Best Generic Alprazolam (xanax) (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been getting the 2mg Greenstones the last few years and they work much better than the Actavis. Now i read that greenstones were changed back in early 2014. Is it people that take these to feel high or people who really need them for anxiety and nothing else? Regardless if they have been changed they're still much better Actavis and I have heard mixed results on Sandoz. Dava seems to be crap. Took it once (looks to be from Endo who bought out Qualitest). Any opinions on the current state of the generic xanax manufactures? And lastly, no insurance company will give me the name brand. It's generic or nothing.
Re: frenchy (# 4)
No.. Generics aren't the same.. You think anyone in health profession gets generic. NoTHEY DON'T.
Re: Jackue Carpenter (# 18)
Sorry I missed this. That would be a good idea, I think the Xanax XR may be coated.
Re: EDDY (# 22)
I take the XR and they "coated " but the Actavis and Aurobindo are so poorly manufactured that you can easily crush them to a powder. Brand will not do this as the coating is thicker. The idea of coating is to slowly dissolve so you get the XR. Problem is the crap generics give very poor release and last a few hours. The only advantage of these worthless generics is there is so little Alprazalom in them that cutting down dosage is easier...withdrawing from these will be easier than Klonopin but even the reduced generic Alprazalom is no fun to withdraw.. trust me on that. Do what you can to go with the least amount per mg per with your Doc. Good luck!
Re: Hamster (# 23)
Yes I've never had an XR but I'm pretty sure you would see the proper amount of the active ingredient in either pill, one just dissipates slower over time.
Re: frenchy (# 2)
Hi French, I can relate to what you are saying about generic xanax, I got mine refilled many years at CVS and this time they were sandoz. I take 1mg. This bottle in July smelled so bad I was afraid take them. I had the same one before and they never smelled like this so I was lucky I had some left over from last time. Here's my problem, I was going to call CVS to tell them but I have been calling there about my beta blocker ATENONOL which changed manufacturers to Teva. Well I never took anything but Mylan Atenonol since 1985 for BP palpitations - you can't miss a dose. Well theirs back ordered since July and still isn't resolved so I tried so hard get all the info on why & what's going on. I called mylan manufacturer and the lady said she doesn't know yet, which is scary because the 'beta blocker girl pharm tech' at CVS got smart with me and said well don't take any... how rude? I can't skip a day. I called all pharmacy's in my area and they all don't know what's going on with antenolol. So here's what I'm saying, because that girl was rude to me a few times at CVS. I was afraid to call back and tell them my sandoz xanax smelled really bad... no one seems to care... I suffer from severe anxiety and this is making it worse. We have a new pharmacist working at CVS... I never had a bottle of xanax smell like this, I'm so upset as this is the CVS closest to where I live. Now I don't want ask a question since they're so rude. So I can relate to how you feel. I was going ask for a manager but am sure she's rude also. Good luck to you.
Re: Joan (# 19)
Hi Joan! I'm not sure if there is One with less fillers but They do use Different fillers/binders. I'm just starting to research this. There is One thing everyone should know. According to the FDA a Generic medication does Not have to be the Same as the Brand Name. As a matter of fact the FDA gives Generic manufacurers a 20% leeway-meaning a one milligram tablet only has to have 80% of the Originals formula. So I'm guessing that Every generic is only 80% as strong as the Name Brand. THANKS FDA!!! This could be one reason that the Name Brand is Always better and Always more expensive. By the way , this rule applys to ALL generic medications- Not just Xanax/alprazolam. Good to know. Have a Great day!
