Anywhere To Get Tramadol After August 18? (Page 4)
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Ive been taking tramadol for aprox 8yrs nonstop other than a 7week break. Ive back problems and my knees are broken down do to years of rough wear and tear on top of many injuries. Ive no health insurance either. Truth b told,i cannot function very well at all without taking the tramadol. So i am checking to see of anyone has any insight or suggestions as to where i may b able to purchase tramadol after the 18th of august which is when tramadol becomes a controlled substance. Im aware that ordering overseas is risky but going without the meds is not an option. I am very worried about the change in classification. I never expected anything like this to happen, had i known and not been ignorant to the possibility of not being able to order tramadol online i would have done something different(not sure what but something). I have lived 8yrs on this medicine and if i am to all of a sudden have to stop taking it i am pretty certain i am going to lose everything. My career will b gone cause i wont b able to function well for many weeks and my family will suffer due to my inabiltie to function effectively.....etc....... i am honestly scared to death and am hopeing to find a safe way to continue getting tramadol. As i stated earlier i have no insurance nor the funds to start seeing doctors not to mention the docs only seem to prescribe narcotic type painkillers and i am not willing to take them due to the side affects and the dangers they pose for me at my work.(operate heavy equipment, machinery etc....i install commercial gas,water and fiberoptic lines)tramadols effects dont cause me to be "high"so to speak.

159 Replies (8 Pages)

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Can u share ur info on pharmacy? I have so much pain and no insurance :(

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Any dr would be glad to help you with that man, try your pcp

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the newsletter is published by a guy named Greg and the newsletter is at opd247.

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Oh please ! I am so tired of people acting as tramadol is so HARD core! It was ok all these years and now it is soooo hard to get, people are desperate and get on here talking with no one helping anymore Becuz it is So Illegal. I really pray you all find some body to give u info. It wouldn't be so bad I guess, if someone was trying to find another med. But tramadol Omgoodness ! It is a highly addictive drug!

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It is illegal to by trams without a doc prescription. All "overseas" pharmacies are scams and will send you fake meds that will kill you!!
If you have LEGIT PAIN.. A regular doctor will give you some. Really !!

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Could you please send me the source info? It is very important. Thanks for your help.

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the newsletter is sent from Greg and he was one of the sources through the website rxdrugmd. Ever since the tramadol medication became controlled Greg has been trying to make many different things options so this is a good way to see if there is anyway at all to get through this the site is called opd247. He is working closely with many docs and pharmacist to come up with options. Of interest today i got a call from someone in California wanting to know if he could set me up with some of the pills from overseas. Anyone else get that call?

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what is the site!! please help!!! from india?

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I would like to subscribe to that newsletter. If u can tell me how that'd b awesome..

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i have also been on gabapentin for about 5 years and take 300mg in the morning, 300 mg afternoon then 900 at bed and they are nothing at all like tramadol. they are anti-seizure meds that they discovered could block nerve endings to help with the pain. now i have run out of the gabapentin and let me tell you that they are there own special slice of hell to come off cold turkey and i am told very dangerous also. i could not move from the couch cause my arm and legs felt disconnected. i was so naueseous that i would have to sit perfectly still not to puke. horrible insomnia and constant brain zaps which i am told is from the nerve ending repairing themselves. i shake like a leaf and am freezing cold. i never dreamed so many things were connected to just one med. it is really scary. i was able to get my prescription filled and tried just poppin my normal dose immediately and wow did that make me sick as hell. i felt so sick and out of my body and my heart rate was all over the place, had to have my daughter come sit with me and just hold my hand and talk to me because the feelings were so horrible. so no i don't think gabapentin is a replacement drug and i would be very careful getting off this drug.

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{edited for privacy}. I've no insurance either and am really looking for some help...thanks again.

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I understand exactly how you feel. i have been on tramadol for last 5 years at 240/month and have once been completely out and could not afford my dr and let me tell you the withdrawal is horrific. i used a place online that i still get newsletters from and they have been working very hard trying to find a way for their many many customers who were affected. i would trust them and would be glad to give you the link if you would like. i have no insurance also and the dr who wrote the meds for me is $150 which is why i turned to the internet.

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I am in the very same boat as you my friend. Good luck.

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Any descent replacement for tramadol yet?? I've used overseas sites but it took almost eight weeks to get and its not very good. In the mean time since tram became controlled I lost my job/career. I slowly tried to wean myself off trams and tried to find somewhere to get help getting off them but I couldn't find anywhere to get me help in time. Does anyone have any recommendations? I lost my place of employment before I received my insurance cards so ive no health insurance and unemployed and cannot draw unemployment due to being discharged for "acute withdrawal symptoms due to discontinued use of pain medication". This is what is documented for my reason of being laid off (humiliating) I tried so hard to get real professional help to stop using tramadol but my insurance cards never came and I ran out of my trams while waiting for my cards. I'm at a total loss right now and have went from being a decent hard working husband and father whom was responsible and took good care of my family our home and bills to a hinderence/burden to my wife because now she is footing our bills and going to school fulltime. I am still going through withdrawal and am in need of some real help so any insight as to what I might be able to do would be greatly appreciated.. truly.

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Suzie what site did you use?

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They are poor excuse for Tramadol. I have been on Gab. for years for a couple of different reasons. I don't feel anything ever! It definitely does not work like Tramadol. I don't even take them half the time.

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Dora I just read your too 240 a month...and NOW they realize tramadol is addictive??? We shoud sue...seriously

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What site?

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Something about the medicine saga really confuses me. I thought for some reason that gabapentin was an anti-depressant. I know it was given to my husband for nerve endings due to his diabetes. So now they are using it for pain?

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I had awful results with gabapintin!! It took some of the pain away, but I developed edema and major increased appetite... It was horrible and I gained 9 pounds the one month I took it while waiting for my mail order T's from India. I still can't believe these pills from India work. My only complaint was that they gave me the wrong tracking number, customer service takes forever to reply to emails and it was expensive. Good luck everybody!

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