Benzo Addiction (Top voted first)


I do not understand why xanax is given on a long term basis. Xanax has a rapid onset and does not last long hence the need to have more and more. You now need to see a psychiatrist to get any controlled med prescribed in most states. Psychiatrist can safely monitor and perhaps switch to a longer acting benzo until you can wean off. Benzodiazepine is a dangerous withdrawal if you are not in a hospital and run out of medication.

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Hello Nurse V,

Please, you do not need to go to a Psychiatrist although that wouldn't be a bad idea for those who can afford one, many don't take Insurance and charge $500 a visit instead of the $100 at a General Practitioner. I live in an area without Psychiatrists & my MD has little problem writing for some controlled medicines. Your State laws may be different but I would never want to put off someone who needs medical help, telling them they only could be treated by a specialist who usually has long wait times and high costs, usually only accepting cash only payments that are very hard to deal with

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Re: Nurse V (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

If you can point out any Federal CFR guidelines Nurse V? We have 50 States and 50 different sets of laws in the U.S. In some States you can walk into a store and buy a Gun, in my State you can walk into a store and buy Marijuana or a Pipe in the shape of a Gun, go figure?

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Re: Nurse V (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Last I checked Xanax is NOT a Narcotic? And I don't know about you but both my Psychologist & Psychiatrist work alone, they did have a Gal answering the Phones, no Nurse Practitioners or Physician Assistant.

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Re: Eddy (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am quoting Law as a detox nurse with 27 years experience. Your doctor wants to make money. He doesn't care about your addiction. Sure you can get them. Even on the street. That is your choice. Your anxiety can be eliminated with other medication and not just xanax. That is why there are so many addicted people. They gave them oxycodone and when the money ran out the pain didn't ... hence heroin. Just not the best choice. Xanax and opiates change your perception of pain. But it's your choice. You will see.

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Re: Eddy (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

laws now allow General practitioners only a certain limit of narcotics. Then they will refer you to an Addiction specialist who is a MD or a Psychiatrist to continue benzos on a longer term basis. When you go to a Psychiatrist you will see Nurse Practitioners or Physician Assistant and the cost is cheaper. If it's not in your State it will soon happen.

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Re: Eddy (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

There are Benzodiazepine and opiate Narcotics. In that case you are correct. All addictive drugs. You must live in a very rural area. Most cities utilize CRNP and PA as they save physicians time. The law is that General Practitioners are limited to how much and how li g they can give narcotics and or Benzodiazepine. The reason being attack the war on addiction.

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