Aurobindo Adderall (Page 2)
UpdatedThe worst. Don't get it filled
I have noticed when coming down from my Adderall ir 15mg, I get an extreme rage in my chest. I can not be around anything or anyone, but it goes away in an hour at least. It happens every now and then. I am taking Aurobindo's version of Adderall. Is this normal?
Re: Jay (# 1)
Same problems plus severe depression. I mean severe. Like suicidal ideation severe. I got this script filled at CVS. I usually go to Walgreens and get Teva. (20 mg. IR). What I received at CVS has the U30 marking peachish pink...and chalky. Crumbly. Looked it up and it's made by Aurolife? I know Teva bought Aurobindo. But WTF is Aurolife? It's in India just like Aurobindo. I'm calling CVS today. I'm calling my doctor Monday. I've fought too hard and too long against depression to put up with this.
I actually prefer Autobindo generic Adderall over Teva generic. I filled Auto last month and had a great month. Got Teva the following month and felt like I was literally dying inside. Extreme anxiety yet strangely tired and no motivation. Doc switched me back to Auro and I feel much more alive again. I guess everyone responds differently to the different manufacturers. O, I don’t work for Aurobindo. Just an ordinary bloke offering my personal experience.
This medication is s***. Teva is my usual. Since taking one 10mg dose of this garbage, I experienced SOB, increased heart rate, agitation, cervicogenic migraine, tinnitus and panic attack. What a nightmare! What is in this garbage? Why would the FDA allow this to be circulated? Teva does not cause any of the above side effects. I am devastated as I cannot tolerate this medication but rely on my Adderall for functioning. I will reach out to my pharmacy, my provider, the pharma company and the FDA. Something is very wrong with this medication. I feel like I was literally poisoned.
I'm going to contact an attorney for possible c lass a ction against this company for dangerous side effects. Who is in?
Re: Jonnylightning (# 23)
I had that same experience last month with Aurobindo except it seemed to be a bit weaker but I only take 10 mg 2x/day. I refilled last week it says manufacturer is again Aurobindo and it's like I'm taking a completely different medication, no therapeutic effect and the physical and mental effects are so bad I can't take it at all.
I'm over 50 and just started taking this type of med for the first time less than a year ago. I had a few left from last month and the difference is night and day, no doubt there is something very wrong with this particular batch of medication that I currently received. I'm seeing a lot of other complaints, and like me, I doubt that all these people are suddenly flooding message boards about this for no good reason.
Re: Penny (# 26)
I posted a message a week or so ago about auro/bindo/auro-life generic 20 mg. adderal with the 30 marking. I have taken basically every generic adderal 20 mg.talked about in the forums, Sandoz, Teva, Core-Pharma. I have heard all the generics praised and criticized depending on the individual, however, this Auro-Bindo/Auro-bindo-Aurolife is the worst "medicine" I have ever taken in my life. I do the best on Teva, or the old Sandoz, Core-Pharma not as well. But even the Cor-Pharma was not like Auro-life/aurobindo. I switched to CVS from Walgreens where they have Teva. Have been doing great and even cutting back on my adderal dosage, certainly not increasing. Been getting Teva at Walgreens for quite awhile. I remain on the prescribed dosage or less, plus my anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medicine, exactly as prescribed. Those are my best days. What I have learned over the many years of having MDD and anxiety is that all the SSRI's and SNRI's lose their efficacy over a few years. I'm on Trintellix now a relatively new SSRI which also has glutamate agonists/antogonists as well. I've also learned that skipping several days or running out because I can't afford the pills is a recipe for disaster. I must clear drugs through my system very quickly. SSRI/SNRI drug withdrawal is god-awful. I don't like the fact I cannot go off these drugs but it's too late now. I'm not willing to suffer through the 4-8 weeks of withdrawal followed by years of re-occuring problems. I have a great cognitive therapist/pyschiatrist that I see faithfully. When I switched to Trintellix, I was tapered off the Lexapro and Wellbutrion I had been on for almost 10 years and just took the Trintellix.
