Benzos & Urine Drug Tests - Benzos Are Not All The Same Amount Of Time - Some 1 Day! Others 2 Weeks! (Page 4) (Top voted first)


You can't just say: All benzodiazepines (Benzos) will take "this-long" to leave your body... That you will Pass your drug-test is you wait such and such of days. Especially with benzos since they don't all work in the same way - I know it really Sounds like they would since they're the Same Class of drug.. But it's just not so. There's some Major Differences between them. HUGE Differences people in terms of how long they stay IN your body and when you can pass a urine test and when there's no way you can for quite a while.

There's a few reasons for this... What seems to stand out as the main reason for this, has to do with what's called the half-life. The time between when you "feel" the drug.. and it Leaves your body entirely. And Not ALL benzos have this same half-life - some are different by weeks even!

And this half-life thing is a Very Important distinction between say Valium and Ativan. And it appears to be the major reason why some benzos are easier to get Off of than others are.

So Which ones are which?

Well I'll take a look at Ativan first. This benzo, ativan, is one of the shortest acting benzos out there. - This means it gets in, gets to work right away and gets out of there fast. like a navy seal. However... This also means that it's withdrawal symptoms will hit you fast and harder than the others with a longer half-life. It leaves your body Fast- Meaning Ativan will have Left your blood stream, urine, your entire body.. Anywhere between 7-20 HOURS you will be testing negative for Ativan.

Yup - Hours. So if you took a few Ativan Pills (mine was usually any where between 6-10 mg daily.. got higher after 1 or 2 pills stopped doing anything - But anyways so I'd take 4-5 2mg tablets every single day - and by the next afternoon? 24 hours later I'd do a urine test and Never did I test positive. Never. I'd take it without even thinking of what time I'd need to leave a urine-sample. So Ativan, this anti-anxiety benzo leaves the body completely - This Fast.

Now a Benzodiazepine that has one of the Longest Half-Lifes would be: Valium. It takes quite a while for this one to leave your body completely. Making it an easier benzo to taper off of and get off of - It is one of THE Worst Benzos to take if you're also taking drug-tests where they aren't allowed.

You may FEEL the valiums anywhere between 1-6 hours - but it Stays-Around inside you well after that time - (it's half-life) to about 14 days, give or take. that's 2 WEEKS with Valium - One DAY with Ativan. And they are Both from The Exact Same Drug Family.

This is Also Why some people will switch to Valium before they begin a full benzo detox, since it's withdrawls are less severe than the Ativan is. Again, the shorter-half-life: 1.) the quicker it's out of your system - but 2.) the harder the withdrawl. But you really NEED a doctor to help with exchanging one benzo for another - Because say 1mg of valuium isn't even Close to 1mg of Ativan! one does NOT equal one of the other. This is where people who've been pill-popping or using narcotics for decades end up on the slab at the morgue. Seriously people. Even the online Charts that TRY and give you a what equals what are not the same from chart to chart. This really should be a docotr-involved thing! And if you dont WANT YOUR Doctor to know this situation? - Go to an e.r. - Go on detox day 1 and a 1/2 and explain the situation to them. No Insurance? Give a false-name if you need too. You gotta do what you gotta do To Live another day! For with Life there's Hope for better days to come. Just be sure not to have ANY ID's in your pockets at all.

- Or get an appointment with a low-income doctor's office. That way you can tell This Doctor the whole truth without fear of retribution or losing your regular physician. Say How many pills - of what type and how often you've been taking. And he'll assist you and help you do what you Need to do to detox off without seizures death or even just that feeling like crapness. Say "scripts from different doctors sometimes" as to avoid him calling your reg. doctor.

And he should help figure out what.. say: (example) 4mg a day Ativan will mean in Valiums. Or maybe lay out an Ativan withdrawl amount and script you for those.

Because it is SO Dangerous to try this yourself!It Does NOT GO 1mg of one does NOT = 1mg of another benzo. Not even close! And the online charts are not even close to being the same nor even close to accurate. You could easily OD trying to figure the exchange-rate of Ativan to Valium or Valium to Ativan. Very Serious stuff, so ask a Doc if you think that's something you need to do. Seriously, no joke.

So if you're worried about or for your own Freedom or Methadone clinic or whatever it is - what/need to test urine-clean.. Ativan bezo takes ONE Day - While Valium or even Xanax is closer to Weeks. HUGE Difference, ya?

