Apetito Cyproheptadine Tablets - How Do They Work? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


So far, I've experienced zero improvement after taking these tablets. How do Apetito tablets work and for how long should they be taken in order to start noticing changes?

81 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: Happy user (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Which apetito did you use because there are two different boxes?

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is it advisable to give someone with headache, cancer and heart disease.

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Where in namibia are apetito tablets sold?....plz help me find it.

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The first time i took apetito i felt dizzy n i was so weak is it the way they work , what is the right time to take these tablets its been since i started taking them my appetite has improved should i carry on taking them

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So if u stop using it thn what' wil happen with my body

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I haven't started using it yet but I want2 try it but first I want2knw dat what will happen if I stop taking thm

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Take them with nutritional multivitamin supplements such as "CENTRUM active" or "SUPRADYN recharge". Plus 5 to 6 healthy and protein rich meals a day.

{edited for privacy}

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what are the dos and don'ts when taking apetito pills

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where can I get this apetito in kenya?realy in need for weight gain

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Hey there! Well i have been taking them since last year september and i have gained a trenendous amount of weight. my butt and hips as well as boobs have grown. I started noticing these changes 1 week after taking the pills. I take 2 pills after meals, 4 times a day. So this is cereal /porridge, then breakfast, lunch and lastly supper. I do not snack in between meals hey. I have noticed that i started getting a pot belly and so now i am exercising (120 leg raises and 120 side crushes each day) monday to sunday. I am very happy. I take the apetito GENERAL pills. Not the SUPER apetito. Super does not do anything for me. I do not even feel hungry when i take super apetito pills. They just do nothing

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Re: nick (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I'm using apetito l was natural thin but when suffered from heavy bleeding caused by fibrosis i lost weight more than I coul imagine I'm now wearing size 36 from size 28 thnks for apetito

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Wer can i gt periactin in zimbabwe.i need to gain a lil bit of wait.pliz advise any if can gt it in any pharmacy

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hy is it true that if you place apetito to you bums thy will get bigger

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How long does cyproheptadine make you drowsy and sleepy for....hour wise? If I had go to work at 5 in the morning, what time should I take so that it has worn off?

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How many pills of Apetito should I take a day? Do Apetito pills help with your physique?

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Re: kim (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Where in jozi Tembisa's can i get Apetito?

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Will apetito and arvs help me gain weight? I have lost so much weight that people started to laugh and call me names.

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Can apetito be taken if u are HIV or taking ARV?

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I need to know how to use Apetito pills to gain weight. Can anyone help guide me?

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Are you eating enough?if you take them and not eat they won’t work

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