Aurobindo Norco (Top voted first)


I have been taking 10/325 norco for many years. A few days ago I received my medication and found it had been replaced with Aurobindo Pharm U03 imprint. They make me feel very ill with a headache nausea and worse they do not take my pain away at all. I also feel very dizzy. How has the FDA approved this Indian company? Has anyone else had a problem with the U03 10/325 hydrocodone. Im frightened to take them but need pain relief.

45 Replies (3 Pages)

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Good luck! Wallgreens is switching them all too! Using the cheapest version available which in my state is mallinckrodt which is junk and has been giving me chest pain, racing heart and worse provides no pain relief! Others have been saying actavis company has been bought out and the new Watson's are junk too and these new generics actually contain tramadol which numerous people have never taken but yet came up positive for it after taking these generic norcos being given to us by these greedy big pharma companies! What a sad sad situation this has become.

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Pharmacy was giving me yellow norco 10mg. Now they gave me white norco 10mg manufactured by aurobindo. I'm confused because the pharmacy say it's the same. Please help. I feel different, the white ones do not take away the pain.

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This generic NORCO (u03) simply does not take my pain away! It is total crap. It breaks my heart that my pharmacist would do this to me. Oh well, 15 more days to go on this crap, then back to Walgreen's or CVS... those who actually dispense the Watson Lab's equivalent.

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Having the same problem. Was recently switched to the white with the U03. Caused me severe headaches and made me foggy and I know they are crap because Norco actually make me constipated which sucks but these have the opposite effect. I don't know of any opiates that cause diarrhea but I know that withdrawal does, which in turn means the white U03 pills are crap....literally!!

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Who do you work for? AUROBINDO? THE FDA? INSURANCE COMPANIES? Your answer is unacceptable in the context of this discussion, considering what people are reporting. It looks to be a response in defense of the fraud which is occurring. I have found five of my non-pain medications so far which are made by Aurobindo and have located FDA analyses of the non-compliance in the manufacture of the medications. The violations include: med not made to specification; little to no of active ingredient included; toxins identified; "unacceptable" organisms included; one had road paint found on it; and the craziness goes on. I have just found out that my pain medication is made by Aurobindo. Found a letter that the FDA has been writing "letters" to Aurobindo for FIVE years about non-compliance. Then found where the FDA has investigation teams in all 19 Units (Plants) in India. Your suggestion that everyone simply adjust to the medication is ludicrous. Based on the language and perfect typing of your response, I believe you are working for those colluding in a tremendous fraud against citizens of the U.S.

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Painfully scared,

You need to contact MedWatch at the FDA via:

If you aren't sure about filling out the form, "MedWatchLearn" should help, it's new.

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How strange, I had the same issue with the same manufacturer. The symptoms you're mentioning are more likely from withdraw of the Hydrocodone. What happened to me is my regular pharmacy was short and could not fill my prescription. So I took my script to Sam's Club. Later in the day, after taking my second pill I started getting grumpy and a little nausea, with no pain relief. So I looked up this company, Aurobindo and found lots of issues, FDA violations along with posts like yours. This has happened once before, when Walgreens switched suppliers, with these chalky white pills from yellow. Needless to say I feel your pain, literally.

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My Von's pharmacy just bought a batch of Aurobindo. My 7.5/325 is not relieving the pain as well and only lasts about 3 hours. I have taken other brands for chronic back pain and various surgeries for years and have not had this happen. Will try other pharmacies next time. The sellers should be more responsive to complaints!

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All the pain meds made by aurora pharmacy in India are garbage in my opinion and everyone else I've spoken to that's gotten them as well. Also found out that the FDA ALLOWS there to be a 20% difference, either way, of the active ingredient in any generic form of any medication. This means they seem weaker because they are. It's acceptable and allowed by the FDA that there be 20% less of the active ingredient, cuz we all know they're not going to have 20% more of it, which would also be acceptable and allowed. Typically, more of these drug companies are trying to save $$ by shorting the active ingredients. The sad part is the Food and Drug Administration allowing it.

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This med has me feeling strange and sometimes nauseous. This Indian company should not be allowed to sell this product in the USA. Doesn't help with pain much either.

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They are fake!!! Did nothing for me at all!!! And yes they are from India, don't know too much about them at the moment, I just started looking Into it, because I had the exact symptoms you had plus I know for a fact a real pain pill from a fake one, and this has been the first time in over 10 years I have ever encountered this, that's how long I have been on pain pills, from a car accident, so believe me, your not imagining that crap! When I saw your question, I just had to reply, because I'm very pissed that people are passing this pill off as a real pain pill.

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Yes I have been on the Norco 10-325 also. When I got my prescription filled at Meijer in October I did NOT check manufacturer but have had serious migranes, nausea an not relieving my pain. I just checked my bottle and pills and found they were manufactured by Aurobindo with U03 imprint on them too! I have had other reactions from them as well. I am very upset I was NOT notified of the change to this generic brand!! What can I do so I do NOT get this brand again. The side effects were not worth the benefit! However the pain is not manageable with just aspirin! ! VERY upset our government is putting our health at risk so they can profit even more than they already are!!

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I've been taking Norco for 3 years for my back. I've taken different brands but this one is different. Makes me nauseous and sleepy. Don't like side affects but they do help the pain.

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Is Norco U03 generic 10/325? I dont know the difference. I was getting Mallinckrodt prior to this and I could tell a chemical difference.

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you must report to FDA. I have called them and they sent me something to fill out regarding the bad reactions. If you don't do it.... they won't know.

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Aurubindo Pharm oxy-acet made me nauseous...but I had taken same drug Alvogen...same dose... for a week just prior without nausea.

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Same Club Flagstaff carries them. They give me the wake up effect after 40 minutes and work on pain... Frys carries different brand. They make me tired do not work on pain.
Been taking meds since 2006. Severe spinal problems.

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Yes, I had a very bad reaction to these aurobindo hydocodone/acetaminophen tablets. They have TONS of fillers in them. They tell you they are from New Jersey, which is not true. They are bottled in New Jersey but they are made in India. They gave me headaches as well as nausea plus they gave me no pain relief whatsoever. I wrote them up and FDA sent me papers to fill out. So I told them we should never buy from telling what kind of fillers are in them. Terrible medication.

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They are right, you should report your problem. I have heard many people talking about this brand of medication and they are all getting sick or no relief. These are obviously cheaply made products and that is why some pharmacies are buying them to cut costs unfortunately at many pain patients expense. The more people who complain through the proper channels the better chance something could be done. I have stopped expecting the world to care much about our pain problems, but we can't go silent. That makes it too easy for them. Best of luck.

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Re: Jwg (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Why should the people of the United States be forced to take drugs made in other countries with sub standard quality control..and there is no way our FAD regulations could ever be met..people get paid let things pass with junk ingredients...we need to contact our senators and bring our drugs back to the US...where they can be supervised.....FDA..wont approve life saving procedures and drugs for very ill patients...yet they let our very important meds be made in 3rd world countries...does this make sense to anyone!!!! Ya they are cheaper....but is it worth it...and our US companies could make the generic drugs for the same price....give me a break..they are making a fortune on these meds that they have made in other countries....i am done...this is outrageous...i knew within a couple of days that the meds weren't the same..terrible headache and dizziness...

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