Aurobindo Lorazepam Reviews


Has anyone taken this generic brand of Lorazepam made by Aurobindo pharm? How does it work compared to other brands?

57 Replies (3 Pages)

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I refuse all meds made by Aurobindo. I say I am allergic. Idk what they put in the fake adderall they sell but it makes me feel awful so I will go without before I will accept them.

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Following. The only brands I ever tried were leading and watson. Would love to see what other brands are out there

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Re: Becca333 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Idk about the benzos - Mallinckrodt adderall is really weak, but at least it doesn't give me slamming headaches and nausea. I have to take twice as much though. And I am a lightweight. I used to like Watson meds but I never see them anymore.

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I also refuse all drugs manufactured by Aurobindo.

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Re: Briards (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I usually find them at CVS and Rite Aid. Anywhere else I should avoid?

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Re: Optimistic (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I always call the pharmacies before I go to see what generics they have, they change often.

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I think generic benzos are ok. But, other generic psych drugs not all ok like Adderall, Lamictal etc

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No but im getting these 2mg ones from india there white round with markings on one side from delhi calle lorapam no one had heard of them and their crap dont work though the website swear they do . Im in uk and cant get a decent lorazepam any ideas?.

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It does not work at all. They are an India company cited many times for dirty equipment..

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Got it last month. First time I experienced anxiety from Ativan; that’s what it’s prescribed for, plus it left me with a hangover the next day. Avoid if possible. Ask your pharmacy to order a different generic or go somewhere else.

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It gave me headaches the first day or two I tried it but after that it has been fine. I was just switched from Leading to Aurobindo. There were some recent posts in another thread (the old one about Leading) that said they tried Aurobindo and thought it was good.

Almost all drug companies have been cited for nasty FDA and/or law violations. So they almost all suck in some way. Pick your poison.

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Re: Khill1070 (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

M8, Ativan is very strong and HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. Be so so careful as withdrawal is HELL on Earth if you survive. All Benzo's v addictive as you know (I hope) Would love to find a way out of this but there seems only ONE way! And that's not a good option!!

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Have tried all 3... would rate them 1. Actavis 2. Aurobindo 3. Leading ( this is what my pharmacy Rite Aid is currently carrying- switched from Actavis).. I’m pretty sure other pharmacies (particularly chains are carrying either Actavis or Aurobindo)...

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Re: Optimistic (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I agree! I had the most horrendous experience when the pharmacy switched and gave me an Aurobindo Sertraline instead of Pfizer. Even on the low dose of 25mg (starting dose is 50mg) I felt I had lost my mind! This occurred back in 2015. I am able to get brand name Zoloft through Canada
Pharmacy TG! All is good!

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Re: Leebs (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

My pharmacy usually orders Activis for me because I can not take the Leading brand. They said Activis is in back order till Mid July and can get Aurobino brand. I'm scared on trying new brands. Please tell me something positive about it because what I have been reading about it is not good.

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Re: Becca333 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been taking Leading for about 4 months, took about a week to adjust to it and then was fine. Have only tried the Aurobindo for a month and that was fine too. Don’t let the comments freak you out. Consider how many people are taking either and are ok with it. It may not seem as effective to some, but I’m fine with it.

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Re: Khill1070 (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I've been using the Aurobindo Lorazepam for a few months and it's been fine, but it was refilled yesterday and it's HORRIBLE! Something must have changed. It's giving me great anxiety, a weird feeling in my head (hangover), and the shakes. I'm thankful to know it wasn't my imagination. I mentioned something to my doctor about it.

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Re: Em (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Very sorry to hear that. My rite aid switched to Aurobindo recently from Leading and so far has been fine, even better…

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This company manufacture a very poor quality of medicine, I had a bitter experience of using its product Lorazepam . Would suggest to all users never use its any product it uses poor quality of material

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I second your Aurobindo Adderall take. It’s the worst. I Don’t take the ‘pam but I would probably avoid anything made by ‘Bindo as well.

