Anywhere To Get Tramadol After August 18? (Page 7) (Top voted first)


Ive been taking tramadol for aprox 8yrs nonstop other than a 7week break. Ive back problems and my knees are broken down do to years of rough wear and tear on top of many injuries. Ive no health insurance either. Truth b told,i cannot function very well at all without taking the tramadol. So i am checking to see of anyone has any insight or suggestions as to where i may b able to purchase tramadol after the 18th of august which is when tramadol becomes a controlled substance. Im aware that ordering overseas is risky but going without the meds is not an option. I am very worried about the change in classification. I never expected anything like this to happen, had i known and not been ignorant to the possibility of not being able to order tramadol online i would have done something different(not sure what but something). I have lived 8yrs on this medicine and if i am to all of a sudden have to stop taking it i am pretty certain i am going to lose everything. My career will b gone cause i wont b able to function well for many weeks and my family will suffer due to my inabiltie to function effectively.....etc....... i am honestly scared to death and am hopeing to find a safe way to continue getting tramadol. As i stated earlier i have no insurance nor the funds to start seeing doctors not to mention the docs only seem to prescribe narcotic type painkillers and i am not willing to take them due to the side affects and the dangers they pose for me at my work.(operate heavy equipment, machinery etc....i install commercial gas,water and fiberoptic lines)tramadols effects dont cause me to be "high"so to speak.

159 Replies (8 Pages)

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I get Norco from my doctor and I get 90 a month 3 a day. I was told that if I need more than that amount he will have to send me to pain management. The Drs. are only allowed so much to prescribe other wise they have to register as a pain management and they do not want to do that so that is why a lot of Drs. will not prescribe narcotics.

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2 tramadol a day?? That's rediculous I'm sorry. I also wanted to say that u r way way over paying for tramadol online. The most I've paid is 160$ for 180. Good luck! I have chronic back pain so I can relate:)

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I am trying to find a place to fill my tramadol prescription. Could you send me any info you have? Ive never ordered from internet pharmacies. Thanks.

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I would like to know where you get your tramadol prescription filled? I have been on them for years due to psoriatic arthritis and my knees are in bad shape i can barely walk. And as of right now i am not able to get any from my Dr. Please share the info. thanks in advance.

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I am just getting off gabapentin after 5 years and an 49. I have had many broken pieces of teeth over those years and never associated it. Did have a lot of memory fog, and some vision problems too. Not the great drug I thought it was. Had to quite cold turkey since can't afford dr appt and no matter what people see there are horrible withdrawal symptoms. Thanks for the info.

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Can a Tramadol prescription be filled online? I'm from Oklahoma.

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The 100 mg ones from India come in green capsules you can actually sprinkle in your coffee. It's call Tramamex. Tram is bitter but not bad sprinkled in coffee this way. Not only does tramadol help with pain it can help with mood too and my doctor prescribes it for my anxiety/depression so maybe some of you can get your docs to prescribe it that way. Also, if you need a doctor you can look up doctors on the internet for your city and how much pain med they prescribe so you can find a doctor who is more liberal in giving you a prescription.

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Any way to send me the name of the pharmacy please?

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Hey there anyone. I had tramadol seized and got the lovely letter The company I order from has already sent another pkg I'm afraid I'm flagged somehow and if they catch this pkg I'm going to really be in trouble What do you think. ? Thanks for your input

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What did the letter say? Where was the shipment coming from? I Just placed an order and now freaked out!!!

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Has anyone tried mexi pharmacy? I've been filling my script from them...besides the pain in the ass of a money order...and going through only the postal's totally legit...and honestly...I don't get that edgy feeling from the ones I've been taking from there. It's called veldrol in spanish.

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Gabapentin is a nerve pain blocker. Helps but I combine with Tramadol for complete pain relief

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Yep I was taking it with my tramadol for years for my nerve pain.It helped a little for pain but mostly made me sleepy, not stimulated... just tired who ever sent those was an ass. Get your money back if it doesn't help your pain.

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Did u find anywhere to fill your prescription? In same position. If so can you please share the info, thank you.

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my younger brother keep traking this and now he fel down like he got some kind of ill
but i know him for long time
how can he stop taking this tramodol

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There is an alternative to Tramadol that works the same way as Tramadol does and it's been used for years to help people get off opioids as well. Check seereviewsnow for information on Kratom. It's becoming more and more popular here in the US and I know several people who said they got the same pain relief and felt better than when taking Tramadol. That website lists several other sites that discuss Kratom, including a dot gov site case study.

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I get tramadol prescribed by my doctor in the UK and I don't pay anything for them. Feel sorry for those who can't get any.

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I totally agree I am on blood thinners and had gastric bypass and have a small stomach so tramadol is my only choice . I don't understand why I have 4 surgery's on my right rotator cuff in a year. I can't get anything for pain and my same rotator cuff is tore again. Please help if you have any solutions.

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I've been dealing with extreme back pain, RLS, depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness for YEARS now. Theres no real doctors offices around my area. This is frustrating. This is the ONLY medication that helps ALL those problems, plus I get a huge energy boosts at work if I take one. It's a real miracle drug for me. I'd rather take that one medication than several for my problems.

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Hello. I totally agree. Im 44 and had many surgery's and on my totally torn rotator cuff and I can't even get tramadol. They gave me one prescription then I had to suffer. Im so upset about the new laws.

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