Beginning Pristiq And Nausea
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I just started Pristiq today. I have depression and panic attacks several times a week. I was previously on Lexapro and Lamictil. I felt The Lamictal induced the panic attacks. My doc changes me to Effexor 160mg. My HR went through the roof, nausea, shakiness. My doc switched me to Pristiq. I feel so nauseated. How long will this last? I cannot wait this out for weeks! I have a life: a family, a job! I've seen mainly bad reviews for this medicine! Feeling frustrated!

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I' don't mean to get too far off topic from Pristiq, but I just wanted to chime in Re: "if pristiq doesn't work idk what else ill do." Personally, I'd encourage you to research & try experimenting with CBD's (from medical cannabis) as an alternative treatment for anxiety. I recently started supplementing with CBD's myself and truly feel that it helps support a positive and relaxed frame of mind; (quite similar to THC but without the psychoactive effects). I can't promise that it will have the same impact in other individuals as it did for me, because everyone's biochemistry is different... However, there are a number of studies on the web testifying to CBD's anxiolytic-like effects:

Hope this helps!

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Hey Mama,

I was on lexapro too and switched to pristiq. I am currently on day 36 of pristig 50 mg and the nausea went away after about a week. So with that part it'll get better. I too have bad anxiety and actually puke from anxiety but I have yet to puke on pristiq. Anxiety wise i don't know if it's helped yet but plan on moving up to 75 mg to see if that'll help (25 mg pill with 50 mg pill). Switching medicine isn't easy I'm going through it right now and if pristiq doesn't work idk what else ill do. Good luck though i think it is good to only be on one drug like the pristiq and not add something like lamictal so good for you!

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