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These pharmaceutical companies have to be held accountable. Not only do I believe they are trying to help you only just a smidget, I believe they are more about making medicine to hook you and make it very difficult to get off of them! I started Lexapro 20 mg in 2010 for anxiety. After reading the many reviews, I am convinced all my troubles that have developed since, are Lexapro related, NO DOUBT! I am weening off as I speak, I am down to 10 mg. and can already feel a difference. I'm not going to write a story, but here goes the symptoms I had. Body and head 'zaps' mostly at night. EXTREME sweating. Cottonmouth and feeling thirsty 24/7 and never being able to quench it. My eyeballs dried up and I would sometimes wake up with my eyes crusted shut, eye doctor told me he never saw eyes as dry as mine. Cramps everywhere, feet, back, legs (calves). Stiff neck, shoulder, back and chest muscles. Walked around all day with shoulders hunched couldn't stop it. Lost my gait and balance, spent my day concentrating on walking a straight line felt like I was drunk all the time. One side of my face sunk in further than the other side. Ears ringing. Joints ached especially the shoulders. Lost my brain, spent 3 years going to specialty doctors because I couldn't talk right, couldn't think right, just was out in space thought I might of had Alzheimers.....ANYONE ELSE RELATE????

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According to the US National Institute of Health, the following side effects are associated with Lexapro:

feeling prickling, "pins and needles", or tingling
dry mouth
increased thirst
tightness of the chest
muscle pain or cramps
joint pain
loss of libido
symptoms of ED


Based on the previous comments, I'd say Lexapro is definitely a prime suspect. Hopefully any other patients who may also be taking this drug will have a more positive experience, but I think it always helpful to see that no one person is alone if things ever do go south when it comes down to side effects...

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I might also add, jaw clenching night and day.............and impotence

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