Ativan 2 Mg (Top voted first)
UpdatedIf I have been taking Ativan 2mg 4 times per day for 8 years and it is obviously lost it's affectiveness, would changing to Xanax 2mg 4 times a day be the next step? Valium does not help at all. (Take Ativan for PTSD) I've worked in the medical field for 20 years and was not aware that Xanax came in a 2mg pill......seems like a lot!)
Yes they are legit. Probably manufactured in Mexico that's why. Back in the college days before u needed scripts south of the border we would get whatever we can in college. That's what it's all about right??? On a serious note, yes the blister packs of Ativan would be at every pharmacy. Small orangish/ yellow pill and they were all 2mg's. So no worries
Ativan is a longer acting benzo. It is not as, dare I say 'strong' as Xanax. Now I say that for a couple reasons. Xanax lasts for a shorter duration of effectiveness. Fast acting and harder hitting. The effects of Ativan are not as 'strong' and are stretched out time. Pull up the FDA Monograph on both, plus web dearch for pfofessional prescribing information. Finally, get the drug manufacturer's complete consumer ingo sheets. Xanax has more serious drug interactions, especially on the liver. In extended use it is crucial to come off as slow as possible. I am talking .5 mg for two weeks until 0. That is if you are not starting another benzo. Benso's can be overlapped sometimes to ease withdrawl symptoms. Recommend getting off benzos though altogether. Too many cognitive issues and withdrawl can be difficult to say the least, if not pushing life threatening.
I hope someone might be able to tell me if this is normal...took 1 and 1/2 Ativan still doesn't stop the panic atacks..
the name is benj 2the ingredients are lorazepam b.p. and excipients
If that is the active ingredient, then yes, they are the same thing. Ativan also contains Lorazepam as the active ingredient and is used to treat anxiety, nervous disorders and severe cases of insomnia.
It may also cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I'm hoping someone can help me. I am 63 years old. 20 years ago after losing my daughter in a car accident the doctors put me on Ativan for anxiety. Two years ago they switched me over to .5 mg of xanax 3 times a day.. in October I went to see me regular Dr. And he told me I had to stop taking the Xanax as I was having to wear a Butrans patch for lower back pain. He never told me about withdrawals or tapering down off the Xanax..needless to say the next four days were pure Hell..luckily I still had a few Xanax from the month before. I started back on them and started feeling better made an appointment with the Doctor who then decided to taper me off. I was to take 2 a day now for 1 month then I went to 1 a day. needless to say I was very sick the entire time, couldn't get out of bed without my heart racing. This past Monday I went back to Dr. I could hardly walk. My BP was 157/100. He put me back on 1 mg of Ativan 2 times a day..I am still weak and when I try to get up my Heart goes crazy. Last night just going to the bathroom it was 197..I thought the Ativan would help with this..has anyone experienced anything like this before? I'm down to 112 pounds...please forgive my grammar as I am very shaky
I'm sorry but your doctor has no clue. People take weeks/months/ sometimes up to a year to taper off benzos. The way you did it could have very well put you in status epilepticus refractory to anything but massive doses of valium or phenobarb.
The first thing to do with a benzo user who is chronic is to switch them to a long acting benzo, eg diazepam. Start with an equivalent dose diazepam, eg. .5 mg xanax= 10mg diazepam. And you decrease by at most 2.5mg diazepam EVERY WEEK, until you reach the end. This is known as the Ashton Method and it is the ONLY WAY benzos should ever be weaned off. Random guessing number of days and mgs to drop is sloppy work, malpractice, and deadly at its worst (not an uncommon possibility in circumstances such as yours and a dumb GP)
A common off table method involves using the Ashton method, and a complimentary dose of pregabalin at 300mg until you are weaned off properly, with the pregabalin weaned off at the same time (you can wean off the pregabalin without as much fear) and even staying at 75mg pregab after being completely off benzos if discomfort is presence, as pregabalin shares some end result pharmacological synergy with benzos (one is a GABA potentiator with end result inhibition of the CNS, the other is a direct inhibitor of the CNS via another different mechanism)..... Look for another GP
Please or better yet, educate him so he doesn't kill someone.
2mg Xanax are going to be way more effective than the 2mg ativan. You might have alot more side effects with the Xanax than you did with the ativan.
No, it probably wouldn't make a difference, there is no dose conversion between the Lorazepam in the Ativan and the Alprazolam in the Xanax, they are considered equivalent to each other.
There is, however, a 3mg extended release Xanax available. From other posts that have been made here, it seems that a lot of people that have grown tolerant to their current dosage have had success switching to the extended release. Some in the same dosage and some in a higher one, so you may want to talk to your doctor about it.
There is no time release formulation of the Ativan and 2mgs is the maximum it's available in.
And as to working in the medical field and not being aware of specific medication details, that is completely normal. Few medical personnel study drugs as in-depth as pharmacists and many doctors are not aware of all the side effects a particular drug can cause or all the dosages and forms available.
Is there anything else I can help with?
i have been taking ativan since 35 yrs in night due to insomnia i wud like to know whther benj and ativan r same also i m trying to loose weight since long but i cant c any difference is it the side effect?
Rajni, I'm sorry, I can't find any information on a medication called Benj. Can you post back with more details, such as what country it is from?
As far as the testing reports, Ativan isn't known to affect your body weight. Have you consulted a doctor about it?
Does anyone know if wyeth makes a 2mg small orange ativan pill? Someone I know got a few blister packs of 10 of them. They are fairly small say wyeth on the front and cant remember if they are scored on the back. When I googled 2mg ativan by wyeth the pills I saw where yellow. Anyone have any answers for me, i'd really appreciate it. Thank you!
Two milligrams of lorazepam is equal too .50mg xanax foranxiaty xanax works quicker and lasts longer lorazapam is the most common prescribed benzo only for thr fact it is less likely to create dependence the valium ten is close too a 1mg xanax valium is used for severe muscle spasms anxiaty sleep and other uses while ativan is only for anxiaty and maybee for insomnia but is not close too any of the other benzoes in relieving many conditions
My apologies, this is the wrong thread. I was replying to a benzo user who was told how to NOT WEAN OFF BENZOS but being a bad GPS, told him that it was the way to wean off eg drop a few mgs in a few days and stop.
Yes Xanax would make a HUGE difference! Xanax is a lot stronger & they work quicker (within 2 minutes). They are designed to stop panic attacks immediately. I've been on XANAX for 15 years. I've tried Ativan & it didn't work much for me. My buddy takes Ativan & he tried some of my Xanax & he couldn't believe the difference.
I received blister packs of the orange ativan2mg. I thought they came from India.They are same pills. I take one and it seems weak.But, you said they were real, right?
The real xanax or greenstone are both made by pfizer and alot of generics are allowed to be off by a certain amount. Real xanax has tge actual amount it says.
A side effect that might happen with lorazapam could be weight gain or not losing when you've done everything.i readbthat here which explained alotBut without it the symptoms are worse and four manufacturers are ineffective and make the reason I use it even worseMy dr wants me to take less I've gone as far down as I can without issues and I read it could take a yearbHe wants it done in two months. I still haven't found the right manufacturer. Help!
Xanax makes me hyper compared to generic Ativan. I'm still searching for a manufacturer of lorazapam
how about trying to get off benzos seeing as they haven't really helped you in 20 years.
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