Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 76) (Top voted first)


Is narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?

Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?

Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?

Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.

Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.

The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.

While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.

In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.

What will you do?

Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.

1547 Replies (78 Pages)

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C (# 799) --

ONCE AGAIN, spector was a democrat BEFORE the bill was even introduced. AND ONCE AGAIN, if you do your research you will see that obamler care got NO REPUBLICAN VOTES in EITHER the HOUSE or the SENATE. That means NO VOTES. NONE. NADA. NOT in any chamber of the Senate or House. The House voted 219 to 212 with NO REPUBLICAN VOTES and 12 dems voted against the bill. In the Senate the bill was passed with ALL dems support and NO REPLICANS voted for this dying monstrosity. Regardless of your nonsensical posts to the contrary you cannot change the FACTS or history. I know you dems are so used to parroting what you HEAR from other dems and that is the problem. If you would only do your homework you could learn something. As the saying goes "there is no person so blind as he who will not see".

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Roro (# 807) --

I do not have much to disagree with in your statement. However, this SCOTUS is not supposed to be there to do the bidding of one ideology or the other. They are there to read the law AS WRITTEN. They are NOT the legislature and are not supposed to make law. This is one of my problems with the dems. They said that want appointees to the SCOTUS to “be on their side”. That is NOT SCOTUS job. They interpret law AS WRITTEN. I am afraid that we will never get rid of both parties. It has been spoken of many times but people keep putting their favorites in Office. I don’t particularly like having to vote for the “lesser of two evils” but I will if that is the only palatable choice I have. There is one main difference between me and the totally unhinged. I will accept the results. If my vote is for the loser of the election then so be it. I lost. I will not throw a hissy fit and try to blame my loss on anything and everything. I have voted for the winners of the election and I have voted for the loser of the election but either way I accept the results. This is why I say if you do not like a policy or the policy makers then vote them out. It is our only recourse. B****ing will not help. Crying, moaning, and complaining will not reverse things. If you do not like the way things are then vote. And after you vote then you have had your say. It is highly unlikely that anyone will be able to pull off a coup where if you don’t like what has happened you arm yourselves and rise up. As of this writing the ballot box is where we have our only sane say.

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Re: W john (# 824) Expand Referenced Message

You are such a liar.. they won't even let anyone post such a thing .. I called you out on your caps and you said you don't post multiple words in caps... I pointed I out that you did.. that c word ? Its nasty ans how dare you even turn this around and say I said that... Prove it.. what post # was it ? You can't tell me becUse i didnt say it... I also didn't say anything about the president.. i onky calles put that you call names like demarat and oblama we instead of Democrat and Obama. Thata all you were acting like a 7 th grader. That woman said that all caos bothers her eyes and asked you to stop it all..your a bully

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Claude (# 842) --

So you suggest not voting at all? EVERY POLITICIAN is against the “opioids” in BOTH major parties. Btw, this thread was on one subject until this c character was asked on numerous occasions to refrain from political statements and he insisted on calling out the President and other Conservatives. If you do not like the tone of this thread then get c to shut up because no one will reply to a comment that is not there. I will not tolerate his further nonsense because you can only attack so much before you will get smacked down.

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Claude (# 847) --

Excuse me. I was so caught up in reading your rant. Because neither party has a candidate that supports chronic pain patients at this juncture then if your advice was followed who would get your vote if NO ONE supports the one issue you have dialed in on? Occasionally, one must look past ONE issue and look at what is best for the Country. Maybe, someone will hopefully reel in the agencies that are responsible but regardless of who that is I would not hold my breath.

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I need a remedy. I’m miserable every day without being able to perform my day to day operations due to being in excruciating pain and have to take frequent breaks.

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Re: Roro (# 1321) Expand Referenced Message

I totally understand what you're saying. A lot of people they really did get trapped in the dark hole of being in pain and abusing their medications. An addiction is a brain disease. You need to look that up that is sad as well. This whole mess is sad. Wishing you the best of health. Have a great day.

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I come to this site to see what is being said about pain medicine. The posts are all very outdated, 2017. Why is that? I have a wonderful orthopedic physician who treats my 2 knees with cortisone injections plus an rx for Tylenol 3 (which I keep for use if I'm in between injections). Do not overuse. It sure helps with pain but I hate the side effects for me: (ie) constipation. EE Gads! The good the bad and ugly of rx medicines, IMHO.

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C (# 1434) --

May I ask a question? I thought that fentanyl duragesic patches came only in certain strengths: 100 mcg, 75, 50, 25, and 12 mcg. How are you using 6.2 to 7.5? Are you cutting the 12 mcg duragesic patch? Your answer would be appreciated as I am not sure what the plan is when I get to 12 mcg. I know the hope is to get off completely but not sure that will work. Also the drop from 12 mcg to 0 would be difficult and bring on withdrawal symptoms. Best of luck to you.

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C (# 1434) --

Hello, I'm wondering the same thing??

