Been On Xanax 6mgs A Day For 14 Years
UpdatedI want to quit taking them but, I really do have a tremendous anxiety disorder, even around friends, family and coworkers. I feel that xanax somehow manages or works for me and some days I feel I need more than I'm prescribed, which is the highest 2mg 3 times a day for 14yrs. So on the first of this year 2017 I tried to quit cold turkey, but 5 days into it I had a seizure and woke up with the ambulance putting me in to rush to the hospital. My blood pressure was 209 over 120. They gave me some benzo to help. I thought I was going to die and still do if I don't keep taking xanax... Anyhow, I'm asking any doctor, or addiction clinic for help. I really have a problem and feel my struggle with this medicine could result in my death.
2 Replies
Rick, there are some great treatment programs and Benzo treatment programs available. 6 mg is a very large dose and could get you very sick if stopping suddenly. I spent a week in the Hospital over this, almost died. ER Physician couldn't believe I was able to talk to him, all my readings were wrong
Thanks for the reply I appreciate it! It's been a struggle for sure... I've taking 2.5mg today and still have that edge of anxiety, trying to wing myself down slowly. I read alot about this kava tea about to see if it works fingers crossed. Really think rehab might be the only way under a physicians care.. When I dont have xanax my system my vital signs go haywire. Its uncontrollable never thought I would ever be asking for help.... Whats the first couple steps you think might be a good. My 4yr son was in the yard when I had the seizure he reminds me ever so often that he dont want me to fall and hurt myself again.
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