I went through such terrible withdrawals from the Lexapro and Wellbutrin that I couldn't tell if the Trintellix worked. I was sick physically, and mentally. But the worst part was a feeling I was actually "losing my mind" and would not come out of it. It was not the Trintellix it was going off the Lexapro and Wellbutrin completely in just a month. So I worked with my doctor we came up with a cocktail that IF I take as prescribed, actually works. I almost feel like a normal person. In order to remain on my meds faithfully I needed to switch to a 24 hour pharmacy because of my job hours. SO I went to CVS. I forgot that they were the ones who switched me from Sandoz to Cor-Pharma. I had been with Walgreens for several years always getting Teva.. I didn't look at my adderall until I got home. Instead of the oval darker pink Teva, which has a coating and you can easily break them in two if you only need half, the new pills were smaller, round and very, very crumbly. As soon as I took my dose the next day I knew they were bad. They melted on my tongue before I could swallow them. I knew immediately they were crap drugs felt NOTHING. No focus, no energy, and horrible depression by the end of the day. Jittery and nauseated and headachy. Also ironically after they wore off I was extremely irritable and anxious which I do not get from Teva. In one day I had essentially undone all the weeks of working toward the right combination of drugs for me to have a normal productive life. I looked up the pills and found out they are made by Auro-life a division of auro-bindo out of India. The FDA took Auro-Bindo generics off the US market from 2006 until 2013. Due to the drugs having 50% or less of the active ingredients, and being contaminated with dirt and unsafe additives. Great, I was taking the worst drug on the generic adderall market and had just paid CVS $72.00 for the privilege. Bottom line I don't take any of my medication to "feel high", I'm 63 years old. I need it in the dosages prescribed to feel HUMAN.
It is medicine for god's sake. Why would I bother if it made me feel worse? I was pissed. I called my doctor and she wrote another script for me to take to Walgreens for Teva. I haven't had time this week to go pick up the script due to work. I also told the pharmacist at CVS.. Then I really got pissed. She said CVS had Teva in stock, they were out of Sandoz, so they took the Auro-Bindo the least effective option from the suppliers. They prefer Sandoz, their second choice is TeVa but if the supplier can't fill the entire order with Sandoz, they the Auro-Life/Aurobindo. So the pharmacy knows Auro-Bindo is not as efficacious as Sandoz and Teva. But they give it to their customers/patients without telling them it is different. What's worse is I could have gotten the Teva instead but I didn't know to ask for it. I told the pharmacist the Auro-Life not only did not work, but made me jittery, nauseated, and depressed (plus headaches). I was hoping she would "trade me" for Teva. Nope, so until I drive out to my doctor's office, I have been taking this crap. I am going to file the complaint to the FDA. I agree with Pam who said it feels like that ephedra stuff you could by at the gas station to pull an allnighter in college, or to work a double shift. But I never got the extreme depression from Ephedra. Whatever is in these pills is not pure or uniform. Taking these has set me back at least a week in my work, family life and and feeling normal. My hard-earned progress ended when a pharmacy cavalierly gave me a crappy generic. Instead of saying is there a particular generic that works best for you? I am totally self pay so if there was a brand Adderal IR I would try to afford it. But there is not. So a simple 30 second conversation, "what have you been taking? Is it working? We can fill it with Teva would you prefer that generic?" If I had been on Sandoz, I would have had a choice of Teva or The Auro-Life. A simple statement that Auro-life/Aurobindo generic is not tolerated well by some people, or a more neutral "you may find it doesn't work the same as the generic you have been taking, if so call your doctor. But no, nothing. they sent me merrily on my way to suffer for ten days with this nasty stuff.
The only way I can explain it is it feels like a "dirty" drug. A drug that if someone sold it to you on the street you would probably go back and kick their ass. Why should we be put through this. We are not purchasing from street dealers, but a legitimate pharmacy and a supposedly FDA approved generic. And even the generics are not cheap. Aren't we entitled to know what is in this stuff.? At least with a street seller you could go back and tell the dealer, this is s***, what is in this? But the pharmacy companies and the pharmacies treat us like we are doing something wrong, that we should be grateful they fill the damn prescription at all.
I know pharmacists know which generics are historically the worst. But they have to stick with that BS line about an approved generic must have 80% of the active ingredient of the brand drug. Yeah, right. How do they police that? Do they do random evaluations of batches coming from a particular lab before they ship them to the US? Hell no. If the FDA gets enough complaints they will investigate, maybe. But if Auro-Bindo was bad enough to be taken off the US generic market from 2006 until 2013, due to fraud, basically. They were making more money for the shareholders by cutting their drugs with aspartine, sacharine, and god knows what else to 50% or less of the allowed level. The FDA must be exceptionally trusting to think if that company made millions if not billions doing it until they got caught, why wouldn't they revert back to the same behavior once the heat was off? Come on now. I think that because it is a schedule II drug, the manufacturers think they can provide just enough of the active ingredients and patients won't complain. If we complain then we sound wacko or addicted. After all who are the pharmacies and doctors going to believe a multi-billion dollar corporation with numerous research chemists or a bunch of messed up adderal addicts? The irony is by reducing the active ingredients in controlled substances, while the FDA and pharmacies stand silent while they know there are major discrepancies in the efficacy and strength of the controlled substance generics, they are in effect endangering people's lives.
