Ativan Forums (Page 4)

Recently active Ativan forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ativan and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I take 1mg of Ativan and Stilnox before heading to bed. I have a habit of having a glass of wine 4 hours prior to taking the meds. Is that enough time to get all the alcohol out of my system before the benzodiazepines kick in? I know that I should never drink after taking the meds but if it's the other way around, drink first and meds later, the time required is shorter because ethanol metabolizes in the body roughly 1-2 hrs per drink. Am I right? ## Hi Layhoma, From what I've read, the body can metabolize about a quarter ounce of alcohol per hour and in retrospect, one serving of alcohol may be fully absorbed into the bloodstream within a matter of 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption. However, there are several factors that can influence whether or not it's out of your ...

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I take 2 mg Ativan twice a day, every day..had urine test at dr office..Ativan didn't show up. What could interfere w it showing? Now my dr thinks I ran out early. I'm baffled! Any answers? Thank you! ## I have the same problem. I take 0.5mg twice a day and my test always come up negative. I don't understand. Hope someone can come up with an answer, because I don't want to lose my prescription. ## Lorazepam (Ativan) frequently does not show up in urine because it is excreted as a metabolite (lorazepam glucuronide) which does not react with the antibodies in the drug test. Less than 1% of lorazepam is excreted as the parent drug. Hence, it frequently gives false negatives on drug screens. ## I take ativan and klonipn does not show in urine why?

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I am a hospice nurse and the discussion has come up as to the shelf life of the narcotics that we use such as Ativan,Morphine, Dilaudid. Is there a blanket time that we can use for all narcotics that have expired expiration dates on the label. ## Okay first, Ativan is not a narcotic, it contains the active ingredient Lorazepam, which is a Benzodiazepine, so rather than treating pain, it is used to treat anxiety, nervous disorders and some severe cases of insomnia. Learn more: And second no, dispensing expired medications to your patients would be considered illegal under U.S. law. Are there any other questions? ## Calm down, Nurse Nancy geeesh ## Um. Yes, lorazepam IS a narcotic... Narcotic does not mean "illicit drug", that does not make any sense. The way that I see it, people...

9 REPLIES Updated

What's the best between ativan and alzam ## There is no one better medication, we are all different, so it really depends on which one works best for you. The NIH warns that this class of medications carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Have been taking ativan for 5 years after whiplash damage to merve in neck. My body cannot tolerate other meds lrescribed for this condition .... trepiline, lyrica, etc. I take 3x1mg ativan per day. However, it is not enough any more. What is worse , I have developed severe bruxism. Causes ringing in ears, ear pain, cramps over head, pain in left I. I want to stop taking it. What can I use. Normal pain meds do not help. Bee...

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My brother is being prescribed many drugs from his psychiatrist, please tell me if these drugs are dangerous to take all together, or is this improper, irresponsible medication prescribing. His initial diagnosis was panic/anxiety disorder. Thank you ..this is the list: trazadone, ativan, paxil, flexeril, seriquel, vistaril, klonopin, tenormin, lamictal, oxycodone, and ibuprofen. he has an addiction to meth and goes to this doctor to get other drugs for his drug addiction. I just can't believe a doctor would or should prescribe all these drugs at one time. any help would be great. ## Is that a lot of medications to be taking? Yes. However, whether or not they are being prescribed improperly isn't something that I can say. There are many instances where a combination of medication...

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I was proscribed klonapin about a year ago i took it for about 3 weeks i stopped because it made me depressed. then a summer passed i got it again with celexa the same thing happened again i stoppped taking it. i was put on xanax 1mg i started on .25 but ended up 1mg 3 times a day. this did not wokr the anxiety was still there and i was more aggiteated and stressed then usualy they made me calm but nothing. after i went back to my dr he put me on valium i took 2 5mg one day the next i tried 10mg the day after 20mg split up into the morning and the night, but the valium had absolutly no effect one me i did not feel anything like i hadnt even taken them. my anxiety is very severe to the point were i am stressed i have migrains 5 days out of the week every day, my hands shake alot and they...

