Baclofen Suspension
UpdatedI am a case manager and I have a young quadraplegic with a g-tube that needs Baclofen suspension. does anyone know where I might be able to get this for him?
2 Replies
Actually, your pharmacy or the small pharmacies that do compounds should be able to mix it up. Do you have any hospitals in your area that has outpatient pharmacies? This is your best bet. If your pharmacist is leary to do it have him go to as this website gives him step by step instructions on how to mix the compounds.
That is correct, if a regular pharmacy doesn't carry it in a suspension form, any compounding pharmacy should be able to fill the prescription for you.
Baclofen is a muscle relaxant, and the FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, constipation, headache, and frequent urination.
Ref: Baclofen Information
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