Re: joanie (# 12)
Joanie, I am so sorry you are having a hard time finding the qualitest is quite simple..par pharma bought out qualitest this year of 2017. Find any mom and pop pharmacy and ask them to order in the Par Pharma manufacturer and you will get your qualitest pills like before. To anyone who wants anything qualitest it is now owned and going to need to be ordered by a willing pharmacy and under Par Pharma manufacturer and you will get those qualitest ones with the V. I am an alprazolam connoisseur..and have tried almost every brand out there except for some of these out of country ones. My 2 cents:
#1- Pfizer (Roche)-best for any benzo
#1.5- Hearsay I hear the Boca made alprazolam are just as good as the brand pfizer and / greenstone which has been changed back to it regular formula of 2014 this year in 2017
#2- Greenstone-perfect balance of smooth yet hard hitting and lasting long
#3- Actavis- hard hitting quick to end can cause more anxiety imo
#4- Dava - in same wholesale as greenstone but very different- very sluggish alprazolam feel..more of a sleeper than anything
#5- Sandoz - used to be the best a few years back..Novartis an India company now owns them and this formulation has changed sleepers as well and not nearly as great as old 2014 Sandoz formulation.- I stay away a waste of money imo
#6- Apotex- apo is ok..they are from Canada and are actually extended get a 2mg apotex bar and you are getting extended 2mg..just how apotex and Canada do it and make them..extended which is good but I prefer an xanax xr if I need extended not an app 2mg bar.
Notable/Hear Say of some of the other better brands- vocals I hear are the best but hard to find and confused with the only other circle 2mg xanax..mylan which is horrible..i have no idea how mylan makes so much quarterly..they don't even make my list: boca (close to brand) qualitest (I hear they're really good, now owned by par pharma just ask your pharmacist to order you in the Par Pharma made one and you will get them qualitest bars with the V and their new formulation. Stay away from sandoz the benzo market has been ruined by them.
If you cant afford brand name get greenstone, Boca, or par pharma..I hear sun pharma is good. I haven't tried it but if Wal-Mart dispenses it i'm sure it is poor quality as they order the cheapest product they honestly get what you pay for. After my search and test of years of which is best and not paying 600 for brand, greenstone will always remain my choice unless I can get some Boca made one's or par pharma/qualitest ..i have also heard that qualitest isn't good but I think they are a great pharma company..stay away from allergan companies like sandoz, actavis, novartis, santos & teva (teva sucks everyone open your eyes) but everyone's body is different and will have different likes and preferences but my experience and it has been a long one. Hope this helps. As I said I'm a benzo connoisseur so if you need help or have any question just ask & I will help gladly. Sandoz/novartis an India company just came out with new xr/er versions..I'll stick to American made though.
What is the best generic brand of 2 mg xanax bars I can get and afford? I ran out early due to massive trauma and normally take 2 mg 4 x daily. I have COMPLEX PTSD, with ongoing trauma and also need to know how much pharmacies charge for various amounts so I can see which one fits my budget. I'm in bad shape!
Re: Darcy (# 28)
Are you ordering illegally or through your Doctor. It will be hard to get an additional supply from the doctor because you ran out this month. By the way you are taking too much and this will one day be a big problem
Re: Goozer (# 27)
You are a "benzo connoisseur". That is sick, the drug is poison, if not while taking it while stopping it. We are happy you are so well versed in your Alprazolam. Are there any other talents you have
Jackue Carpenter: there are no versions of Xanax (alprazolam) manufactured which contain a "coating" or something similar to mitigate the horrible bitter taste. The reason for that is two fold: 1) it is meant to dissolve quickly so it works faster; and 2) if a child or someone unknowingly takes it, the bitter taste will make them want to spit it out. I personally don't mind the taste AT ALL (I think of it as a "good" bitter--if that makes any sense); however, you can sort of "parachute" the pill by wrapping it in a tiny bit of tissue paper then swallowing it with water. This should keep it from dissolving before passing your taste buds. Hope this works.
Re: Goozer (# 27)
How are the v ones compared to greenstone so greenstone vs qualitest which would you pick??
I currently get 90 of the .5mg actavis ones and I think there really good. They kick in really quick and last for like 5 hours. I'd definitely recommend this generic.ive also tried the Mylar ones but they sucked majorly. Would not recommend those at all.
Re: EDDY (# 1)
Not everyone want's to take a pill., I have a hot spot in my brain did sleep studies that entails shave hair put electrdo's to monator brain waves, w/and w/out medication(I spent 3 day's and nights in the hospital) M.R.I.'s of my brain. Overactive Beta !!! . Did you ever hear of emotional distress? I can have a mini brown outs. I must take this medication 4x a day. If you have you'r health God Bless You !!! Please do not judge a book by the cover. And was just released frm. Hosp. More tests ect... to tired to check spelling. I am sure you can. GOD BLESS THE HEALTHY PEOPLE
Re: Goozer (# 27)
You mentioned Novartis when referring to Sandoz. Novartis is based out of Switzerland not India. Sandoz continues to make one of, if not the best, generic alprazolam available. In my opinion at least. We're all different.
