Aurobindo Alprazolam Er Vs Greenstone Xr, Sandoz & Actavis Er
UpdatedOk so a previous conversation I had with alprazolam user was with the newly approved Auribindo alprazolam ERs here in the US. They only make extended release here on US and they make instant release as well but do not believe they are approved in the US just the extended release ER/XR..and aurobindos is as follows:
.5mg er- x 72
1mg er- x 73
2mg er- x 74
3mg er- x 75
I have not yet tried any of the auribindo alprazolam products. I know they are made from India and just my preference I enjoy USA made medicine. I have been doing just great on all greenstone xr / er tablets and think they are great but within the last few years auribindo, sandoz, activas have made their own extended or xr or er version of alprazolam. The new sandoz er looks nice and well made but I have stayed away from sandoz since it started the press underground market and ruined sandoz alprazolam with all the fakes so I stay away from sandoz since and activas I stay away from depending on the medicine.
Which leads me to my question which is the best of most preferred alprazolam extended er and xr release: greenstone(my preferred but only tried activas er) sandoz activas or auribindo. I would love to hear your feedback and any experiences with these medicines as I take greenstone xr and was wondering if it is the most efficient but have not tried the Indian aurobindo or sandoz or activas er..which is your favorite and what do you all think of auribindo alprazolam er compared to greenstone xr alprazolam? Thanks can't wait for some feedback.
Greenstone or aurobindo or sandoz or activas on extended release which is best?
What do you wish to know? I'm not sure if you are asking which manufacturer makes this drug in a recreationally useable way?
Re: Alejandro (# 1)
There really is very little recreational use for alprazolam. Only 2% of people who take it feel euphoria. It works great for anxiety and, for me, severe episodes of panic. In that capacity it is a great drug of relief, not abuse. There really is no such thing as an alprazolam "high" in my opinion. It basically just calms you down.. and often times the side effects are unwanted i.e. lethargy, drowsiness.
What Goozer is asking for are empirical opinions from other people who have tried XR formulations of generic alprazolam, as a comparison. Did you not read his post? Your response, in general, seems quite obtuse, uninformed, useless, and overall a judgmental inference.
Re: Mason (# 2)
If there was no such thing as an alprazolam high, then the packaging would not have a C-IV designation (US controlled substance).
Re: Ben Zo Franklin (# 3)
Hey Ben Zo, what do you know? Actually I found Mason's post to address this matter sufficiently. For what its worth Aurobindo makes some really bad low priced crap
Aurobindo now has an instant release alprazolam formulation on the market, at least in 1mg tablets. I have been on alprazolam for almost 11 years, and there are a couple of brands with formulations that just have a reduced therapeutic effect on my I have been going to the same CVS for 5 years because they carried the Sandoz GG 258's. About 7 months ago I ended up with the green ovals made by DAVA pharmaceuticals (one of the brands I don't like) but the pharmacist assured me it was temporary. The next month the pharmacist told me everything was cool, I even looked at the label and saw "Sandoz", but that night I open the bottle and find Green DAVA's again! It's a pain in the ass for me to change pharmacies, so I figured I'd give them one more chance...and they went back to Sandoz. But, about a week into the next months prescription I noticed I wasn't feeling right, especially in the morning; I was kind of light headed and my brain felt a bit cloudy...when I started noticing that my eyes were really sensitive to light (it's a symptom of benzo withdrawal for me) I immediately checked my Rx and sure enough they were little blue oval pills, same shape, and color as the Sandoz, but they are made by Aurobindo. I did some research and they don't have the best record for quality, but they are CHEAP!! Since then the pharmacist refuses to tell me what brand they are using, and none of the other CVS stores will tell me what brand they use...even with a note from my I am not dealing with CVS headquarters because the pharmacist lied and the meds were improperly labeled...PLUS he has lied to me 3-4 times about another RX I get, telling me they are "out of stock" and won't have any for 7-10 days (they get shipments every day and can have any commonly used drugs within 36 hours).
