT supported by FACTS. I guess it is time to dissect your nonsense: (1). YES marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule 1 drug. THAT IS THE LAW AND HOW IT IS WRITTEN. You may not like it but you are free to not like a LAW but that doesn't change the LAW. Legislators are empowered to write OR change laws. If you don't like them then vote in politicians that will change the LAWS or rules to your liking. BTW, these LAWS were written way before any Republican administration came along. They were written and they can be changed. Until then they are what they are whether you agree with them or not. There is not ONE SCINTILLA of CREDIBLE evidence that marijuana helps or corrects any of the maladies you state. Just because someone SAYS IT does not make it FACTS. Don't quote me any so called "studies" that YOU claim support your OPINION. Every so called report was written by or for marijuana advocates. They start with a position and then they write a finding that allegedly "supports" the position that they started out with. You state that the DEA and Conservative lawmakers "have tried to block legislation to pass medical marijuana laws". IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT CHANGE THE LAW. VOTE IN DIFFERENT POLITICIANS. IF NOT THEN YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT.

Personally, I am glad that the laws promoting marijuana are being opposed. However, if they are changed then I will accept it. YOU are LYING when you say that "IN STATES WHERE MEDICAL MARIJUANA IS LEGAL THE DEA ALONG WITH YOUR CITY AND COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS CONTINUE TO RAID MARIJUANA BUSINESSES AND ARREST "PATIENTS" AND LEGAL MARIJUANA GROWERS". If these people are involved in LEGAL activities they will not be arrested. BIG NEWS FLASH!! If you possess any drugs that are illegal in your State or jurisdiction and you are caught with them you WILL be arrested. THAT IS THE LAW. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT CHANGE THE LAW. Yes, marijuana is still considered ILLEGAL according to Federal Law even in States where it has been voted in. WHY? There is a thing in the CONSTITUTION called the Supremacy Clause which is supposed to stop any State from passing a law that goes against a Federal Law. King obamler told people in the Federal law enforcement agencies to NOT prosecute these people. I was hoping that President Trump would over turn this illegal act by obamler but, so far, he has not. He is allowing cases to go through the Court systems. President Trump could close all of the retail and medical marijuana sites down by his say so but he has not done it.

Let's see what the Courts have to say. REASONABLE people will abide by the law or elect politicians that will support their position. Until the ruling is handed down then it is what it is. If you don't agree with it TOUGH! (2) Drug testing by employers. AGAIN, this is something you don't like and agree with. Employers tell their potential employees that drug testing will be done before and during their employment. If you don't like it then don't apply there. EVERY TIME an employee has a workmen's compensation claim for an accident the medical Office that you are referred to does a drug test first thing. You don't like it? Then quit and find another job.I have told any potential employer about what I am PRESCRIBED to take. I have never been discriminated against EVER. AFTER revealing my PRESCRIBED drugs I was still hired. There may be certain jobs where an employer does not want any drug use legal or otherwise going on. A truck driving job would be a good example. I do NOT want anyone driving high on ANY SUBSTANCE while operating my equipment. I worked for an employer that had a zero tolerance on illegal drugs. They could test you unannounced for any reason. They told you this in advance. AGAIN, if you disagree with their policies then either don't accept the job in the first place or quit and go someplace else.

In one City they refuse to hire anyone that smokes CIGARETTES AT ANY TIME ON OR OFF THE JOB. You are told this and if you do not want the job then go someplace else. Btw, don't post back that this illegal because it has been tested in Court and upheld as LEGAL. There are jobs available that has less restrictive drug policies. Go find one of those and quit whining and complaining about an employers LEGAL position. (3) You answered your own whine by saying that the law you are complaining about was UPHELD by the United States Supreme Court. THAT IS THE LAW OF THE LAND. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN ELECT PEOPLE THAT WILL ENACT LAWS THAT YOU LIKE. (You skip from #3 to #5). (5) Unemployment is NOT denied because you are "suspected" of drug use. YOU are LYING here. You have to be tested and PROVEN that there are drugs in your system. Also, if you are receiving public assistance then you should have no problem with drug testing. You are NOT going to take my money and spend it on marijuana, methamphetamine, and the like. I say GOOD. Test these drug addicts and get them off of the welfare rolls if they are spending "free" money on illicit activities. If you receive welfare you do not have any RIGHT to spend this welfare/food stamps on ILLEGAL DRUGS. What kind of idiot would say THAT is okay? The LAWS and RULES were made and they can be changed. There is no CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to welfare as you assert. (6). Cold medicines have been proven to be key ingredients of methamphetamine production that is why they have been restricted. THAT is the LAW/RULE. If you don't like it then get the LAW/RULE changed.

(7) A DEA registration number is required to write prescriptions for prescribed medication. IF a Doctor is over-prescribing a medication then they should be visited. (8) Doctors are controlled by law about how many and how much they can prescribe at one time of medications. AGAIN, IT IS THE LAW. DON'T WHINE ABOUT IT, WORK TO CHANGE IT. (9) Fedex and UPS is used by criminals to ship illegal and legal drugs. If you are shipping an illegal substance and you get caught then GREAT. ONLY criminals and their supporters would whine about HOW a criminal or illegal activity is discovered. If you are committing illegal acts and get caught then GOOD. Seized properties are AGAIN written into law. If you don't like it, TOUGH. If curtailing "the liberty and privacy of the American people" is used to catch and prosecute criminals then again I say GOOD!

