Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 2)
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Is narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?
Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?
Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?
Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.
Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.
The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.
While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.
In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.
What will you do?
Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.
Re: Beth (# 1526)
Thankyou for sharing this ! I really thought I was losing my mind! They ARE killing us with generics for sure.
I had my 1st bleeding ulcer at age 16 and when I turned 18, I drove 90 miles to a Gastroenterologist and have lived with my gut hurting all my life and I’m 65. Therefore I CANNOT TAKE IBUPROFEN AND A LOT OF OTHER MEDS!! I keep encouraging people to call med watch about the opioids that aren’t working, the FDA will eventually call you about the drug . I can’t take a lot of medication because of my stomach!! And I keep saying that Generic drugs ARE NOT THE SAME AS BRAND! I’m reacting to a lot of generics, and generics are causing me to have seizures!!! I can’t ever drive again! I DO NOT CARE IF THE FDA SAYS THEYRE THE Equivalent To THE BRAND, they are NOT ! The only reason WE THE PEOPLE HAVE OPIOID CRISIS IS THE GOVERNMENT CREATED IT! People keep trying to be pain free and are desperate to find meds that work so we take extra . It’s not a True Opioid crisis!! A woman took her medication to independent lab, it was broke down to identify the ingredients and it had saw dust in it and NO OPIOID IN IT.!!!! I called local University to see if they will do the same for me and they said YES!! Last year Johnson and Johnson was fine and I think five times during the year I could be wrong on that but it was a lot. Close to the end of the year probably 3/4 of the way through the year they paid something like $245 million in cash and then get this $23 billion worth of buprenorphine and naloxone. But the kicker Is, I ran it down to find out where those particular drugs????? And THOSE DRUGS WENT TO THE SEC!!! Securities Exchange Commission!!!! WHAT?? THE SEC WAS FORMED BY A KENNEDY, a President, dont remember the name and Rockefeller, these men set this SEC up to govern the stock exchange so what are they doing excepting Drugs?? I have searched for a year for answer to this and can’t even find a copy of that lawsuit!! I think someone removed it.
Re: MacTurk (# 1)
So true. They’d rather let u die. Your supposed to have no life. It’s absolutely bs!!!
Doctors and pharmacies, the CDC, FDA and DEA are cowards and criminals. Now that legitimate chronic pain patients can no longer get a prescription for life saving pain medication, many are dying, and many have committed suicide. Congratulations! The interesting turn of events is the Coronavirus during which doctors, the CDC, big pharma are overwhelmed and labeled "heroes". These "heroes" have failed to save the lives of 135,000 people in the USA. The pandemic is a crisis, they say. However, these "heroes" still consider opioids the main crisis, even though legitimate patients (cancer, post surgical, acute pain, chronic pain) are no longer receiving help with their pain needs. The important thing is that these cowards ("heroes") keep their licenses. But the "heroes" are exhausted. No adequate PPE, no vaccine, no treatment for Covid-19. The CDC got the Coronavirus wrong, the government doesn't care about it. If Covid-19 patients are in pain, do they receive opioids for relief? Are they looked upon as "drug addicts"?
Re: Bramho (# 1521)
Why do first responders carry NARCAN! Where are these street drug abusers getting their drugs? The price of this 'lifesaving' drug has skyrocketed, yet we have drug abusers out there who has had it used on them twice, three times, maybe more, because they don't stop.! Why is big Pharma even wasting the money making this drug, yet have stopped making legitimate pain meds that there are now shortages of during this PANDEMIC! Fentynyl injectable is used to keep a patient calm and out of pain and keep them from pulling their lifesaving incubation tubes out.. But hospitals are now facing shortages of these drugs because they just aren't being manufactured...
Go figure...
Almost makes me want to go to the streets to get the pain meds I need!
Re: Bramho (# 1521)
Exactly. It’s heartbreaking the lack of compassion to those suffering. So many would & would have benefitted w/opiod rotation...the process of switching from one opiod to another to adjust/provide adequate pain control for all suffering.
Thank you kids experimenting and mixing is what happened! Docs are spoon fed what they know is BS from FDA and CDC. If a legit user needed more they could do opioid rotation, but inadequate treatment turned them to harder or illicit drugs out of desperation hence the ODs and suicides and good people were made criminals and pariahs! They lost everything due to lack of pain control. Then there’s big Pharma. If an older drug works great and the patent runs out, there goes their profits! Insurance jumped on the bandwagon as one more to limit paying the bill! They should all rot in hell
Re: Roro (# 1518)
I couldn’t have said it better Roro! Excellent synopsis of FACTS! Thanks for reading between the line’s & speaking up on the behalf of CHRONIC PAIN PATIENT’s (CPP’s) suffering everywhere! It’s people like you who care enough to assure us we are not losing our minds, being mislead by deliberate false detouring of so-called “facts” all based on their falsely pre-scripted narrative’s” denying the truth being BIG PHARMA, FDA, DEA, et al behind our back’s have altered & reformulated all narcotic pain medicines to purposely make them in effective at the expense of the well being & lives of LEGITIMATE CHRONIC PAIN PATIENT’s!
This is another avenue for BIG PHARMA to create new drug’s for investor’s to make more big buck’s$$! Follow the money!
Great Poste,so true .it's bad enough having medical problem being in pain , without being judged by a dr who has probley just got out of med school ,read all the books and then play god and tell you what to do about your pain ,even though your old enough to be their granparent ,why should anyone have to put up with pain when there's meds that will help !!who gives anybody the right to think for us ,IV had ibaproven (sorry bout spelling )found it a waist of time ,just because a few rock stars abused meds doesn't mean we all have to suffer ,what gives anybody the right to refuse help with pain meds ,I know for a fact that there is high number of medical professionals with addiction problems ,thanks.