Also, right around the same time, they switched the alprazolam brand, they switched my Adderall brand...three times in 4 months. The brand they have now, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, is so bad that in 2015 the FDA took the rare step of saying their Concerta formulation "could no longer be considered the equivalent of the brand and could not be automatically substituted by pharmacies for the brand name" and gave them 6 months to shape months later they were still being sold in pharmacies with no changes! Their Adderall formulation is for narcolepsy, NOT ADD/ADHD. It seems like CVS, along with most other pharmacies, is ignoring patient complaints and even FDA information. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A MEDICATION FORMULATION, MAKE SURE YOU REPORT IT TO THE FDA, EVEN IF IT IS NOT PRESCRIBED TO YOU (I am not endorsing illicit drug use). I used to work in pharmaceutical Quality Control when deciding whether to take action the FDA almost always looks at the number of complaints before doing anything else!!
I was trying to get some info on Aurobindo before I called my Dr. back & so far I feel like I've gotten nowhere. I know I've taken different generics of Xanax but I never noticed the difference. I've been taking Sandoz for awhile now from CVS. When I picked up my RX it said Aurobindo. I gave it the benefit of the doubt but this drug has little if no Alprazolam in it & I wonder what the fillers & binders are. CVS gave me crap of course. They no longer carry Sandoz at all. So I started calling around. Tom Thumb & Albertsons which are big grocery stores here & have the same pharmacy carry PAR and Walmart & Walgreens carry Activus. I haven't seen any review of PAR, but Activus has good & bad reviews. I know my doctor is going to give me crap too because my state has very strict controlled substance laws + if I called him & he could even call in another RX legally, I don't want to go from the frying pan into the fire, but Aurobindo Alprazolam 1 mg are bad. Can anyone help me?
I found the 0.5 Greenstone ER was wearing off too soon and felt like I wasn't taking anything after a while. The Aurobindo seems to remain in my system much longer and I find social settings and day to day activities affect me less while on this. I have switched pharmacies for one that carries Aurobindo ER. I am much better with this.
Re: RT (# 7)
If you can take Aurobindo & didn't get headaches, nausea, the sweats & insomnia, then maybe I got a bad batch. I have filed a complaint with the FDA & the CVS corporate office. But I have taken Xanax, Mylan, Sandoz, & Greenstone. I may have taken other generics, but none of them affected me like the ones from Aurobindo Mfg. I had to go back to my doctor, get a new RX & I went to Krogers & got Greenstone. Here's how screwed up my insurance is - I had to pay for the 2nd RX, but if he had prescribed Xanax, it would have been paid for. Had I known that I would have had my Dr. do that - would have solved all my worries. Because I do worry about the fillers, binders & % of Alprazalom that is in the generics, even Greenstone which is a part of Pfizer. I still think Sandoz is the best, but I'm going to find out how much Xanax is thru my insurance & I'll just go back to the real thing if it's not too high.
Re: Sandy (# 8)
I contacted CVS headquarters and then the pharmacist called me, he tried to tell me that the stores' distributor kept changing the brands they send to the stores and they had no control over it!
Re: Juan Pablo (# 9)
The CVS pharmacist here basically told me the same thing. At least I know if I'm going to still get generics, I'm going to check what mfg they are. I don't know what parts of the country have Kroger grocery stores, but mine has Greenstone & the pharmacist was so nice & helpful. CVS not so much.
Re: Sandy (# 8)
Dear Sandy, we are contacting from Aurobindo pharma and we are concerned about your complaint. We would like to know further details about your complaint. Please contact us via so that can speak with you for further assistance.
