Azmacort Substitute (Page 16) (Top voted first)


Azmacort has been taken off the market because of environmental concerns (they say). There really is NO substitute. All other steroids do not work. My wife could die because of it. No one seems to care. Do you?

342 Replies (18 Pages)

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I can relate to leaning on the counter to catch my breath. I, also, like to cook and haven't been able to. I feel much better today and have been on the budesonide nebulizer (twice daily) for about 6 days. I am still researching a compounding pharmacy for triamcinolone suspension.

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good luck on your medication and if I find the address for the information place I 'll post it. I had a hard time breathing today. I got a perm yesterday and it could be that. the barameteric pressure maybe up too.

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John L:

Try here:

This particular suspension may not be what you need but these people claim to be able to compound to your needs.


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Thanks Jack. I'm still looking for the information I used . Can't find it.

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Thanks, Jack

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Thought I would post again since I have used the compounded medication for AZMACORT. It didn't work for me. I'm now on large doses of steroid doing a taper. I went to an Asthma and Allergy doctor since my pulmonologist wasn't doing me any good. He put me on the taper and started me on a new medication called ALVESCO inhaled steroid.It seems to be working or at least it hasn't caused me a lot of problems yet , ( BUTT ) I'm still on steroids too, so that maybe way. I sure hope this will be the one to work for me. I couldn't even walk into the doctors office when I went in to see him. I was in real bad shape. I'm doing better just hope I continue on this way. I go back to see him on Aug 11. I really liked this doctor. First one I have met in a long time that acted like he gives a care. Please keep me in your prayers since I know they work.

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I hope this catches you smiling. I had never heard of Avesco before - it has an interesting background. You have our prayers of course.


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Thank you Jack.

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Hi All,
I thought I would check in and see if anyone was still around. I'm still using Alvesco so far it hasn't hurt me . But it doesn't seem to be doing any good either , or maybe a little..
I was sent this today.


Acton Pharmaceuticals,Inc. announces License agreement with Sanofi ( Drugs) Company's pipeline includes two NDA stage respiratory compounds that compete in the multi - billion dollor allergy and asthma steroid markets Marlborough ,Mass. Oct. 25, 2011- Acton Pharmaceuticals,Inc.

This is all it said. If you hear any more about this would you keep us informed.

How is everyone else doing with their medications?

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Margie - I will be anxious to learn more about this new development. I am still taking Dulera, which I have noticed has recently been getting some ads on TV and in magazines. It seems to work "okay", but I still get occasional infections from taking it, which NEVER happened to me while taking the Azmacort. Fall is one of my worst times for asthma-related issues and have been having a little bit of trouble lately. Haven't had to resort to Prednisone tablets yet, but may soon. Hope this finds you doing okay, too.

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Dear Susan and Margie:

Here's what I found out from the president of Acton Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Dear Mr. Ragan,

Thank you for your inquiry. Acton Pharmaceuticals is completing the development of Aerospan (flunisolide hfa 80 mcg). AEROSPAN is formulated with a non-CFC, HFA propellant and will be available with a built-in spacer device. We expect that the product will be available in the second half of 2012. Please check our website for additional information on Acton ( and Aerospan. Acton does not have any rights to Azmacort. Therefore we are unable to provide any information on its status.

I hope you find this information helpful.


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I still take large doses of steroid and then get off and ok for about a week and then I'm right back to where I was . I can't breathe. The new med ALVESCO seems to help a little but not enough to keep me stable. I think it is on the order of the new drug mentioned by the Acton company. It uses a spacer and you don't have to shake it , so it is probably a powder. I take 5 mg of steroid one day and 10 mg the next day , everyday. Then when I have a bad flare up I go to 20 or 40 mg and do a taper.
Please keep praying for our health and also for a drug that works if a cure isn't in the future.
Blessings to all,

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Jack - I am now WAY more curious than I was before! Why would the president of this pharmaceutical company react so strongly to you sharing his email? I certainly didn't assume that it was anything of a "confidential" nature! I think I need to do some investigating on my own regarding this company! Very interesting development, in my humble opinion.

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He is not reacting strongly at all. He is a very kind and understanding person and assures us that his company will continue to develop products that may be greatly beneficial to those who suffer as many of you folks are. He just wants to be identified as we all are; - anonymous as to his position in the company and as to personal information.

It was my goof,not his. Please understand that.

He gave me this link for more information on his company for public distribution.


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I found this thread yesterday and read the whole thing. Like many of you, I took Azmacort for about 20-years, and was shocked when I took my prescription to the pharmacy and was told it was no longer available. My doctor has given me several "substitutes" - none of which work.

I've been very sick this week, going to work and coming home to collapse in bed. After reading the suggestion to use a spacer, and to use an old Azmacort dispenser with one of the new meds, I searched my place for an old dispenser. I found one - pulled out the old medicine and noticed that it was not empty. I took two puffs of Azmacort and within 15-minutes, I could breathe again.

This banning of effective medicine is outrageous - it's time to do something about it. I've been a journalist in the past, and I plan to write some articles about our problems. If you are willing to share your stories with me, email me at, replacing the "at" with @. My linked in profile is here:

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Um - - - what sort of stories are you interested in?

I think if you concentrate of the tragedy, and because all of these entries have been printed and therefore assumed to be public property, you could scan through and pick out any you desire without fear of trampling on injured souls or incurring legal action against you.

If you wish to concentrate on a brighter outlook, you might be interested in reviewing entry number 307 wherein you will find at the bottom a link to Acton Pharmaceuticals. If you go there you will find an entry in the upper right-hand corner under "Recent News" another link that will take you to an announcement signed by the CEO.

It could be that you would get more from him that would be more productive than from any of us. We are just the sword-carriers in this Russian opera. The CEO has been engaging in the past when I wrote to him. He expects that everything will be done next year and we all may find the relief for which we have been looking

I am not personally afflicted with asthma but whatever you wish from me just ask and it is yours.

Another source of information could be the Administrator of this web-site. He is very astute and accommodating.

And,- -- -John - - -thank you for your interest.


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I would like to know why NONE of the companies will make a new drug using Triamcinalone since that seems like what everyone needs here. All the other drugs in the market use the same old ingredients just a different name and maybe different way they are put together but still the same OLD drug. I have started to have some chest pain whenever I move on my left lung the same way it did with the QVAR 80 except it is a little different. I wonder what these drugs are doing to my lungs? There have probably never been any test done in this area if so they never tell. I sure hope this is something else because this drug is helping a little.I would sure hate to stop taking it and go back to 60 or 80 mg of steroid a day. Is anyone else used ALVESCO yet?

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I wish you were not suffering so.

The product that Acton is developing is Triamcinalone Acetonide. Here is the title of the document I was alluding to in post number 309:


I would give you more but it is a 3-page, PDF document. If you cannot get PDF documents on your computer, let me know and I will try to excerpt some information to you.


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Jack this is for a nasal spray for nose allergy. The one for the lungs is flunasone or something like that I don't remember the spelling.But it is listed in the write up. Check and see if Iam right I hope Iam not.

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