Benfotiamine Methylcobalamin Alpha Lipoic Acid Inositol Chromium Polynicotinate Pyridoxine Folic (Top voted first)
UpdatedWhat are tablets with the combination of Benfotiamine Methylcobalamin Alpha Lipoic Acid Inositol Chromium Polynicotinate Pyridoxine Folic used for
8 Replies
My doctor recommended that I take this medication of Mehthylcobalamin ,Alphalipoic acid, selenium,chromium chloride, colic acid and inositol tablets
What are they for and what are the side effects?
prescribed XON-ALPHA (contains benfotiamine 150mcg, mecobalamin 1500mcg, alpha lipoic acid 100mcg, inositol 100mcg, folic acid 1.5mg, chromium picolinate 200mcg & selenium dioxide 55mcg for Brachial Plexus/fracture in left shoulder. Also advised Q-Cell+ which is not available. patient is diabetic. Please advise effects/adverse effects.
Composition tablets: Alpha Lipoic Acid , Pyridoxine Hydrochloride , Methylcobalamin , Folic Acid , Vitamin D3
This is just a nutritional supplement that's meant to prevent, or treat a deficiency in the vital nutrients it contains.
Has your doctor recommended that you take it?
Slight tremors in right palm while lifting small thingsj.Dibeticforlast sixteen years.reasonable bloodsugarcontrol.Taking cynoplus total of regularly along with antidibetics and
My doctor suggested to take one tablet daily for philological problem
Re: sharda rani (# 3)
XON-ALPHA medicine also known as XON-A ??and the co. Who made this medicine is cenechio pharma pvt. Ltd.??
Re: sharda rani (# 3)
max pill has the same composition. you can by this. it is safe for diabetic patient
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