Re: Sandy (# 8)
Sandy nice to meet you and just to ease your mind greenstone generic has the exact same inactive ingredients and binders in it as name brand phizer xanax and a brand new generic by Breckenridge pharma made by centaur pharma has been released which has just been approved and is the very first blue 2mg xanax bar they are almost identical in ingredients to brand name and greenstone as well. i have yet to try them as they are very very new but hope to try and compare or get feedback on them as they are same ingredients as greenstone which is same ingredients active and inactive as brand name before I switch off my greenstone. with greenstone you are getting brand name pretty much including same ingredients binders etc so I stick with greenstone but if these new legit pharma blue bars are great may switch from greenstone hut doubtful the new bkue bars may be made in India or china
Re: Mason (# 2)
thank you mason a shame people rush to judge just like Drs and pharmacies
Re: goozer (# 12)
I take 1 mg and have for a long time and I've never felt a difference with any generic. I never really looked at all my bottles, but I know I've taken Sandoz, Mylan & Greenstone & then the horrid Aurobindo. I've taken Sandoz for a long time and I thought Greenstone would be the same, but it isn't. I did see somewhere that Greenstone changed in 2014. I don't understand why Greenstone wouldn't be as good Sandoz considering they are still part of Pfizer, but to me, they are not. This has been a HUGE deal to me to the point I changed my insurance as it didn't cover Xanax. Instead of calling more pharmacies in the area to see if they carry Sandoz which I don't think any do after talking to different pharmacists, I'm going to have my doctor prescribe Xanax. I hate doing that because it is so expensive. It worries me about the government oversight on any drugs now, not just this one.
Re: Sandy (# 6)
Aurobindo 1MG alprazolam for panic disorder who-cares CVS is a junk drug that I honestly believe varies from pill to pill, batch to batch and sometimes contains trace amounts of speed/ADHD meds. I actually have panic attacks at times just after taking, it's unbearable.
It's ruined the xanax taper-that was going well with Sandoz generic and life's gone to hell. I live pill to pill, have never had this complication ... just waiting for the next dose hoping to relieve the hell I'm living.
Diagnosed with panic disorder many yrs ago and never experienced this since prescribed xanax and then xanax generics. I checked the Aurobindo website and it appears to be true that only the extended release is produced in the U.S. The rest are coming from contaminated sites in India, and it's so obvious. Since CVS started offering me other generics but kept filling scripts aurobindo, I can barely make phone calls, speak out for myself or socialize. My husband's a gem but he's getting soooo tired of me living dose to dose without relief. Even my dreams are panic-ridden.
Of course, being shamed and blamed for taking this drug for panic disorder/agoraphobia/tinnitus is puts us on the most wanted population to obliterate from the earth's population. My friends/family have grown tired of the Aurobindo me.
Sad it is that help is there but even with insurance, help cannot be had. Sad sad sad. My provider and long-time pharmacy could not care less, I'm sure they laugh me off as a drug-addicted fiend.
Truth is, I've never once gotten "high" or "euphoric" of xanax, not the real thing nor the early generics. Now I am just a lazy sloth due to the funky way Aurobindo 1mg generic works. (It doesn't.)
Re: Sandy (# 6)
Aurobindo 1MG alprazolam for panic disorder from my "who-cares CVS" is a junk drug that I believe varies from pill to pill, batch to batch and sometimes contains trace amounts of speed/ADHD meds. I actually have panic attacks at times just after taking, lasting for hours -- it's unbearable.
It's ruined the xanax taper-that was going well with Sandoz generic and life's gone to hell. I live pill to pill, have never had this complication ... just waiting for the next dose hoping to relieve the hell I'm living.
Diagnosed with panic disorder many yrs ago and never experienced this since prescribed xanax and then xanax generics.
I checked the Aurobindo website and it appears to be true that only the extended release or XR is produced in the U.S. The rest are coming from contaminated sites in India, and it's so obvious. Since CVS started offering me other generics but kept filling scripts aurobindo, I can barely make phone calls, speak out for myself or socialize. My husband's a gem but he's getting tired of me living dose to dose without relief, unable to even enjoy a dinner out with him. Even my dreams are panic-ridden insomnia is my constant companion.
Of course, being shamed and blamed for taking this drug for panic disorder/agoraphobia/tinnitus puts us on the "most wanted population to obliterate from earth".
