Best Generic Alprazolam (xanax) (Page 3)
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I have been getting the 2mg Greenstones the last few years and they work much better than the Actavis. Now i read that greenstones were changed back in early 2014. Is it people that take these to feel high or people who really need them for anxiety and nothing else? Regardless if they have been changed they're still much better Actavis and I have heard mixed results on Sandoz. Dava seems to be crap. Took it once (looks to be from Endo who bought out Qualitest). Any opinions on the current state of the generic xanax manufactures? And lastly, no insurance company will give me the name brand. It's generic or nothing.
Re: Goozer (# 27)
Who supplies greenstone limited brands alprazolam? What Pharmacy?
Re: golfguyjoe (# 26)
It's actually 27% filler garbage they are allowed, last I heard from several people in pharmacies in NYC.
Re: Goozer (# 27)
Can you tell me something? I get the greenstone 1mg xr and have for a year.. today they filled Aurobindo. Have you heard anything about those? Potency, bioavailability, half life?? Tia
Aurobindo I got on my last fill was taking brekenridge before that and brekenridge only made me want to sleep all the time but these aurobindo gave me almost old fashioned Xanax high! I've been taking Xanax 30 years never thought I'd feel that old familiar feeling again but aurobindo did it for me and that's. As I'm writing this I may never feel that again as you get used to a brand but just this one time was enough to make me know they are real Xanax even though generic they have enough Xanax in them to do what it takes
Re: Jackue Carpenter (# 18)
Buy empty gel caps from Amazon, put the tablet inside, and it slides right down.
For capsules, you may already know, put in the front of your mouth (they float to the back), take a good gulp of water, swallow.
This really helped me a lot.
Just do your research and get the smallest gel cap size which will fit your tablet
That's because Greenstone is owned by Pharmacia Upjohn, who makes the brand name Alprazolam, Xanax. They invented Alprazolam. So they have a stake in both markets, brand and generic.
Re: NHGuy (# 136)
I agree, I have found Sandoz to be significantly more efficacious than Actavis, Mylan or Teva.
Re: golfguyjoe (# 20)
My pharmacy just switched from Sandoz to Actavis and they're horrible. Never an issue with Sandoz. I'm not sure there's anywhere near 1mg of active ingredient in these Actavis. They're almost completely ineffective. Sigh..
Will / can Walgreens special order Greenstone?
Also, my insurance company will cover brand name Xanax for a minimal cost.
Is brand name really that better than the generics?
I've been on subutex and Xanax for 7 years now. I tried to kick the Xanax once and it was WAY worse than the 20+ times I kicked opiates cold turkey. I've never ever felt that weird, sick and like I was losing my mind! Very scary s***. Now I'm tapering down I was getting 60 2 mg a month now I'm getting 45 a month, and I'll keep going down slowly, I'll worry about the subutex after I'm done with the Xanax. I just wanted to say, I have always gotten the yellow bars from Walgreens for all these years and now this month they gave me white bars made by Greenstone. Does anybody know what's up with them? Thank you very much and bless us all.
Re: frenchy (# 2)
Greenstone is the closest generic you will find to beand Xanax. Pfizer (the owner & manufacturer) of beand Xanax owns Greenstone therefore they are made by the same manufacturer. I have had every generic known to man and Greenstone is the closest thing to to brand name. Breckenridge and then Sandoz would be my 2nd and 3rd choices.
Re: Goozer (# 27)
Hey i normally get the par pharma xanex as well...but recently when i tried special ordering them, the pharmacy said they dont make them u know anything about this? Thanks
Re: Goozer (# 32)
Greenstone has changed their formula. They used to be the closest to the brand you can get as with Sandoz. Greenstone does nothing now!! Aurobindo and Boca are terrible. Like taking Pez candies. Dava isn’t too bad. Qualitest was bought by Par Pharmaceuticals. Going to try these next. I have been taking Xanax for 40 years. The generics are so disappointing now. Don’t know which way to turn next. Unfortunately we are getting sedated instead of killing the anxiety.
Am considering to go to brand name. If you get the 2 mg bars they are the same price as getting four .50 mg. Price stays the same.
Re: Goozer (# 27)
I’m only two years late hopefully you’re still able to reply I was just reading this and I’m really hoping to get your take on “Mylan pharmaceuticals“ and would you also say that green stone pharmaceuticals to this day is still the best? And because it’s so difficult to even get these medications much less change the brand name what is your take on wall greens as far as Their ability to get the green stone Xanax?
I have been on alprazolam for about 25 years. I have Sjogrens Syndrome and stress can trigger flareups. I had a go-round with pharmacies over the past 12 months. CVS, Walgreens, and Publix all switched at once to DAVA. I had been on Greenstone for years. I thought it odd that all 3 major drugstores could only get DAVA. I took 1/2 of one 1 mg. It felt as if I swallowed drain cleaner. I'm the type who digs into something when it smells fishy. I was furious that all of a sudden all you could get was THAT pharmaceutical company. The FDA is on their 4th director since May. That's 4 directors in 7 months! When the first newly appt director resigned after only 3 weeks on the job, I got suspicious. Long story short, key meds like Voltaren Gel (approved by the FDA in 2007) were pulled off the market in May of this year. Sun Pharmaceuticals and Endo Pharmaceuticals "acquired" a bunch of smaller companies with bad track records. (Meantime the stock in certain companies appeared to have gone down on the stock market.) In July, less than 3 months later, the withdrawn approvals to the necessary meds were restored. Value of the stock went up. ~~ I'm not pointing a finger, I'm just saying it's awfully suspicious that the meds were investigated after being approved decades ago. Just long enough for the mergers, acquisitions etc to take place. Drive the stock down then drive the stock up. I have been the route with alprazolam, Voltaren Gel, and a "new and amazing" eye drop for dry eyes that I can't get despite a RX. The phone numbers on their expensive printed literature comes up as "robo" calls if you cross reference them. I am saying tread carefully with any meds. They may list a Pennsylvania or N.J. address but the meds are coming from countries that don't inspect at all—not that the FDA does much better. Just voice your opinions with the pharmacies. I literally waged a nag-campaign against DAVA and now ENDO and SUN. You can't count on the ingredients being what your dr prescribed—not any more.
Re: jetwyrm (# 10)
I only use Mylan brand manufacturer. All others caused weird side effects. not get prepack because it may come from a distributor for Mylan which is questionable.
Re: Dr3w (# 125)
Greenstones are imprinted g3722
Re: Dr3w (# 125)
Yes, greenstone is exactly the same as brand name down to the active and inactive ingredients and is made by Pfizer in same factories. Greenstone is brand name just phizers generic company for them to make more money so:
1.brand name - XANAX 2
2.Greenstone (completely same as brand except imprints)
3. New blue breckenridge pharma bars- b707
4. Activas- R039
5 dava (now par)- s 90 3
6. Sandoz- gg249
7. Boca circles 2mgs
Rest are just crap
Trying to find a good place to get a Xanax prescription, doctors today will not give them out anymore. They have so many bad reasons. But get this - my husband, who should not even be taking them, gets Xanax from his doctor all the time.
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