B Complex Forte
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I'm looking for a vitamin B complex with Diclofenac, I can get it from Mexico but I want to buy it here in the USA, Does anybody know where I can get it and what it's called?

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you can always ask in the botanicas they are mexican small stores like a natural medicines stores, they can tell you I got it there before but I go to Mexico because I live in San Diego.And is call DOLO-NEUROBION

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you can always ask in the botanicas they are mexican small stores like a natural medicines stores, they can tell you I got it there before but I go to Mexico because I live in San Diego.

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There isn't one, that's not a combination that the FDA will allow to be on the U.S. market due to safety concerns. There are many people that would take it and likely not realize that it contained a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, with the vitamins.

Additionally, the Diclofenac is also only available here by prescription, because of the risks it can cause.

Learn more B vitamin details here.

Learn more Diclofenac details here.

I'm sorry, I wish I was able to be more helpful.

Why are you looking for it?

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