My friends/family have grown tired of the Aurobindo me.
Sad it is that help is there but even with insurance, help cannot be had. Sad sad sad. My provider and long-time pharmacy could not care less, I'm sure they laugh me off as a drug-addicted fiend.
Truth is, I've never once gotten "high" or "euphoric" off xanax, not the real thing nor the early generics. Now I am just a lazy sloth due to the funky way Aurobindo 1mg generic works. (It doesn't.)
Provider insists I begin taper again asap -- and just how do I do that when I'm already in full tolerance wdrl on India's Aurobindo xanax. Insomnia, bilateral tinnitus, agoraphobia, lonliness and grief are my new companions. Sorry if this was too long or repetitive. I am just going nuts with the tired, the panic, the games played with lives for bucks.
Best to you all in God's love ~ Suzanne
Re: suzanne (# 16)
Why are you putting up with that s***? Change pharmacies. That's what I did. The Aurobindo alprazolam did the same thing to me. I went back to my doctor & got a new RX. I'm probably in a better position than a lot of people because I've been going to the same doctor for years & he knew I wouldn't pull any s***. So he gave me a new RX & before that, I called around to pharmacies. If you have a Krogers grocery store, they carry Greenstone which is exactly like the brand Xanax. But still, every time I go in to get an RX filled, I ask them first who the manufacturer is because I learned my lesson with Aurobindo. Aurobindo is poison & there is no reason to continue to take it, in fact, you shouldn't. Some of their drugs have carcinogens in them.
Re: sabdy (# 17)
Oh but I have done all in my power, and for five long years.
I could cry for the loss of my right to live. Have alerted CVS, CVS corporate, my provider about issues many times over last year alone re Aurobindo 1mg crap; I've been assured they'd provide a different generic, Sandos was OK for me, Greenstone might be -- but Aurobindo is what I get.
I've called all other pharmacies in the area who won't special order anything, very rude ppl, even the nasty little mom & pop pharmacy, my provider who claims he's been chided by the DPH for over-prescribing xanax. He last month told me I needed to get a therapist and only the therapist can contact him for my refills. He wants patients who will subscribe to a 4-med cocktail that include an atypical antipsychotic, my body rebels against even the tamest antidepressants.
Here in the heart of Yale country, anyone prescribing or taking xanax is a criminal without honor, virtue or character. And that's the lie they tell themselves so they can sleep at night.
I want a lawyer as being treated like roadkill or criminal is by all? (But right now that's not an option.) This discrimination, negligence, the human rights violations, plus personal injury, trauma and stigma is pervasive among Yale's medical community. How funny that it was Yale NH Hospital that coerced me into taking xanax in the first place -- but, I was about to lose one more job due to panic attacks misconstrued as drug addiction -- there was no other choice at the time. No CBT, nothing.
The worst of this: I've called every other provider with prescribing rights to get away from this provider who was once a friend and who month last screamed me out of his office? So far, no one will accept me as a patient because I take xanax. The Yale Stress Center turned me down cold when I asked for help to taper. The Institute for Living has a department for people dealing with PTS, GAD, panic syndrome as I call it -- turned down at once.
I'm educated, held notable positions for nearly 3 decades with high-tech companies in CT, I've maintained the courage of my convictions, and I'm most adept at presenting well-researched persuasive info to back up my experiences, but honestly five years of fighting for some control over how my life plays out -- that's been fully and firmly removed as an option for me.
I don't abuse, overuse, and have never gotten a high from Xanax or generic; but the only acceptable view in this area is that Xanax is bad for all people, thus ppl who take Xanax are bad ppl.
And it is certainly not good, given my situation, I want off so bad I'm considering cold-turkeying off right away so I don't have to deal with these people again. There's so much more to my journey into this hell, but it's too much to get into here.
Thank you for hearing me out.
Love & Peace All
Re: suzanne (# 15)
aurobindo alprazalam are only good if you like head aches . And that's the truth . They do nothing else for me . What a shame !!!!
