Aurobindo Alprazolam 2 Mg (Top voted first)


I have taken Alprazolam for months and not had any major problems with its effectiveness. Mylan by far worked the best. But now with Aurobindo brand I feel like I’m taking a "sugar pill". The prescribed dose is 2mg as needed up to 4 times a day. The first day I took all 8 mg, despite not filling them until 5:00 pm. I didn’t sleep that night at all and the next day took just as many, with a tiny slice of relief from my anxiety. Usually I don’t take more than 2.5mg- 3 mg a day. I don’t want to have to depend on anything to help me feel “normal”. I filled this drug 03/23/2021. Please tell me, is anyone else going through the same thing?!?!?

37 Replies (2 Pages)

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The Aurobindo brand has been the worst for me. I’ve run out several times because I swear it is NOT an accurate/correct dosage and I have need more and more. At times it was like I had eaten a tic tac. Taking a Xanax should not ever feel like you’ve taken NOTHING. I recently switched pharmacies which has Sandoz (not my fave but not bad) and it’s like having actual Xanax again.

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I am 100% agreeing with you, I get sick, I feel as if I'm detoxing on these and now this is the only brand that my pharmacy can get?!? Like HELL NO!! I CANT DO THIS! I'm ready to commit myself. Calling Dr Monday am to have him send in rest of months supply or new script for qmg I ea so I can get the ones I need.

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I think their meds are fake. I refuse to take their adderall because they feel like speed. I got some anti nausea medicine made by them that made me feel like I was going to have a seizure. My pharmacy knows not to fill anything for me made by Aurobindo. I list it as an allergy because something is REALLY wrong with their meds. Please report your experiences to the FDA medwatch.

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You’re not crazy. I felt the same way and for a while I use to think that they might be putting fillers in them from so many people suffering from anxiety. So to answer your question yes I have felt this way and about half hour later took Zquil and went to sleep. Mind you I have been on xanax for 15 years and am a senior. Funny how you mentioned this because when I recently refilled my new script for the month, it came from Greenstone. I never had that one before but I can see the difference. Yet I can’t understand why I cannot get the brand name just goes by Alprazlom. It’s a terrible feeling to go through this. Let me know if you can switch over to Lorazapan or ask pharmacy about Greenstone. Best of luck!

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That happened to me the last time I got my Xanax filled. It was the Aurobindo brand and I felt like it was a placebo drug and didn’t relieve my anxiety symptoms. I do better with the Breckinridge brand but my pharmacy stopped carrying that one. I agree with you about how it feels like a sugar pill.

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I got the best relief with least side effects from the Mylan brand as well. These other generic brands have less effectiveness with much higher incidences of side effects!! Not at all pleased!!!!

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Yes I can't stand this brand, I went thru hell and back with them. I got physically sick, had a seizure, all due to the fact that they are so weak. I was in bad withdrawals my Dr couldn't understand why the pharmacy wouldn't help me out cause of my adverse reaction. So now he puts in my Script No Aurobindo brand alprazolam. The Green ones by Dava were by far the BEST, then comes the Blue bars by Breckenridge, then The Yellow by Teva are the only ones I will take and my Dr writes it in my script!

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Re: Marylandmaven (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I agree, I've gotten used to Greenstone brand Then switched over to Aurobindo. ( which dont work at all ) I've had Sandoz before. They work. Wish I could get them again. Or, Greenstone
Why is it so hard for companies like Aurobindo to get there act together.

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Yes, I too just started on a new refill of aurobindo because the pharmacy only had this brand in stock. I ended up in the e.r. last night due to withdrawal symptoms. The aurobindo won't let me sleep, tightness in my jaws, tremors, no appetite, like a nervous breakdown. I believe there is something in them that causes insomnia & tension & withdrawal symptoms. Now my doctor has put me on Seroquil just for sleep. There's something dangerous in this drug/brand. I wish I could never take it, but seizures, coma & death are worse. I reported this to aurobindo and got a case number but it's been 2 days with no response.

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Re: AlprazoFan (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

YES!!!!! One 1mg XR from any company otherness than Arobindo gets rid of panic for up to 12-16 hours. This crap takes 3-4 MG and does NOTHING.

That's not anecdotal, that is just FACT for those of us who sadly have issues that are debilitating when not treated.

(STOP trying to look like an intellectual and READ the thousands of prescribed patients. Those ARE the test subjects.

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Re: James (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

CVS and Rite Aid use the same distributor, then Walgreens and Walmart use the same distributor. I live in New England and the Wallgreens around here doesn’t buy from that terrible manufacturer. I used to use Rite Aid and I had to switch because they wouldn’t get anything else and I’m not buying fake medication. The pharmacist knows too, when I complained to him about their meds he said “well they are FDA approved” and I said just barely look at what happened to Aurobindo and their Adderall, you guys sold it for years and it’s FAKE. He smirked because he knows.

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Re: James (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure about the XR version, but try Costco for greenstone or activis.

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They make the worst medication on earth, I actually refused to take medication made by them it’s on file at the pharmacy. Their Adderall was so fake that I wouldn’t even take it even if that was all that was available I would rather go without. They eventually had to stop making adderall because of that.

Please report a problem directly to the pharmacy or to the FDA medwatch page. If the FDA doesn’t know they are making fake meds they will continue to make fake meds.

Did you get them at Rite Aid or CVS? They order the bottom of the barrel generics which are Aurobindo. If you go to Wallgreens or Walmart you won’t get those they don’t buy cheap fake meds.

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Re: Megan (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Go to a Walgreens or a Walmart. They use the same distributor. And then Rite Aid and CVS use the same distributor. And they are the only ones I know who buy those trash meds. Walgreens and Walmart don’t buy from aurobindo because they know they’re garbage.

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Re: James (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Greenstone is in my opinion the best brand for generic Xanax. I take the 1mg and that is by far the most effective brand.

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Re: James (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree. I've been taking Greenstone brand with no problem for 25 years. Now my only go to pharmacist has this "Aurobindo" brand which is like taking nothing. The only thing it does (which I'm lucky) is not throw me into withdrawals. And, that's saying that lightly. There should be a law against this. Give me back my Greenstone, Sandoz, or Pfizer. Keep this "Aurobindo" brand off the shelves.

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Re: readmorebooks1 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I called breckenridge pharmaceutical & they said they are no longer going to make alprazolam.

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Re: Aurobindosucks (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

the pharmacies don't care they go with the cheapest manufacturer they can get even if it destroys the patients.

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Re: Megz (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I think not only are they weak they've added something in them to cause bad side effects. I want off of them but im afraid of seizures coma & death.

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Re: Megz (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

breckenridge no longer is making alprazolam I called them.

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