Also though - you gotta remember any of these type of "you should tests clean by whatever-date - is for those with healthy Livers. If you have Hep C or any Liver disease, medications are not Filtered OUT of your Body on time - or anything Close to usual, depending - and this is a good way and common way that 'we' tend to OD and die. What is usually filtered out in A Day.. if you have a problem with your liver, your body is NOT filtering them out in a day - but some of the medication if not most (depends of severity of the condition) means your next dose runs into the next one, and the one after that, etc etc might be adding up to one huge-overdosing amount - Since the med isn't being expelled - it can just get to a higher and higher level in your blood stream, within your body and BAM!! You OD on a dose you've been on without an issue for years - b/c now your 'filter' isn't doing the job it used to - and you die.

Just info we gotta pass on to each other - Knowledge is power my friends while ignorance is our mortal enemy.
So keep do what you gotta do - Just make sure we're all smart about it - and recognize what is REALLY dangerous - it's not a "you're acting like a baby" move, but instead it's recognizing stupid and dead when it's just a little buzz or some sleep that you're trying to get.

93 Replies (5 Pages)

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You should be good ,your drinking lots of water ,I'm guessing you did the adavans Saturday.good luck

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Almost impossible? WRONG! You can od on anything especially benzos. They affect the respiratory's easy to od on them. And when mixed with other meds like methadone or percs you have an even higher chance of od.

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Actually that is FALSE benzos work on the part of your brain that controlsucks your breathing you can go into respite Ryan failure and die if you're taking too many or taking them with other drugs that do the same thing

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Been doing methadone 140mg and soma and Xanax bars for many yrs think depends on person

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I took probally 12 colonopinin 12hrs. I found out about the d.s., about one hr after and right away started taking liver aid tabs by liverite. I take two every hr or hr and half. Also taking Acai with green tea, 1500mg. Plus niacin flush free, inositol hexanicotinate 500mg i take two of each every hour. I need to get colonopin out of me by one pm., tomarrow?

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I get that this thread on benzodiazepines is just trying to help people and people are asking questions, a lot of them out of desperation. It's a very frustrating read… Very few people are answered, even if they begged. Drug testing varies, results depend on your doctor and what they use for detection. Results are greatly determined by what kind of drug test you are given. If you have a doctor that gives you a cheap dip stick test, it's much easier to fake a urine screen because it does not test for metabolites. If you go to a doctor that sends your urine to an advanced lab (they check for metabolites, levels… The whole shebang). You cannot simply crush up a pill that you are prescribed, add it into your urine and pass a test because the drug will not be metabolized and they will know immediately that you faked the test. I only take what I am legally prescribed, Klonopin/clonazepam. I however do not take it consistently, in terms of dosage. I guess if I'm going to be honest, I would even say that I abuse it. I'm an addict, and shocker, I behave like one with my medication at times. Sometimes I will take .5… If my son has had a seizure that day I will take far more. It all depends on my anxiety/stress level… Or other factors.

I was going to post a question regarding Klonopin/clonazepam levels and how they are detected in advanced lab screening tests. For the past few days I have taken extra clonazepam, where the week before I took quite a bit less than my prescribed dose. I still have 5 days, I'm going to simply take less of my medication up until my test… Hopefully that will do the trick. But I also know that clonazepam is long acting, so I was not sure how long an increased dosage would stay in my system and affect my results in terms of my levels. I am hoping for an answer, I'm not sure if anyone here knows the answer… After extensive searching online I have not found any information on the subject other than PDF files created for doctors that are impossible for me to decipher.

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I take 24hr release alprazolam ER 0.5 MG everyday now you have to be drug tested when taking this med Dr told me its not showing up on the drug test how is this possibe

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The reason is that sometimes Ativan can test negative a lot of times. I don't know why though.

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I'm so nervous right now, I'm taking drug tests (I'm pretty sure for a lab because I have to go to a clinic type place biweekly) every 14 days for felony probation, if I take 2 xanax then don't take anymore is 14 days enough to get xanax out of my system? I don't take them often, just every once in awhile for fun. Do u have experience with these type of drug tests?

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I've never been in trouble in my life I have a prescription for diazepam and in February I got arrested for driving under the influence after that I broke my leg when I fell off the roof and so I could sleep I took extra Valium now the court had me take a urinalysis does this urinalysis say how many milligrams are in your body?

