Benadryl Forums (Page 4)

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I've suffered with low iron for over 20 yrs..only taking prescription iron pills..and otc...because of GI issues relating to iron pills my GI doctor decided on ferritin IV infusions. My side effects arent bad if given benadryl..My only issue is seeing NO change.after now my 3rd infusion .Im still extremely weak and can no longer work. The feeling of no energy is upsetting from day to day..I pray I improve.. ## Hello, Cyndi! How are you feeling? I'm sorry about the problem you're having. Most people complain about suffering severe side effects from the infusions and, in quite a few cases, they were permanent and never went away, so you are unique, but it's awful that it still isn't helping. I really hope you improve. How often are you getting them? ## The meds you are...

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My husband took this med and had a allergic reaction from this its like it burned his mouth lips ,eyes throat and has Bloches over his body.we keep going to our doctor to find results to help him feel better .I don't know what to do ## Hello, Sherry! How is your husband doing? What medication did he have a reaction to? I'm sorry, but you forget to list it. Has he tried any antihistamines to see if that helps, such as Benadryl? He should be able to take it, unless his doctor doesn't approve and it helps most allergic reactions. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth. ## Hi Sherry, what medicine it is exactly? And what is his illness?! Well, having allergic reaction is really a serious problem. I suggest you to ...

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Ok so I went to the hospital yesterday because I started to notice bumps were showing up on my arm. They were itching really bad. The Doctor told me that I did not have scabies and it seemed to be similar to a mosquito bite. He gave me two pills to relieve the itching. I was told they would make me feel drowsy about 30 minutes later. So it's the next day and other than getting up to use the restroom I've been completely exhausted all day. I tried to watch tv but about two minutes into the show I'm dozing off. I'm wondering if it was the pills but I don't know exactly what they were. They were 2 oblong (capsule) pills that were tan on one side and navy blue on the other.. I don't remember and words being on them but they were not gel pills or the ones that dissolv...

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itching all over, I've been diagnosed with lyme is there any other meds I can take they told me to take benadryl but it doesn't help im afraid im allergic to the medication ## Hello, Whit! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having. Yes, if the Benadryl didn't help, you might be having an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. Have you contacted your doctor, again? You may need to try a different one. The FDA lists the typical antibiotic side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. The last time that happened to me, my doctor had me use a Hydrocortisone cream to alleviate it, so you may want to ask your doctor about using on. Its typical side effects include skin redness, irritation, dryness ...

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Underarms are really red and rashed from to much deorderant what to put on it? ## Hello, Chad! How are you feeling? That's not a typical reaction from just using deodorant, even if you use too much. That sounds more like an allergic reaction, which may require medical attention. Have you consulted your doctor? If they say it's safe for you to take, just some over the counter Benadryl might help. The FDA classifies it as an antihistamine and it's very commonly used to treat allergic reactions. Its typical side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and blurry vision. You will also likely need to stop using the brand of deodorant. I have a couple that I can't use, so I've found one that works and generally stick with it and try not to switch.

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i dont smoke marijuana but i have been on allergy meds and etc they test it at their office lab it says positive then they send it off to big lab and it comes back negative and then it did it again 4 months later it came up positive again wouldnt even let me see dr told me so i been hanging on for a month with no pain meds over this i was taking benadryl and laxatives and i was sick so i was take over counter meds too thanks laura ## What will make a drug test come up positive for marijuana when you dont smoke it? ## The Benadryl isn't known to do it. However, there are quite a few over the counter products that can, far too many for me to list them all, actually. What else were you taking? If you can post back with this information, I will gladly check for you. ## I don't parta...

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I take about 2-3 Benadryl a day for allergies. I can tell when it wears off because my eyes itch and I constantly sneeze. I am just wondering if there is a long term side affect by taking it everyday? I no longer get tired from it but it really helps with allergies , fast ! ## Hello, Sarah! How are you? Yes, taking it daily for a long period of time risks causing vision problems, such as blurry vision. Other typical side effects of this antihistamine, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include dizziness, dry mouth and weight gain. If you have allergies that severe, it would be best to speak to your doctor about something you can take on a long-term basis that would be less risky. There are many available, some even over the counter, now. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Can benadryl and alks-seltzer be taken together? One for allergy and the other for an upset stomache? ## Hello, Ellen! How are you? I didn't find any problems listed between them, so it should be fine as long as your doctor approves. However, mixing the Aspirin in the AlkaSeltzer with the Benadryl may make you far more drowsy than usual, so you may fall asleep for a few hours. Thus, it would be best not to mix them, if you need to be driving or operating any dangerous machinery. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may include dizziness, headache, stomach irritation and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Capsul pink 836 Benadryl Somebody I know used these for sleeping and now they have been left to me. Are these still good to use or should they be discarded. They are over 5 years old. ## Hello, Pretzel! How are you? It would be best to dispose of them, they tend to lose efficacy once expired. This is classified by the FDA as an antihistamine that is used to treat allergic reactions and insomnia. Typical side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth. This medication is available over the counter, so if your doctor says that it is safe for you to take, a new supply can be obtained easily and inexpensively. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I am on this med for broncitis. I am developing a rash. I have one day left. Can I go off this med and take benadryl ## Hello, Denise! How are you? I'm sorry about the rash. But, what kind of rash is it? Does it include hives and itchiness, or is is just a red rash? The FDA lists a non-allergic skin rash as a possible side effect of this antibiotic, you may also experience dizziness, nausea, headache and diarrhea. If you're not sure, your doctor can let you know if it's an allergic rash or not.