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the tablet is a very small oval shape, bright pink with mp/61 scored on the front and nothing on the back. i havent a clue what it is, please help because i would like to know what a relative is taking! ## I've tried all of our resources and I can't find any identification on this tablet. The MP would normally lead me to believe it is something from Mutual Pharma, but nothing with a 61 or anything similar is listed in their U.S. database. Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere? I have a suspicion that it may be a foreign tablet, because I did find a few other posts where people were asking about it, but no one has been able to identify it, so far. ## This is made by genesis pharmaceuticals, a Cyprus based company and it is 2.5mg of Ativan (Lorazepam) which is a drug that be, ones...

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i took 2 mg of Ativan today, i have been clean of all drugs for the last 7 weeks up until this 2mg dose. i will most likely be tested in 7 days, i workout daily and drink around 2-3 quarts of water a day, I'm around 193lbs with 15%bf and stand 6feet 2inches tall. will i pass the test or will i fail it. its a urine test, and it says that the cutoff for benzodiazapines is 300 ng/ml ( don't know if that will help you give me a better answer or not) Thankyou for your time ## Hi, there. I'm going through the SAME EXACT PROBLEM as the one you described in July, 2013. I'm wondering, did you pass our test? I have a test tomorrow and would love to know if you passed. If not, I can push my appt. one more day. Thanks! ## Hey, well I was lucky enough to not get tested for three week...

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I got a small brown dissolve under the tongue white pill with only a number one on it from someone they said it was Ativan but I don't think it is could anybody help me with this she said it was generic lorazepam from New Brunswick Canada the superstore Pharmacy


I'll try to make this as short as possible. How can I ask or hint at that I need a refill without sounding like an addict? I'm suffering from Agoraphobia, my Primary Doctor put me on Ativan, side effects suck but it works good enough. He gave me the prescription for the 3 months (I live in Florida) & that was in June of 2016. Yes, it's lasted me over a year. I take 1.5mg to be able to leave my home. I take them maybe a max of 4 times a month. That's leaving my home once a week. (1.5mg once a week basically) I've made an appointment w/a therapist back in march but can't get in until September. I'm waiting! I don't have enough medication to last until my Therapist visit, unless I stop leaving my home for the next few months. That makes things worse if I do


Can someone go immediately from 2mg of Ativan four times a day to Klonopin 3 times a day without horrible withdrawal? ## What is the dosage of Klonopin that has been prescribed? It is stronger than Ativan and someone would need 4mgs of it to be equal to the 8mgs of Ativan. The FDA classifies these medications as benzodiazepines. They carry the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I take 6 mg Ativan a day , have done for years also 10mg Lexapro to combat depression , my question is I feel bad now its not the Ativan they just make me tired which is a great anxiety killer , the Lexapro may be the problem , I use it has a safety net against depression , sort of kill it befor...

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Yellow pill with A on one side, blank on the other. I'm allergic to aspirin and am really trying to find out what it is. Could it be ativan? ## Hi Jon, How does the letter A appear on the tablet? Is it a normal looking capital "A" or is it an embedded shape that looks like an A or a V (without the little line -)? I've come across the latter, which is also a round yellow tablet, so I just wanted to double check with you on that. Just for verification, the pill I'm describing is Zelapar 1.25 mg made by Valeant Pharmaceuticals with a National Drug Code of 00187-0453. Also, whereabouts did you get it from? If it was from a local pharmacy perhaps that would be the best place to take it for an immediate means of identification. Hope this helps!

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I mistakenly took 1mg of ativan yesterday around 4:30 pm. I have a probation urine test today at 6 pm. I have never before taken a benzo. I've been drinking water and coffee and eating regularly. I weigh a muscular 185 pounds. I've heard that I'm either screwed or in the clear. Can anyone shed some light? ## I think your good even if it is sent to the lab. Ativan is in the Benzo family (Xanax, Ativan, Valuim, on). Ativan is very fast acting and has a very short half life so it does not stay in your system that long and I think the lab is looking for higher concentrations to see if it is being abused and 1mg one time I doubt would throw a positive, and that's if they even check for Benzos. Drink as much water and fluids as possible, you don't want your u...

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I'm on Ativan for anxiety and i have taken 1 and a half mgs in the last 4-5 hours. Im really struggling with abdominal pain and bloating. Is it safe to take Gas X with my ativan? ## Hello, Aj! How are you? I didn't find any interactions or problems listed between them, but it's always best to double check such information to be sure. The FDA classifies Ativan as a benzodiazepine, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? ## But aren't u taking the gas x to get rid of the gas?? Ativan is to calm u down. U may find that Ativan actually is constipating. Most meds that slow ur CNS/ make u sleep or relaxed, slow that part of ur body down too. If u ha...