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Is there a drink out there I can take to cleanse my body from xanax I've been taking 2mg a day for about 10 to 12 days now whats the best drink my test is in about 3 to 5 days

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I've been taking 2mg xanax for about 10 to 12 days now I have a dug test in 3 to 5 days what drink works to clean me out

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I work in the legal field and spend my day interpreting medical records, including drug screens. I can tell you that Xanax is probably the shortest acting benzo but has the worst withdrawal. Ativan is not considered "short acting" but the withdrawal can be pretty bad. Seizures from abrupt discontinuation of Xanax and Ativan are common. Klonopin and Valium have longer half lives so the risk of seizures is lower but can happen in extreme cases where people take high dosages. Usually, when people check into detox for benzo abuse, they are switched to Valium or Librium and then weaned down off of those. Because the half life is longer, withdrawal symptoms are easier to handle with those meds. The original poster is correct in that 1 mg Valium does NOT equal 1 mg of any other benzo and I wouldn't advise anybody to try and convert those numbers on their own using the internet as a guide.

As for how long it takes for these meds to clear your system, longer half life means it stays in the body longer. Sure, other factors like weight, liver function, etc., have an effect but overall, the shorter the half life, the sooner you can pass a drug test. Of course, this also means that because it leaves your body quicker, you will go through withdrawal quicker. For people who are truly dependent, it may be hard to stop using in the time leading up to the test.

As for why you would test negative after years of use, there are all sorts of scientific articles about tolerance, metabolites, metabolism, etc. But the fact of the matter is - labs are wrong more often than people realize. Maybe the tech didn't change gloves before testing a new sample, maybe they mislabeled a sample - there are all sorts of reasons. The standard scientific way to confirm any urine drug screen is through blood testing with GC/MS. If a blood test is negative, it really doesn't matter what the urine screen says. Don't try to play games with your meds and reduce the dosage so the test shows up with the "right" amount. Instead, be consistent and honest with your doctor and tell them that hey, I had a bad few days so I took a few extra but I was okay the rest of the week so I took less on those days. No doctor is going to insist that you continuously take an addictive drug if you do not need it.

I know a lot of doctors now require drug testing in order to prescribe any controlled substance. Thanks to the DEA scaring the crap out of doctors, they are terrified of losing their license and being labeled a "super prescriber". In practice, this often means that marijuana smokers bear the brunt of the problem just because it can stay in your system for so long compared to other drugs. The absolute best way to combat this is to be up front and honest with your providers - all of them - about your usage. Don't try to minimize it, don't make excuses for it and definitely do not deny it. Get over being embarrassed or worried about how it will look. Being consistent is KEY!! Doctors rarely find marijuana as objectionable as benzos or other drugs. Being consistent at every single appointment is the key because when the doctor reviews your records, they will see that you did not try to hide anything. Drug seekers hide things.

Anybody who tests positive for something they are absolutely sure they did not use should immediately request a blood test from their doctor AND the lab who performed the test. If you don't know the name of the lab, ask your doctor's office for it. If the doctor won't order a blood test, find one who will or go to a walk in lab if its available. In an extreme situation, walk into an ER and explain that you need a blood drug test and why. I don't know a single ER doctor who would say no to such a request. The repeat blood test should be completed within 24 hours but no later than 72 hours after the positive urine screen. If the blood test is negative, send the results to your doctor via certified mail, return receipt requested. If the doctor still refuses to treat you, file a complaint with the state medical board and include a copy of your blood test results. You should also send a copy of the blood test to the lab who performed the urine drug screen with a letter telling them that you wish to file a formal complaint regarding their in house processing. Then follow through on it.

The complaints are important for 2 reasons. 1 - it is malpractice for a doctor to discharge a patient without arranging for appropriate follow up. You can actually die from benzo withdrawal. (You can die from benzo use but it's usually when you start mixing other drugs that depress your breathing). People who have been taking them for years cannot be turned out on the street empty handed. At the very least, the doctor needs to refer you to a detox facility. 2 - it helps the next patient the doctor wants to discharge because of a lab error. Doctors pay attention to complaints filed against their license and will be more apt to change their behavior so as not to get more. Don't you wish some patient had taken the initiative to follow through on a complaint before YOUR test was screwed up?