Re: Carol (# 1515)
So let me see if I understand your post .... you can reduce the efective ingredient 15% which equals the 85% you said .... and they can change the (so called) inhert ingredients that may or may not reduce the effect that the reduced by 15% ingredient thus not helping with the pain as it should be ..... that is pretty much the body of your post is it not ...... yet you call my post a farce ...... WHO DO YOU THINK YOU A FOOLING ..... NOT ME ..... YOU PROVED MY POST ...... THANK YOU ...... anyone with chronic pain for over 2 years knows that my post is correct ... they may not know why its correct but they know it is ....... so ur a drug company chemist what else would you try to say your post proves your calling my post a farce is a farce of its own
Re: Carol (# 1515)
If it had an effect on the drug's effectiveness because there is a new additive put into it, then it is effectively a 'different' medication... something is added to make it a different formula, so how can you call that difference a 'FARCE'??!
Re: Carol (# 1515)
Thankyou for your info. Question is, a large percentage of CPP’s are sharing the same concern’s of original formulation effectiveness & similar unwanted side effects.
How can all of us long-term legitimate Chronic Pain Patients in basically the same timeframe...boom; like “overnight” ...suddenly get stopped in our tracks physically & mentally with ill side effects knowing the tolerance factor does not apply.
The formulation structure has been altered; removing &/or adding something more or less. Obviously you’re admirably well-educated with this knowledge; ie; Percocet, et al Pain meds. Please educate us with the fact’s so least we can comprehend it all with reason.
Re: Roro (# 4)
So, I work the pharma industry... your interpretation of the genetic vs. name brand is way off. I am a chemist, I work for one of the biggest pharma out there. I work in what’s called “dissolution” testing. The FDA requires all drugs, be it “name brand” or “generic” to release at least 85% of API (primary ingredient “ regardless manufacturer. I have to admit these drugs have different “excipients” - “additives” that may have an effect on the drugs effectiveness. But to state that “generic” drugs are different is a farce. There’s variability even within “name” brands....
Have given up hope that I will ever be able to live a normal, pain-free life again. At only 62, and had been on Lorcet for a blanket of pain issues with Soma for acute chronic insomnia, one at bedtime. Lorcet three times a day for two decades... worked the first 10 years longer than I would have without it. I was one who was not even tapered... just cut off and left to my own misery in opioid withdrawals, along with no help for pain and not able to sleep for 6 months or longer.
What happened to the Hippocratic Oath? Just a bunch of words now, doesn't mean a thing to these doctors who 'seem' to be running scared about writing what their patients of years need to alleviate our pain effectively. I am losing my hair and the ability to live my life as a caregiver to my mother who is in end stage dementia.
Thanks to the overblown out of proportion 'War on Opioids', that NEVER should have carried over to private practice doctors and their patients who were all doing just fine, no overdosing, responsible pain patients who took their medication as prescribed. It was Pain Management Clinics that misused their practices who caused this 'war', yet now I can't have my proper medication unless I now go to a Pain Management Clinic.
What's wrong with this hypocrisy... it doesn't make sense to me.
Now if you will excuse me, I have had a MIGRAINE HEADACHE going on 3 days with nothing but Tylenol 3 to treat the pain. Used to get 10 Percocet for the breakthrough pain from Migraines... my kingdom for my pain meds!!!
Re: Lou (# 1508)
Exactly ! !
Thanks for backing up my post .
5 ? votes as well !
Re: w john (# 1506)
He appointed at first someone who sells and makes clothes and jewelery... The whole committee isn't for pain people...
My whine.. heck with you. I'm entitled to my opinion and your a bully. People have died because they were taken off their meds.. They also does in Ukraine because money for investigations ... This President could do more if he wanted to and he chose not to so he can set up his family for life.... And by the way... I voted Johnson a true conservative... not a National claiming to be a Republican
Re: Grace (# 1510)
Many posters have spoken or posted about suing people or organizations that are responsible for violating laws or their rights but no one, so far, has been willing to put in the work to find an Attorney that will represent them. Of course, one could be hired but few, if any, people have the funds to fight these large oversight groups. Many will not even try to find an Attorney to represent them pro se because the issue is a public relations hot button and most Attorneys would never touch this issue with a ten foot pole. It is just like many post about testing their medication to be sure it is the correct amount but when they are confronted with actually having to donate pills to be tested and the cost they just figure it is not worth it. It has to be prescribed pills from a Pharmacy. Any medication coming from a manufacturer will not be trusted.
Recently my pain provider reduced my paltry oxycodone 15 mg 4 per day to 10 mg. The 15's gave me some relief the 10's might as well be aspirin. As a 20 + year chronic pain patient I have been humiliated, mistrusted and treated like a criminal because I take opiates. I have also been treated with respect and understanding by legitimate providers who stopped practicing pain management due to restrictions and surveillance by the DEA. The government needs to get out of telling doctors what they can do. In my opinion they are violating Hippa laws everytime they receive information about my prescriptions and should be sued for these intrusions. I am tired of hurting when drugs exist that would greatly improve the quality of my life.
When are we getting past this subject. Someone please start a new one under a new topic of pharma's stronghold.
Re: C (# 1504)
Totally agree, similar here in Australia. They have done surveys when opiates were available back in the 60s 70s vietnam war days. The crime rate hardly existed, but since their war on drugs, there have been more overdoses, murders, robberies, etc. Kids are destroying their brains, lives, families, etc. Things like ice & MDMA were never around. Seems to me your so called leaders don't realise the damage they are doing in so many ways. Got to be a change before it's too late.
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