Being Prescribed Suboxone After Being Released From Prison While On Parole
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I had back surgery a few months ago for two ruptured disc pushing on a nerve. Now I'm physically addicted to the opiates as well as mentally that I was prescribed and find myself wanting them for a buzz.. My problem is I am on Ohio Parole in Cincinnati.and in order for me to need to be prescribed Suboxone I obviously was abusing opiates prescribed or not. Which is a violation of my parole. Does anyone have any advice to tell my P.O. as far as being prescribed Suboxone for my addiction issues ? P.S. Excuse my punctuation.
6 Replies
CHRIS: So whatever happened with all that? Let us know. I'm pulling for ya. I would think if you are making the effort to get treatment, they wouldn't ding you for being an addict in the first place. Anyway, hope it all worked out.
Just tell the truth u had surgery&now u are on subs long as they are being prescribed why would it matter.Good luck.
they don't need to know when you became an addict you can say you were addicted years ago and a recent injury caused you to need pain meds and your body had immediate withdraws right after you stopped taking them and doctor need to put you on suboxine I don't think they can fault you for an old addiction hope everything goes ok.
Dear Chris, I forgot 2 let u know that I remember reading a post not 2 long ago, about someone else on parole and they were on suboxone. Can't remember the details, but, I do remember that.
Thank you for taking the time to reply I really appreciate it. I will let you know how everything works out.
Dear Chris, I'm sorry 2 hear about your situation. If u had surgery and was prescribed pain meds and became addicted, then u have a disease like a lot of is. If I were u , I would just letu parole know that u became addicted after the surgery and I have bad cravings. 2 want 2 use. So, u would like 2 go on suboxone 2 help with the cravings. Or, I would find a doctor or clinic, go on suboxone and then explain it 2 the parole. It's all true, u wouldn't b lying. If u have a ligit prescription from a Dr, they can't say anything. That'su advise. Let me know how u make out.GOOD LUCK!
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