Bee Line Capsules
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I have a problem with anti-inflammatoir drugs they make hole in my digestive tube. i avoid them. Recently i have started taking beeline capsules for my arthritus. 3 days ago i had a haemorragie,and i wonder if this could have been provoked by that product; do you have any ideas? thank you
Re: lisa (# 2)
Hi Lisa, I used to take them and stopped as my arthritis improved. But i am a lot older now and need to get some, could you let me know where you get them in the UK please? thanks
I also suffer with joint pain and a elderly guy at my local quiz gave me some beeline capsules and I felt wonderful and as I have had joint pain from being young I was thrilled at being pain free. But I soon stopped only because I was worried about side effects ? I hadn't had any but I had only just started to take them , I havnt had any in years and my pain was back soon after I stopped taking them I am now seriously thinking of going back on them ?any thoughts on this anyone ? Many thanks
Lisa I have been taking beeline capsules for five years now as a result of having arthritis in my hands and other joints. I have not had any side effects whatsoever although I only take one capsule per day the only thing that I would add is that my forearms bruise easily. A small price to pay for something that has given me so much relief over the years. I am also convinced that it has controlled my blood pressure.
I took Beline and felt great until I read a report done by a Norwegian Biochemist. It contains a lot more anti inflamatorys, steroids and other medicine than you are told about. If you are already in any medication you should be very careful. I was told by a long time user that the 'feel good' effect wears off when your body becomes used to them. It's a pity as it's good to feel fit and mobile again!
yes they do cause me a lot of surface bruises and skin thinner with my age 65, BUT I could not manage without them for overall pain stiffness etc I swear by them and have been taking them for 5 years, only one a day unless I have a very busy day then 2. I can put up with bruising if I can live comfortably
I found it on the Danish medicines agency:
This is the report for you:
"Warning against dangerous arthritis product Beline Capsules"
My friend stopped taking beline after about 3/4 year and had all I mean ALL the symptoms written down. So please go see your doctor if you want to stop.
This is the report for your doctor:
"About Beline Capsules - particularly for physicians in Denmark"
Can you please publish the link of the Danish report on Beeline Capsules?
I took Beline (2 each day) for 9 months, with wonderful results, but I gave them up after reading the report from Denmark. After about 3 days I suffered horrible 'cold turkey' effects. My doctor sent me to hospital for blood tests etc. I was put on steroids and told to drink lots of coffee. I am now feeling better, but must take a low dose of steroids for another week.
I feel it is my duty to warn others......please go off Beline, but do it gradually.
My wife used to take 6 to 8 painkillers a night to try to get to sleep due to the pain from her hip joint.
Friends in the UK told us about Beline which she has taken since February 2011.
After the first 3 days the pain vanished, she now takes 1 capsule a day and is pain free.
She say's it doesn't matter what is in them it can't be as bad as taking 8 real drugs a day and still not be pain free.
We have noticed one side effect.
She always suffered badly with Hayfever.
That is, up to this year, no Hayfever , nor any kind of symptom.
I also take 1 capsule every 4-5 days and my shoulder Arthritis pain is now non existent so my golf swing is perfect.
Hi everyone,
It has been over a month since we had locked this discussion thread. To make a long story short, the company that distributes Beline Capsules from contacted us on the 20th of June [2011] and stated that their lawyer found a number of statements on here to be libelous. We decided that it would be best to take down portions of content and lock this forum until a proper review could be conducted. Even though that decision completely went against our policy of free speech in this community, there are situations where we need to be sure that the rights of others are not being violated, and that is why a number of posts were cleaned up and/or taken down.
On the 27th of June [2011], we placed two calls into the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) office in London and spoke with two separate individuals about the status of Beline Capsules. Both of them stated that the most current information concerning this product is available on their web site (and as of writing this post the only content which appears about Beline Capsules on the MHRA web site is the original product warning [A]). They also stated that Beline Capsules are "not licensed at all" in the UK, and that "people should be very careful when taking this".
The MHRA also responded to us via email, in which they stated "The MHRA has been investigating this issue and can confirm there is a quality issue with undeclared pharmaceuticals being identified in some samples in some countries ... Focus HR have agreed to remove Beline from the UK market, though they will still export. Exports are out with the jurisdiction of the MHRA and Focus HR will need to ensure they are complying with the regulations of the import countries. As Focus HR only sold Beline online, the website is being adapted to prevent sale or supply in the UK in the future, a deadline of the end August has been agreed between the MHRA and Focus HR to complete this work. Therefore, after this deadline date you will not be able to purchase Beline in the UK."
We are now re-opening this discussion thread for comments.
1. Please feel free to share your personal experiences with this product. Please refrain from insults, accusations, or attacks, and stick with FACTS.
2. Any references to other sources of information or repetition of information from other sources should be properly quoted and referenced. For example, instead of saying "I've heard that product X contains Y", you should provide a credible reference and quote text exactly as it appears on the other source. If we cannot verify the credibility of a statement or source then we shall have the right to exclude it from our site.
We hope that all of the above makes sense. We recommend that you conduct your own research and come to appropriate conclusions on your own about any products as well as your health!
Hi everyone,
Due to concerns about the legality of some statements on here, we have temporarily locked this forum. We will notify you once it has been reopened for comments.
We apologize for any inconvenience. You may contact us directly with any questions or remarks.
The People's Medicine Community
Morris, the results of testing were yesterday published on the Danish regulatory agency's website. Testing was done in collaboration with the Swedish agency. I don't know how to post links but if you google it you will find it. Also an english translation on the website. They tested the product after hearing a lot of Nordic nationals were ordering the product over the internet from the UK
All I can tell you is that my Father who is taking BEELINE has started to bruise so much on his arms has had to go down to just one tablet a day as they seem to thin his blood and he now bruises too easily and if he cuts himself he bleeds much quicker, and wounds are not healing well either. Hope you are feeling better - I would personally stop taking it as your symptoms have worsened since taking the product. Good luck.
Where did you find the Reports about the steroids and other.?
Have you reported this to Beline?
According to latest reports from europe they are said to contain
Betamethasone (steroid)
Chlorphenamine (anti histamine)
Piroxicam (Anti inflammatory)
Oxetacain (local anesthetic)
I have RA and was very stiff when I got out of bed in the morning. Also had trouble turning over in bed. After three days i forgot about the turning over in bed and jumped out of bed in the morning . It was like a miracle.
I do have cramps at night but I had these before Beline. Have not noticed the extra bleeding.
One thing these tablets certainly do is thin the blood, I cut myself shaving and I didn't stop bleeding for nearly an hour. I also get severe cramps at night. They do work however, would love to hear if someone has had them tested
My Father has been taking Beeline for several months and feels much better but is now bruising easily and any wounds he has are not healing as well as he used to, also a few nose bleeds - does anyone else have this with Beeline??
Its true i have had a dose of eczema the like of which i've never had before,since about a month. My brother in law in London swears by Beline and as far as i know he's had no side effects.I got in touch with Beline and asked about potential negative reactions but they just said ,"we do'nt know but if you have a problem stop using the product.
did you have any allergic reactions? Do you know any one else that is using beline and what results they are having
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