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Re: Leebs (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

That’s a positive note for someone that experiences being unsure about something due to anxiety. Once again I’m grateful, thank you so much.

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Re: Russ (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

I would just say that thousands upon thousands of people are taking this medication. It is obviously helping a lot of people. Good luck to you! Be positive!

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Re: Leebs (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you, you’re the best. I feel more comfortable with the answers you gave me. That makes sense. I will take it but it will still be hard for me to take. Do you think that there are a lot of people out there that had positive experiences with Aurobindo Lorazepam? I wish you the best and I want you to know that you really helped me. I hope you have success and good health. Thank You

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Re: Russ (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Russ, I feel for you, but a few things.
1. If you look at the ingredients of the Aurobindo Lorazapem it has it in it, I don’t know what else to say.
2. I’m currently taking it and it works for me
3. You’re focusing on negative reviews that are making you anxious. But, most of the bad reviews are old. And I would think that with Aurobindo being more prevalent, there would be more negative reviews.
What are your alternatives? Leading? Teva (on back order).
I can’t advise you, but I would just say that if you’ve got it in your mind that the pill won’t work, guess what, it won’t .

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I’m hoping that someone will give a positive well structured explanation for Aurobindo Lorazepam soon. Does it have the active ingredient and how do you know? Have you had a positive experience with Aurobindo Lorazepam? Is it safe? I’m only asking because I have my back against the corner from the negative reviews. My mind won’t let me take it unless I know there are some positives. It’s just as bad not knowing about a pill than not being able to take it.

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Re: Russ (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Is Aurobindo Lorazepam an overall positive experience? Is the active ingredient not being in the Aurobindo Lorazepam really a myth? Does anyone have concrete proof the active ingredient really isn’t in Aurobindo Lorazepam? Could the negative reviews and reactions from Aurobindo Lorazepam really be caused from the way people’s mindsets are and fillers in the Aurobindo Lorazepam? I had an allergic reaction from Stelazine and I was in a coma for three months. I know it was a reaction from the medication because my tongue tuned black and I immediately became commatosed. Those are facts. With these negative reviews, I have no idea what anything is based on. I have a pill phobia. Can anyone give me a factual picture of the Aurobindo Lorazepam? I need reassurance before I take a new pill. I’m sorry for anybody’s suffering that took Aurobindo Lorazepam. There has to be a lot of positive stories about Aurobindo Lorazepam that just weren’t told.

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I’m hoping for a response for this poor person and myself. I’m not exactly sure how this works but this will probably be my last question about Aurobindo Lorazepam here. I don’t know if my comments are upsetting anyone. I’m just trying to find out if the active ingredient is in the Aurobindo Lorazepam pill and if you can give a sensible answer why? I was supposed to take this medication three days ago. The negative reviews took me for a ride. Is there anybody out there?

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Re: Leebs (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

I’m sorry to bother you again. I’ll keep it short, this will be the last time. In your opinion do you think Aurobindo Lorazepam has all of the active ingredient in each pill? I’m afraid to try it because of the negative reviews. Thank You

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Re: Leebs (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Thank You for your response, it helped. Is it fair to say that the fillers are the main cause of people’s negative experiences. If so I don’t understand the people that have been on Aurobindo Lorazepam for a few years, do fine, get a refill and then get extremely ill. Is that from the new refill of the same medication or something else? I’m trying to figure out if I’m going to be affected by Aurobindo Lorazepam or not. I’ve had all the fillers that are in it so logically I should be ok. I’m having my doubts about this manufacturer from the terrible reviews. I’m feeling like there isn’t much of the active ingredient in the pill. There are only a few positive reviews. Thanks again. Have a great weekend.

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Re: Russ (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

Over the past few years I have been switched a few times… From Teva to Leading to Teva again and now to Aurobindo for last 5 months. Each switch I have had a few days adjustment period (filllers?). But the Aurobindo has been functional for me. That’s been my experience but everyone is different.

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