We just want to be well. To feel like functioning adults. The higher they quality and consistency between the different generics prevents people from over-medicating to achieve the same advantageous effect. I have been on the same dosage of generic adderal for at least 3-4 years. My dosage has not been increased. I do not abuse them, but I depend on them to do what they are supposed to do consistently. I don't want to have to take twice the amount I normally would because I get a bummer batch one month. And what about the possibility of lack of consistency between the individual pills themselves. This is exactly why street drugs are so dangerous. The amount of the active ingredient can vary greatly depending on the supplier. So people overdose. Likewise the government outlaws synthetic Marijuana and club drugs because the synthetic drugs vary in chemical composition and what is in the synthetic drugs can range from relatively harmless to pyschosis inducing like "Spice." We call this behavior criminal, sometimes we charge these suppliers with murder, or attempted murder or reckless homicide. We lock those dealers up, but we continue to purchase from and reward pharmaceutical companies that do the same thing. If I have a stroke because I double my adderal dose one month to get the same therapeutic effect as last month's batch, or have a pyschotic reaction, I will take the blame. Not the people who supplied the drugs. This has to stop.
This company is going to end up killing someone. Ive thought over and over i was truely and honestly sick. The migraines this med has caused me has ruined my life. I cannot work when they occur, i am literally sick. The sores in my mouth caused my pills were so bad, i couldnt even eat. The pill dont even give me any relief from my A.D.H.D symptoms.
This company needs to fold in their towels. They are only causing more and more problems for people that already suffer from a problem in the first place. Its sad. All for what? Cheaper meds? You can make more money if the products is good and actually works for what they are supposed to work then money could be made.
Great discussion this will help a lot in understanding of drug and reactions
Re: Lu (# 18)
Hi, I had the same problem. The green pills, I believe, are co-pharma. I also noticed side-effects and felt sick to my stomach as well. It did not seem like I was really taking Adderall at all. My doctor and pharmacist both listened. Perhaps others had similar experiences and they switched to a different generic. My pills are now blue and a little crumbly and dissolve in my mouth, but they seem to be real and work.
Re: Jonnylightning (# 23)
Doctors can't "switch" you over to Aurobindo, unless they are dispensed at the Doctor's office, or they control a Pharmacy
This might explain a few things:
This brand is horrible, just like the other Indian generic brand from Sun Pharmaceuticals that isn't around any more. Must be low standards for Indian medication. Nothing against India, I'd have no problem taking it if it worked. Funny story, one day my generic Adderall meds were not working at all. I thought I must have taken 2 of my simvastatin by accident since they are about the same size and shape. So I took the ADHD meds again. Felt close to normal with a little more jitters and a slight headache. Must have actually taken the Aurobindo version both times. I took 60mg of the Aurobindo yesterday and still took 4 naps to make it through the day. I can't function on this ripoff version of the drug.
Aurobindo has been the best. Since my pharmacy stopped ordering Aurobindo I have been forced out of necessity to used Camber, Teva, and Alvogen; all of these are worthless. One of these even made me nauseous. Aurobindo is currently unavailable.
Re: Penny (# 26)
I got the same, it's horrible.
Re: Jay (# 1)
Dear Jay, in my opinion your tolerance is too high, you should try Desoxyn. I love them & I can't seem to find a pharmacy that has them. You're looking for a high, you're young... They help me concentrate, and I'm energetic, and eat right. They are the best on the market. I used to take 20mg 2x a day. I can't wait till I find out the truth. I was told they stopped production. The 30s I was taking were round and orange. Look up Desoxyn 20mg by Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals. You will be happy and satisfied. Hope you're rich, brand name only. Good Luck.
Re: MrsRobbinson (# 14)
PS Sandoz is in parteniship with them they are the best I can't not find them in 4 Bklyn Manhattan queens & the Bronx . Good luck.
Re: Trublu24 (# 19)
Dear true blue I love Aurobindo U30s they help u concentrate,, & focus . & no crazy come down . I also find that y have to eat properly. I can't find them but I won't give up this is the best ADDHD medicine on the market , good luck in your endeavors.
Re: EDDY (# 31)
I don't understand , what does the doctor have to do with the pill that is being dispensed to u , as long as he is getting paid . & the insurance covers it please explain in detail.
Re: Sickened by Aurobindo (# 28)
Yo get Desoxyn manufactured by Eli Lilly . I u can handle it . I hope you're rich , they are very pricy. Aurobindo is the best , if I could invest in pharmaceuticals that company would be the one . I can't find them anywhere , good luck Hope u find a proper medication to help your ADDHD.
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