2 REPLIES Updated

Hi There, I'm aged 31 yrs ... and taking Levipil 500 mg 1 in Morning & 1 in night. Lobazam 5mg in morning & 10mg in night, Bplex Forte 1 tablet in night, Ativan 1 mg at night and Pantocid 40mg on empty stomach. Am using these tablets from 2013 and it's been almost 5 years now. I often get irritated and can see I lost most of my hair... I work in afternoon timings 3:30 pm to 12:30 am... and I don't sleep even for 5 hours a day. but I feel drowsy all through the day after my bath. I have an habit of smoking (1 pack) per day this habit is inculcated when i was 17 years. But i do not consume alcohol ... Now a days I not pleasuring my partner to full extent... Now with your advice I'd like to understand whether I can use xxx tablets for longlasting enjoyment


round tablet with the marking 774 ## im looking for what a lorazapam .5mg looks like ## Paytiepoe, I located several pills with 774 on it, but they also have an RX or WATSON or another marking on it. Does you pill have any other markings? Please post back so I can help you locate the correct pill. ## Looking for a pill that looks like the lorazepam 1mg. It's round and thin ,and white ## Is there any other pills that could pass of as ativan...small and white

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its small round it says wyeth on one side and on the other it has a line across the middle ## i found what my wife told me were wyeth brand 2mg ativan(lorazeoaans) and they are tiny small round yellow with a faint wyeth imprint on 1 side and a score line on the other pharmacist in my town i called had asked and she finally told me she got them from an interner site and when she asked them she was told all was fine.they are 2mg lorazepans by wyeth but made in like flipping but she said she needed something because the kids and me working double shift but i tried and could not find them on any pill identifier page,please get back to me asap because i know she will keep taking them. ## Small, Round, Yellow pill-Wyeth on one side Scored on the other...2mg ativan for anxi...

13 REPLIES Updated

If Xanax and Ativan are both benzodiazapines, why did the Ativan work to relieve anxiety without causing depression but the Xanax didn't? ## It really depends on the person and how your body reacts to it. Just as an example, I'm fine with a low dose .5mg of Ativan, but if I take anything higher it makes me depressed and I feel very groggy for several days afterwards. However, there are other people that use it just fine without any problems. You really just have to figure out what works for you. Are there any other questions or comments? ## Thank you for the information. It was helpful. How long have you taken Ativan? I also experienced the mild depression when I took a bit extra. I hate drugs and don't have an addictive nature. However, I am a little afraid of getting off a...

6 REPLIES Updated

I need a psychiatrist near Athens Georgia or Gainesville Georgia that will prescribe ativan or klonpin for servere aniexty and panic attacks and I need the phone numbers for them please THANKYOU VERY MUCH ## Instead of those medicines try Buspar it worked to prevent the panic attacks in the first place for me for 4 years. It is not addictive like Klonopin either. Any doctor should be willing to prescribe to you. I am a big guy and take 30mg twice a day. It is generic so cheap too. Good luck be patient. ## I loved loved loved Buspar. Def takes away anxiety. BUT.... makes you gain a ton of weight. Even with dieting. Sad, because it worked so great. ## Im in hemet California and need a doctor that will prescribe ativan or colonapin im manic depression and panic attacks make me crap my pants

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Need help. Took 2 mg Friday 2 mg Saturday have to piss Tuesday can I clean it out and how? Does water sweating and niacin help? ## Ativan (Benzodiazepine) can take as long as 1-6wks to go undetected in your urine. Certainly the lesser of the two if you've only taken it a couple of times. In my opinion you should be fine as long you're drinking lots of water (preferably lemon water) & exercising till you sweat each day in between. Fruits, veggies, & wheatgrass shots will also help detox your body, so I'd also suggest staying on top of that as often as you can. I hope this helps! ## Okay I took 1 pill of RX 773 Lorazepam 1mg I think I might have a urine test tomorrow morning can anything be done to clean it out of my system? ## Will lots of water flushing help get larg...

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