Asp Atorva 75 Side Effects
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What are the side effects of taking Stamio Beta, Asp-Atorva and Telmisartan-IP everyday?

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I am a 57 year old female. I am healthy, do regular yoga and walking. Ten days back on one Tuesday I was fasting and went for walk, and shopping while I was standing in a queue to pay my bill when I had a sudden blackout and I fell unconscious for few minutes twice. My doctor diagnosed it as syncope and prescribed Atrorva-Asp and Prolomet XL 25mg. Is it safe to take?

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Well, there are risks associated with taking any medication, especially for long periods of time, but in reality, the risks of not taking them and letting such conditions continue out of control are far, far greater than any possible dangers from the drugs to treat them.

There is a small risk of these types of medications causing liver or kidney damage, but uncontrolled high blood pressure can eventually cause a heart attack, stroke or congestive heart failure.

So, in truth, safety is relative. Medications aren't necessarily safe, but the medical conditions these are used to treat are far more dangerous to you.

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My Doctor has advised me to take one Asp Atorva 75 tablet every night after dinner. Is it safe? The doctor is treating me for my diabates and BP.

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