Anyone Experience The Bystolic Side Effects?
UpdatedI have been on 10mg for 2 years about 6 months ago I would have brief lightheadedness& weakness feeling, especially when standing, visual disturbances diagnosed as painless ocular migraines, sleep difficulty,occasional joint pain, and a feeling of "skipped" heart beats, and slowed then speeded up to normal heart rate...had an EEG Carotid scan , and MRI all normal have scheduled a cardiologist apt but after reading this thread I wonder if these symptoms are from the bystolic?? I will certainly mention it-i never had a fast heart rate to begin with...
18 Replies
anyone out there???
Hello, Jersey! How are you?
It would be very odd for them to be caused by the medication after you've been on it for 2 years, but it is possible.
Are you on any other medications? How much fluid do you take in each day?
I have been on Bystolic 2.5 for over a year and now all of the sudden I am experiencing all of those same symptoms. I have wondered if it is a bad lot of medication because it seems to be about when I got a new bottle. I have placed a call to the manufacture and I would recommend you do the same so they can investigate if there is an issue. I can completely understand because I now feel like crap and I have been fine on it for over a year. Please keel us informed of how things turn out.
Would love to know what your final outcome was. I've been on bystolic for 3 months and have been cutting back my dose due to the same exact side effects. The visual disturbances are the newest and scariest side effect for me along with anxiety. My doctor doesn't think it's the drug. I fully disagree.
I have all these things with this medicine and been tired all the time
This is really weird. I'm in the same position. The exact time I started a new bottle of bystolic (after taking it about 2 years) Since then I get lightheaded when standing or walking, vivid dreams (even dreams within a dream).
Heart rate has been inconsistent. No test has shown something else yet.
Never a problem before I started bp meds.
I starting taking systolic as a free sample from Doctor. I am only taking 2.5 level and has brought my blood pressure down. But have had really bad cramps in legs, just last night 2-3 times and they were severe cramps.Hope they do not get worse.
I have similar symptoms and I have issues with my autonomic nervous system. Check out Orthostatic Hypotension and POTS. I also had the really achy eyeballs. I've been put on bystolic to help with these symptoms (and it's working) so I wonder if it's effecting your ANS too, just in a negative way?
Jersey, Your struggle is real. I have been on bystolic for little over a year and now experiencing all the side effects pretty much at once (It worked really well in the beginning) ... First it started with some strange dreams, then headaches with ringing in the ear, and the worst is the fatigue to the point I almost pass out walking. I feel like I am in a dream state , vision seems weird, brain fog. I don't know what changed? I had a MRI, EKG, Cat scan, Blood work, Heart test and all turned out fine? The only thing I was taking was bystolic, This drug seems to work great for some but over the years Im seeing this happen. It starts with headaches, rings in ears, sleepless nights, Then extreme fatigue, vertigo and then it is hard to walk! I loved what this drug did for me and curious to see how you changed or what was your outcome?
I am only taking this one drug - bystolic - I was on 10 mg and weened back to 5, and feeling better after a couple days. The rebound effect is real...I hope to be off this roller coaster soon. I do miss that it worked so well at first.
Re: CraigInColorado (# 9)
Was wondering if you are still on bystolic? If so, do you still have ringing in the ear? I have been on this medicine for about 2 months and have starting hearing a "pulse" in one of my ears. I don't know if it's from this drug or something else.
I have been taking 10mg and made good lifestyle changes and began with horrible side effects. I slowly changed the time I took the med from the 6a.m. to 7p.m to what i hoped sleep through the side effects. The read then that the med is most active now through the day, so now I wake up with headaches, dizzy/lightheaded, cannot concentrate, ear fullness, ear pain, some jaw pain and vision issues, skin crawling feeling, racing heart/palpitations. All the side effects start to relieve each day about 3:30pm 'ish from the prior nights does at 7pm'ish just in time to take the next daily dose. After messaging my doc of what I was experiencing, she agreed to wean me back to cutting the pill in half to 5mg and I agreed to see if I could take it at a lower dose. Cold turkey she said would raise my pressure and could be unsafe. I had about 75% relief the next day but now on 5 days later, I am having the same feelings are beginning to increase again. She did tell me that after cutting the 10mg in 1/2 for 3 days, I could then stop the med all together. That is now what I am going to do knowing that this still a problem and since she gave the approval AND I have an appt w/her next week. I either don't need blood pressure meds again from making good changes or I need a different kind. My point is NEVER stop the med w/o consulting you doctor and DO NOT ignore the symptoms since they are not really documented in the info pamphlets from the pharmacy. I went through this about 3yrs ago when I began losing weight and quit smoking. My body basically was being overdosed because I didn't need the medicine any longer. Cardiology confirmed this the last time I had this occur. I hope this info helps anyone going through this since I have been dealing with it and even did my own research to see I wasn't alone like all of you. =)
Re: Sham (# 5)
I have been taking Bystolic for a month. I took 2.5 mg couldn’t tolerate it. Then Dr. Said take 1/4. Still made me feel so tired. I was told by my MD that I’d u r on Synthroid for thyroid one counteracts the other. So now I stopped raking it..
Re: mandi (# 10)
I never had that from Bystolic BUT did have that from Lisinopril from only taking it for 2 weeks. I still have not gotten relief from it even after 5-6 wks have passed.
Have been on Bystolic since November 17 when I first had high blood pressure. I was taking 5mg. and told the doctor it was not helping lower my blood pressure, so increased it to 10mg. I bought the first prescription and then doctor gave me samples. Finally went to get more free samples!! There was none, so went to refill my prescription and it was so expensive I told the doctor to give me something else as it still was not helping my blood pressure. In between this I was given another blood pressure medicine which seemed to work. Now I had been complaining about headaches which was put down to sinus or allergies!! So I have had backache for almost 8 weeks, finally doctor advised Ct scan etc., and found I have fluid in one of my lungs. Not sure whether it is pleurisy or not at this stage, BUT LOW AND BEHOLD I had my suspicions about this Bystolic as my friend had been on it and it was not lowering her bp, I researched the side effects of this drug and I found an article "Postmarketing Experience" where it states adverse reactions as one of them "acute pulmonary edema! Maybe "bingo" for my problem. Don't know as yet but going to see my doctor for another xray and I will show him the article. Drugs yuk, such side effects are not good.
Re: Geraldine researcher (# 14)
That's terrible. My doctor took me off bystolic and put me on pindolol. So far it's been smooth sailing and cheaper.
These symptoms can happen with ANY medication, I would not say Its a bystolic effect. I loved bystolic myself but had to be taken off due to it would not control my BP as well as cardevol . These symptoms can be anxiety as well or common food issues screwing with the med. I would not be so hasty to blame the med. If your naturally anxious like I am Id try magnesium and coq10 to help balance the efffect. Hope that helps!
Re: craig (# 16)
Definitely check with your doc about the CoQ10. It can actually lower BP in some people, so you may need to adjust meds. I take a water-soluble form of CoQ10 for better absorption in the body.
I have been on Bystolic 10mg for 4 years. During that time I have suffered bad Insomnia. I have
no other symptoms however, the insomnia is awful. It seems to run in cycles that are weeks long.
Starting out with absolutely no sleep, then a few nights of partial ( a few hours ) sleep. Then almost normal before starting over again.
I have tried other Beta blockers whose side effects were bad enough but nothing affected my sleep as Bystolic seems to.
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