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To gain FDA approval, a generic medicine must:

- Contain the same active ingredient as the originator medicine (inactive ingredients may vary)

- be identical in strength, dosage form, and route of administration

- have the same use indications

- be bioequivalent

- meet the same batch requirements for identity, strength, purity, and quality

- be manufactured under the same strict standards of FDA's good manufacturing practice regulations required for originator products [10].

Bioequivalence is demonstrated when the rate and extent of absorption do not show a significant difference from the originator drug, or where the extent of absorption does not show a significant difference and any difference in rate is intentional or not medically significant [4]. The FDA’s formal definition of bioequivalence is: the absence of a significant difference in the rate and extent to which the active ingredient or active moiety in pharmaceutical equivalents or pharmaceutical alternatives becomes available at the site of drug action when administered at the same molar dose under similar conditions in an appropriately designed study[11]. Therefore, bioequivalent drugs are pharmaceutical equivalents whose rate and extent of absorption are not statistically different when administrated to patients or subjects at the same molar dose under similar experimental conditions [12].

Currently, bioequivalence limits in use by the FDA when assessing a new generic medicine are that the generic medicine demonstrates 80-125% of the bioavailability of the originator drug [12]. In the US, the limit of 80-125% is unchanged for Narrow Therapeutic Range [NTR] drugs [12]. In other countries this is not the always case. In Australia, for example, there are no generic versions of digoxin or phenytoin [both having narrow therapeutic index and bioavailability problems] and, additionally, there are two brands of warfarin on the Australian market which are not considered interchangeable with each other – as no formal bioequivalence comparison of them has been made [2]. However, where branded warfarin was compared to bioequivalent generic formulations, similar outcomes for patients were observed, indicating that brand name warfarin was not superior to a generic alternative in a clinical setting [13].

The bioequivalence limits may suggest that a variance of 25% between an originator brand and a generic product is possible. However, this may not actually be the case. A study was performed which investigated 12 years of bioequivalence data submitted to the FDA, comparing the generic and originator measures from 2070 single-dose clinical bioequivalence studies of orally administered generic medicine products approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from 1996 to 2007. This study showed that the average difference in absorption into the body between the generic and the originator was 3.5% and is comparable to differences between two different batches of an originator drug [14]. However, it should be noted that variations between batches of originator drugs may themselves threaten patient safety. In 2012, Patel et al. reported that (in 2010) patients prescribed Lamotrigine (LTG, an anti-epileptic medication) experienced unexplained toxicity [15]. When investigated, the manufacturer (GlaxoSmithKline) accepted responsibility for an altered formulation due to changes made to the manufacturing.


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Re: W john (# 788) Expand Referenced Message

Look it up....a last minute Replublican voted for it and changed parties last min he was from Pennsylvania.... Google it oh bright one.. Arlen Spector was his name. Plus many of the GOP added about 250 amedments to the bill. It wasn't perfect but shouldn't have had to tax amendment put in there.. I would love to know who did that one... I thought you were smart and knew all of this stuff John..hmmm

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w john (# 795) --

This whole post of yours shows how childish you are but more importantly how Rascist you are deep down inside... Get some professional help ok..

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Re: C (# 1467) Expand Referenced Message
And of course there was dead silence from you when I asked for facts.

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Re: C (# 1467) Expand Referenced Message

...and you cannot even SPELL Libertarian!!!

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Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 1484) Expand Referenced Message

They stuck their noses in because kids have died... Lots of them... Laced heroin... then the cheap pill mills opened in FLA... easy money. Easy high. It's really sad that the medical field didn't see this coming...and have some sense when these makers of oxy we're being pushed. I was asked if I wanted to try it and said heck no! I knew what it did...

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Ktb (# 407) --

What upsets me is drugs are pouring across our border and made in methamphetamine labs across America. A junky sticks some bad drugs into his/her veins and the government lumps everyone on pain meds and illegal drugs all into the same box. I'm telling people there is a way to get out of pain and off drugs that is safe and not expensive. My wife cut our pain meds and met an alternative pain doc that gave her a treatment he learned in Germany.

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David the keys is for everyone in this group to help me get the word out that we have an alternative pain doc that got my wife from a wheelchair and a walker to stoping pain killers and is now riding s bike cooking cleaning and being the wife I always wanted.Im in this group to help others not myself.

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Enough with the politics!!! Don't we all have Enough on our plates with our health problems in common??? We're supposed to be getting them to stick up for us!!! Not stick it to each other in regard to them. So Enough Already!!!

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C (# 667) --

I think it's a great idea for your doctor to do this because you need to get off of this stuff anyways. Go off extremely slow. Of course with your doctors help always. And then go completely off you will feel way better trust me. Life is way better without the medication. It will take a while but in the end you will thank your doctor.

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w john (# 796) --

Yes.. that was the house vote...but in the senate you only need 60.. and Spector is a Senator... Not in the house of Congress. Get YOUR facts straight...

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HOUSE (# 797) --

Pay no attention to the man behind the

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w john (# 798) --

Pay no attention to the man behind the arlen Spector was not a house member of Congress..

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w john (# 795) --

Your wrong .... Arlan Spector was a Senator ..NOT a Congressman..... Is tgat have to do I call names and act like a 7 the grader ? Act your age.

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