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Re: w john (# 1469) Expand Referenced Message

The president said on TV when he was questioned about the Opiod war and what he was going to do about it.
His response was my daughter Ivanka is going to lead a task force to help.
I heard him say it and don't have any reason to lie.
Stop chopping down like he's the best because he's not ..
She is on his cabinet in the white house so why not ?
This ia the same thing when bill Clinton was president and his wife headed up healthcare....SAME THING ....she didn't know anything about it as with Ivanka...
Go loosen your skirt pal..
You made this post more political then anyone...callinf people demorats and misspelling Obamas name like. 5 the grade school girl

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Re: w john (# 1468) Expand Referenced Message

Was driving to work..not parked on you i guess.. take your anger elsewhere

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Re: John K. (# 1478) Expand Referenced Message

I did some searching on Google and it would seem that the department of Justice is someone who can oversee the DEA. Other than that they're right up there with the FBI, department of Homeland security and all the rest. Scary stuff.

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Re: C (# 1456) Expand Referenced Message

Bull S**T! This is NOT Trump's fault! Puleeeeeze! The DEA became involved with pain patients and doctors under Obozo's time and the pill mills and all that started under doofus Bush's time! All these Trump haters will "reach" at any dang little thing to put him down. The truth IS, Trump has done MORE for this country than any other president in the past 50 years!

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Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 1484) Expand Referenced Message

Don't make this about Obama. Using slang terms makes your reply not credible. Go hate on another forum. I'm out of here.

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Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 1484) Expand Referenced Message

I am not going into the administration at the time but I can say with 100% certainty the first revised guidelines for prescription medications was drafted in 2016. That was the first time my doctor tried to switch me from my medication of more than 10 years to Opana ER, with devastating results. I was able to appeal and was put back on my medication. Now I am forced to titer down and now that I am down to 1/3 of my original amount knowing I will soon be completely off with no treatment plan going forward.

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Cliff J (# 1486) --

Hey Cliff, I was having to go every 3 months but since this hysteria B.S. they're now making me go every 2 mos! I told them it was hard it enough for me to get there every 3 mos. as it absolutely kills my back to drive for that amount of time. You know what they told me? The N.P. say's, "Oh, well we have people that come from out of state so they make it here!" It's probably people who have moved and know they'll never find another doctor to prescribe, it's that bad. It's just a freaking money grab for the doctor using this hysteria crap as an excuse to get more money. Yeah, I know the Watson brand has been gone for some time, the only quality hydrocodone there ever was. I think my doctor must be getting more lax because usually the office is almost empty (the waiting room) and this last time it was full and there were 2 new patients filling out forms, very young healthy looking people but I know you can't tell what's going on with someone by looking at them, so. I know I have to be immune to my dose, it's been the same for 8 years! I know someone who said their doctor would ask if they wanted to try another pill per dose whenever she went and this particular person loves their pain meds, abuses the crap out of them! Anyway they used to live on social media and they have been mysteriously absent for the last few months which tells me they had to have gotten cut down! They were always putting on a fake front of being all happy and friendly when in truth they were actually abusing their meds and high! This person is every bit of an abuser of their meds, they caused so many problems within their family, started trouble with people all the time, nodding out all the time and even burning huge holes in their furniture! This person's doctor was definitely over prescribing and had been for many, many years. The last time I talked to them (I don't associate w/ them anymore) they said the pharmacist was refusing to fill their scripts! Too many and too strong and no, they don't have cancer or any painful disease. This person is part of the problem, when the DEA looks at the network they see how much someone is getting and I'm sure it raised some red flags. They've been on these medications for over 30 years! Must have been one huge rude awakening when their supply got cut down or cut off! Like, welcome to reality!

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Rootsgal (# 1488) --

I hope the program in CT is better than the medical marijuana program in NY. We have very limited choices and there is no testing to guarantee each “batch” is created equal. You can vape, get oral solution, or capsules in about 4 different ratios of CBD to THC.
After one month I developed CHS ( cannabinoid hyperemesis Syndrome) and had to stop using the oral solution.

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Re: C (# 1499) Expand Referenced Message

What we have here is the public whining about pain medication use by their drug addicted kids who have stolen their medication from Pharmacies and from their own relatives. When they run out of pharmaceutical pain pills they purchase street heroin and bath tub street fentanyl. This is THE PUBLIC bringing this issue up constantly and they are not separating the thieves and street drug abusers from honest chronic pain patients. Unlike obamler who appointed czars with no experience to frame policy Kelly Anne Conway is only heading up a small fact finding committee. You have made an issue out of YOU being a Libertarian, you interject politics into your post at every opportunity. You would have a point if Kelly Anne Conway was appointed as a Chief Medical Officer but she has not. STOP getting on your soapbox and act like a mature person. Even if someone posts something that you disagree with unless you can frame an opposing point then let it go. I have asked you, along with others, to stop posting political positions on a medical thread. We get it you do not like President Trump. I do not like ANY demonRATS and especially obamler who did NOTHING in eight years. From this point forward you will need to argue with yourself as far as I am concerned. I am done. Maybe if the socialists take power they will do something that you will like. Until then we have what we have. Deal with it.

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Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 1498) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Ty! Although bittersweet you make me actually feel better knowing you are experiencing same effects from MALLINCKRODT generic brand as I’ve thought I was going nuts! Seems all manufacturer’s same...obviously the formulation of the actual pain meds indeed have been drastically changed to give ZERO positive results therefore detouring misuse. But in doing so they have hurt all legit Chronic Pain Patients. Not only have we been dose cut, what we may receive is useless. Pls write your story to the National Pain Report via NIH. Our voices must be heard.

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