Finally, a personal anecdote - I was hospitalized in December, 2016. During that time, I repeatedly told every provider I saw that yes, I smoke marijuana a couple times a month. On discharge, I was referred to a provider for follow up who informed me that I would be given a urine drug screen and if it was positive for anything - including marijuana - I would not be seen. I immediately called the hospital and asked why I would be referred to such a provider when I had clearly and repeatedly stated that I smoke. I was told that the urine drug screen performed in the hospital on the evening of my admission was negative for all substances. Most people would have been happy to take a negative drug screen. Not me. I insisted that the lab be notified that the results were wrong as I had just smoked the evening prior to admission. I also referred them to my chart to see that I had indeed disclosed this information to every provider I came into contact with during my hospital stay. A few hours later, they called back with an appointment to see another provider who did not have restrictions on marijuana. No lab wants to admit that they are wrong and most certainly not for a patient who is willingly admitting to drug use. Being honest can actually help you. Now, my medical records show that there was a problem with THE LAB, not me. Also, when I was asked about a urine screen that came back positive for benzos, I went to the pharmacy and got a print out of all prescriptions filled in the last year. I then took it to the doctor and pointed out that the last script was for "as needed" dosing and showed them the remaining pills in the original bottle. I also pointed out that the doctor has access to the State's Rx history database (almost all states have them now). Thus, I have nothing in my record about "drug seeking" or "addiction".

Remember, the key to drug tests is consistency. Stop worrying about levels and time. Fact of the matter is, if you know you have to test for probation or employment, you shouldn't be using. Stop trying to "beat the test". They change every day and while you might beat one, eventually you will get caught. When that happens, you will be labeled an addict because you did what addicts do - you tried to hide and/or minimize your use. If you have been taking a medication for years and suddenly stop testing positive for it, ask your doctor what could cause that and demand a blood test. When I say "demand", I mean ask for it in the nicest way possible while saying the magic words "lab error". Do not accept a repeat urine screen from the same lab that messed up the first one.

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Re: factsmatter (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

If you're going to be a d***, you could at least be right. Half-life has everything to do with how long it's detectable. 5.5 half-lifes and the drug is out of your system unless there are metabolites they test for like alcohol.

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Re: benzoboy (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I've been taking alprazolam regularly about every other day (1.5 mg) for nearly 6 months. It's the best medication that I've ever had to stop my anxiety/panic episodes. I've gone cold turkey for 2.5 weeks now from all benzos and I'm still testing positive. 4-5 days may be true if you only take it once a week and weigh 90 pounds, but if you are more than about 200 pounds you can expect to test positive for upwards of a month. And that's a short acting benzo. If you take something like klonopin or valium and weigh 300+ pounds you might need upwards of 3 months to test negative. Benzos and thc can be detected in urine for ridiculous lengths of time, it sucks being fat.

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Re: Deadlynightshade (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

With some simple research you will learn that it's nearly impossible to od on benzos alone(which is why they are prescribed much more frequently than barbs) I mean I've taken doses of about 20mg's alprazolam and alcohol with no breathing suppression you just pass out(be careful when taking high doses because you can pull muscles very easily) however if you are on opiates, barbs, PvP or similarly strong cns depressants, than you might actually die. Stay safe my friends and enjoy the benzos:)

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I took 3 green xanax bars since yesterday & I may have A drug test week or may not there sometime random. Drink & plenty od water & Azo I was told help. Is this true or false.

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Re: Trythis (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

It takes forever but I will say every week since I'm on methadone the Ativan hasn't come up yet n it's been three months 13 urines I'm a nervous wtentevert day

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I have a question I took 1 xanax first time in a year. N I just got a call to do a drug test for a job??? I have been drinking water like crazy will I pass it I gotta do the test in 24hrs... Please reply....thank u

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Re: Angelgrace (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I took my klonopin as prescribed, twice a day 0.5 mg. The morning of doctor appointment, I got up 3 hours early took my klonopin and took drug test for benzodiazepines and tested negative. It’s wrong and unfair the doctor is making me come back in 2 weeks, pay for another test and it’s negative also. I’m going to take my medicine in and take it in front of him to prove it’s his dip stick test that’s not picking up the klonopin. Some say you have to take 2 or 3 mg a few hours before test for it to show up. That’s not what my prescription is. It’s 0.5 mg.

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