Re: Suzanne (# 18)
CVS finally special-ordered Greenstone 1mg xanax for me. Took nearly a month but I'm back on track.
I believe Aurobindo 2mg xanax produced in New Jersey while 1mg xanax generic produced in India.
Relieved to be off that cheap mix of crap and satisfied with Greenstone 1mgs.
Most Recent Replies:
Re: suzanne (# 15)
I feel so bad for you and know exactly what you are saying as I am too, having a horrid time on these aurobindo. I am experiencing so much of the exact same effects you are. I am going to try to get my doc. to send in a new prescrip at whatever pharmacy I can find that has something other then this and will pay cash if my insurance won't cover it. Might be a fight cause they love to tell you its all in your head! Sick of this.
Re: EDDY (# 4)
Agreed! My current prescrip is from them and they are terrible. Requires more of them to stop the anxiety/panic attacks. Just awful.
Re: Alejandro (# 1)
I hate Auobindo ER/XR. Not only do they not work at all for me but they make me feel sick. I had Aurobindo 2 mg. regular but they are identical to the Greenstone 2 mg. regular. I looked with a magnifying glass so my pharmacy may be playing games.
The 2 mg. Aurobindo is identical to the 2 mg. Greenstone in appearance. The Aurobindo ER/XR are round and I would stay away from them. The Greenstone ER/XR is square. Sandoz is not an option for me. I've had alprazolam and oxazepam from Sandoz and I swear there is zero active ingredients in them.
Re: EDDY (# 4)
Auribondo ER is horrible. Sandoz regular has no effect at all. I've had a problem with both of these generics when I was on Oxazepam and Teva discontinued it. No other generic was effective. I used to be able to get filler information from google but can't seem to do it anymore. Sandoz put shellac on the outside of the oxazepam capsule and Aurobindo used SLS as a filler. No wonder Auribondo makes me sick. You're not supposed to wash your hair with shampoos with Sodium Laurel Sulfate.
Re: Mason (# 2)
What? How do you know what percent feels it? You went into their bodies? Every one’s body’s because you said 2%. Don’t be silly.
I saw my doctor yesterday for refills. She stated DEA has started telling doctors to start weaning patients off to at least half of their doses. She said they want to stop prescribing it. I have seen this for years. I’m wondering if it’s finally here? I did see where the DEA has already put lots on pharmacies for filling alprazolam. It’s a “secret” number so that the pharmacies do not try to manipulate the system so they don’t know when or if they’re even getting close to their limit. Once a pharmacy hits that secret limit it forces the patient to have to shop around for a pharmacy who hasn’t hit their limit. Which is going to mess everything up because they won’t know their limit until filling and we all know you can only transfer once. It was dated 4/2023. Here’s the link:
Too bad Dr's refuse to prescribe nowadays.
Re: EDDY (# 4)
THIS IS TRUE!! AUROBINDO BRAND IS TERRIBLE!!! I has some really odd side effects. Bad tension headaches, itchiness like fleas, having an allergic reaction. This particular brand is made in India. Luckily I have amazing Dr & didn't have to go to the zero. It was almost like a withdrawal effect as well. It messed me up TERRIBLE. I talked to 2 different pharmacists they said every brand has fillers in the pill. The pharmacist said we have more complaints about These (this particular brand) AURBINDO were by far THE WORST & SCARIEST brand I've taken. THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED to BE PRESCRIBED PERIOD!!
Very strange... On the paper it says Actavis, but on my bottle it says this BS AUROBINDO. By Far The worst manufacturer of Alprazolam I have ever had in my whole time taking my medication. This should not be allowed to be sold anywhere. They seem like it’s nothing!!! Doesn’t help with my anxiety and panic attacks also, therefore since I’ve been taking them for a long time it’s messing with my mood, ect. How do I get these off the market as a medication? No matter what I do they don’t help.
Re: Tonya (# 71)
Thanks for your input I will be trying these thanks
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