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Should one or two i cannot fall asleep and my legs hurt i jave the pink 50 mg capsules ## Hello, Weezy! How are you? The maximum dose is 50mgs, so if you have 50mg capsules, then you can only take one. You may want to check with your doctor to see if it's okay for you to take it with Acetaminophen, that tends to potentiate it a bit and help it make you more drowsy. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have a pink capsules witg 21 an a weird looking a or something was told it was benadrly

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my son had shortness of breathe and I was wondering if taking 2 (25mg each) of benadryl as a sleep aide with his prescribed methadone (70mg) per day could be the cause?? ## You son needs to consult his doctor to have this checked out and be certain of the cause. While it may have been due to taking the Benadryl with the Methadone, since they both cause depression of the central nervous system, there is also a chance that it may have been due to an unrelated health issue. Is there anything else I can help with? ## There could very well be an underlying cause as to why your son had or has shortness of breath. However, you must be cautious about giving someone anything containing alcohol or small dosages codeine. Those will have an affect on anyone's breathing while taking a strong nar...

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My cousin says she takes 1825 mg of Benadryl in one dosage after getting stung by a bee. Wouldn't this kill someone? ## No, that's an extremely high dosage. Are you sure you understood the dosage correctly? Or perhaps it's not Benadryl? Is she taking the tablets or does she an allergy kit with the shots? ## Yes, I understood she said she took 75 pills of pure benedryl. I also thought that was extreme. What type of effect would this have on a person?

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I have been diagnosed with ptsd by two different doctors after the suicide of my husband. these doctors will only give me benadryl for anxiety with an antidepressant. the benadryl only makes me sleepy. ## Hello, Bsquirrel! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. What antidepressant have they given you? Many of them are effective at treating anxiety and are the preferred treatment choice, because it helps keep it under control all the time, unlike many of the other medications that are only taken as needed. ## you need Prazosin my dear... will take away your nightmares. antidepressants are garbage i think. the blood pressure medication works very good for night mares

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I have a 4 year old grandson that has been on this for 10 days. No problems till tenth day. Broke out in a rash all over his body. Face (Cheeks) puffy. We gave him Benadryl. No sore throat or diarrhea. We think it's a reaction from the drug. Can you advise or confirm ? ## Hello, Patricia! How is he doing? Yes, it was likely due to an allergic reaction to, this antibiotic causes it fairly frequently comparatively and in most cases during the last day or two of treatment. He shouldn't continue taking it and it needs to be noted in his medical records, so he doesn't take it again in the future, because the reactions to this one just tend to get worse each time the person takes it, again. His doctor also needs to be informed, so they can check it out. Is there anything else I ca...

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A skin rash has developed on my face chest abdomen an arms, should I stop taking this medicine. I'm taking it for strep throat and do not want it to come back. I also can not afford seeing a Dr., what should I do?! I took a benadryl for the rash till I learned it was a side effect ## Hello, Tiffany! How are you? Yes, a rash can be a side effect of this antibiotic and isn't harmful, unless it's an allergic rash that may get worse. An allergic rash usually involves hives and itching, while the side effect one is solely a topical skin rash. It will usually go away, once you finish your course of treatment with the antibiotic. However, you should have it checked out to be sure. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hey can't find a pill my granddaughter asked me to look up.Said someone mentioned Watson.Wondering if it's over the counter? Cross between benadryl and clonipin.Told her not to take med's that aren't hers but still wondering what's out there. ## The brand name Watson is like Vicodin I do believe . It's true that you shouldn't take pills that are not prescibed.. Good luck. Lorelle ## Actually, Watson is not a name brand for anything, they are a manufacturer of pharmaceutical and healthcare products. They do make a generic for Vicodin, but they make many, many other medications as well and not all are narcotics. There is also nothing close to Klonopin that's available over the counter and it isn't remotely related to Benadryl and there is no cross medic...

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Bright pink pill with V on one side and 25 on the other is capsule shaped but not a capsule its a pill ## I am sorry, but I have been trying to find this in various databases for 2 days now and am not finding a listing for it. I've tried several variations, such as a 2.5 and etc. Can you tell me where it was found, what country? ## Benadryl ## If it is any help I bought the pills at a dollar store (dollar tree) and it says it trademark is benadryl allergy ultratabs

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I found a bottle of benadryl 50mg filled with little pink capsules that said DAN 5003 on both sides. They were pink. I don't think they were benadryl, because I found them with other pill bottles that did not contain what the label said. ## Hi Skuba, The closest match I've been able to find is a pink capsule shaped pill with the imprint DAN 3120 DAN 3120. This pill contains Clindamycin (300 mg). Clindamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic. It is usually used to treat infections with anaerobic bacteria but can also be used to treat some protozoal diseases, such as malaria. It is manufactured by Watson Pharmaceuticals and has a National Drug Code of 00591-3120. Since the pill you have and the pill I've found are similar, It's possible that the pill you have is also manufacture...

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can I take Benadryl while I take a daily Blood Pressure med called Exforge ## Hello, Jeff! How are you? I didn't find any interactions listed between them, but you should double check with your doctor or pharmacist to be sure. However, Benadryl is usually the preferred medication to treat allergies in BP and heart patients. It may cause side effects, such as dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth. Learn more Benadryl details here. I take it with my BP meds, without any issues. Is there anything else I can help you with?

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