I also differ with your opinion of Dava (which is now owned by Endo). I find them to be right up there with Sandoz and Greenstone, albeit they may be a little more sedating as you mentioned. Their anxiolytic efficacy is good though.
Also since Greenstone basically is Pfizer why pay more for name brand?
My top three (generics) are:
1. Sandoz (all dosage increments great but especially 2mg gg249 bars)
2. Greenstone (all good but Sandoz bars are better imo)
3. Dava (.5 yellow s901 footballs seem just as strong as 1mg green s902 footballs, green s903 bars are great)
Re: Hamster (# 13)
I have gotten 2 scripts of aurobindo alprazolam XR. They are definitely different and do not work. Looks like we are all in the same boat.
Ok this is hard because benzo generics differ like CRAZY! It has taken a lot of time and money but I have tried almost every generic on all main benzos and have finally gained a great knowledge and opinion of alprazolam generics..and clonazepam and diazepam, etc.
The greenstone has been changed back to the original formulation as of 2016-17 year and finally circulated back in making them they best to brand name which is near impossible to get unless you want to pay thousands of dollars. On clonazepam par pharma (qualitest) are the best..when it comes to diazepam the (activas/watson) or best teva sucks for both. Now my opinion alprazolam in preferred order of trying all generics except the bocas which I hear are same as greenstone. It isn't in your head each generic is way different and here is how in preferred order for 2mg xanax (generic and brand)
#1- pfizer/brand name "x a n a x - 2"
#1 (tied)- greenstone - thank goodness they went back to pfizer formulation - "g3722" - greenstones may not work as quickly as activas or others but it is the best generic to get and takes effect within like 20 mins and then last the longest and has best feeling for anxiety etc and is the best generic, slow to come on but are strong and long lasting.
#2- dava-the green - "S 3 0 9"s are good generics...but they are the type of alprazolam that just taste great and bitter and dissolve well but just make you sleepy...they calm you and next thing you know your just asleep..better for GAD.
#3- actavis - "R 0 3 9" are great as well but they are really strong and take effect quickly and end quick (better for those real fast come on panic attacks, but they fade quickly and are a little more addictive than all others. That being said i still enjoy them but would always get greenstone over them.
#4. Sandoz (novartis)- "gg249" - used to be the best but since last year these ones have ruined the market with presses and honestly I like my meds made here in the USA. Anyways, they are good when legit, but again these type just make you slow and sleepy like dava greens but stronger on anxiety properties.
#5 sun pharma - "1 1" - imprinted pill. These are expensive yet cheap. I've heard both really bad and really good things about them but have not tried them.
Aurobindo is novartis. Apos are Canadian and are actually 2mg xr bars (I prefer instant release so not an bion pharma fan..they are great but they are xr not ir)
-honorable mentions- boca pharma circle 2mgs , new xr that have come out such as sandoz and actavis ER line..i stay with greenstone on all XR. But the new ones look well, USR, ONAX, R666 (PRESSED RISKY).
ONES TO NEVER GET: Mylan, sun pharma, etc.
When it comes to the end the Greenstone are the best all around but it is also nice to have a yellow and green on hand as well. But always get Greenstone over any other unless you can get the bocas. I've heard great things and would love feedback but GREENSTONE is the best US made generic and is equal to brand name, which brand name is near impossible to get anymore. Hope this helps. Have any other questions I'm happy to help.
Another honorable mention for the post to come being reviewed I forgot is par pharma(qualitest) they are good and compare to a mix of dava greens and activas yellowss..Greenstone still best tho but haven't tried Boca yet but very post should be up soon and hooe it helps everyone
Re: EDDY (# 30)
No need to b me rude this is a post to help people and who are you to judge. I habe many talents thanks for asking. No one said it was a good thing..think what you say before saying it and realizing what people may have gone through that you haven't. Go me bleed and peace ain't got time for drama or noise only positive here
Goozer (# 38) -
Go in peace sorry my darn auto text I hate it lol
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