Anyone Experiencing Missed Periods And Slight Weight Gain On Lo Loestrin Fe Birth Control (Page 4)
UpdatedI have been on this pill since March and only got my period the first month I was on it and it was very light and only lasted a couple of days. haven't gotten it since. I have taken tests...all negative. Any one else experiencing this?
To be honest, I have been taking the Lo Loestrin for two years now, and I've gained almost 40 lbs (didn't know why because I'm not a big girl) so I took myself off it it two weeks ago and I have noticed already that I don't feel bloated and have already lost 7 lbs. so I would speak to your Gyno about switched and weight gain factors Hun. Good luck with whatever choice you make!
I know the feeling! I think I will not have this pill again. I am 32 years old and a mother of three. I exercise regularly and I have always weighted between 127 and 130 lbs. After I started taking this pill I jave gained 15 lbs. That I can't getvrid off with diets or bootcamp..or weights..I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING AND I can't loose one Oz. I feel so so bad about it. I am starting this year without taking this pill.
I am 47 and perimenopausal. Dr put me on lo Loestrin Fe a month ago.Helped regulate me but I am gaining weight, have pimples, mood swings and constipation. Going to finish this pack and discontinue .
I was diagnosed by a previous doctor with Adenomyosis and was given 2 options: birth control that would put me into false menopause or hysterectomy. Neither seemed good options. Went to new doc and she suggested Lo Lo Estrin Fe. Cramps, back pain and thigh pain have not been a issue! Bleeding has been reduced to spotting, yet my appetite has increased greatly. When I get that hungry feeling, I eat until I am satisfied...which on any given day could amount to eating 4-5 different things.
I have the same symptoms ! And have been gaining weight that I don't like! About 15 lbs in 6 months :(
I was on Necon 0.5mg Norethindrone and 0.035 Ethinyl Estradiol for a good 32 years. The last 20 taking it without the week off to avoid periods. I decided against having children so it didn't matter. Now due to my age of 50 it was recommended I take Bio-Identical hormones instead hoping I was already in menopause (which I'm not definitively). All fine and dandy and only really water retention as a side effect, though now no contraception and I cannot take the chance to get pregnant . SO now they are thinking of putting me back on a pill which is
double the Norethindrone at 1 mg and 1/3 the Ethinyl Estradiol. Since I have just adapted to the Bio-identicals the last 3 months I am afraid to change back to the pill with different levels as before. Weight gain is my PRIMARY concern. No issues on the Necon but the estrogen they said was too high at my age and my weight (100). The other option is Norethindrone only pill at 0.35 but posts on that one are horrible. 3rd option tubal -ligation! If you have any insight I would appreciate it!!!!
i am 47 years old. I was on Ortho-tri cyclen for nearly 22 years with absolutely no problem, no weight gain, a period every month right on time and only about 4 days long. In January 2016 my Dr. decided I should go on a lower dose of estrogen B/C because of my age I no longer needed such a high dosage of estrogen that Ortho provides. I decided to give the LoLoEstrin Fe a try which is what she recomended. Well, I wish I never did.. I have gotten so bloated and now have love handles,muffin top, back fat, and inner thighs are touching! Sounds beautiful doesnt it. I will add I am 5'5" and only weighed at most 124 pounds, and never gained weight like this and if I did I was able to drop it pretty quickly. I called my Dr today. I want off! I feel disgusting! I realize I am not in my 20's anymore but really?, just because we are now in our 40's us women are suppossed to surrender our bodies to these drugs that create something that is horrifying to look at in the mirror? I wont even dare get into a bathingsuit looking like this, and I'm not ready for those 1 pieces-Not Yet I'm not 70. So, if there is anyone else who sounds like me I'd love to hear from you.
Your story sounds EXACTLY like mine. I am 41 yrs old and following removal of the mirena, which I'd had for the past 5 years, my Dr decided to out me on Lo loestrin for the same reason your Dr did. Ever since about 2 months or so into taking it, I noticed belly fat that I NEVER in my entire life had before. I'm disgusted with my body now and don't know how to fix it, working out and cardio exercise is not working. I got off of lo loestrin one week ago to see if I can attempt to regain my figure! Praying it will work. I can't imagine why else this has happened other than the bc pill
I posted a while ago regarding being on Bio-identicals and not knowing whether to take Lo-Estrin.
All your posts on weight gain convinced me that would not be wise, so because I needed birth control and 2 Gynocologists were horrified when I mentioned tubal ligation at my age of 50, being so close to menopause, I decided to go back on the original pill Necon which I was on before this experiment with bio-identical hormones. I thought I'd feel better on them, had injuries that just wouldn't get better, hair loss etc but there was no change on those, so now despite it being higher estrogen, being a healthy 50 year old I am told 2 more years on this will be just fine.
I will keep you posted on whether my body readjusts to its old steady weight. So far still fluctuating day to day with water retention, hope it will calm down.
This is a response to Jade. I stopped taking the LoLo Estrin Fe exactly 1 week ago today. I have gone back on my Ortho- tri cyclen today (Sunday). I must tell you that once I stopped taking the LoLo Estrin Fe, I have seen and felt a change in my body and figure. I no longer have that bloated look all over my stomach and waist, and overall my figure is coming back. I would weigh myself first thing in the morning and would get disgusted at how much and how fast I was gaining weight, but this past week I have lost at least 2-3lbs and it shows. I have had a little bit of cramping, probably due to not being on any B/C for 1 week but I can deal with that. I am going to continue with my old B/C as I never had any problems. I will keep updating as well. Hey, Dr's dont always know what's best for "OUR" bodies and I knew and now know for sure that LoLo Estrin caused me to gain this very unwanted weight. Listen to what your body tells you, Good Luck.
I was thinking the exact same thing. I just went on for 2 months, feel the same. Went on this instead of Prozac. Hmm... I do feel balanced but definitely weight gain and other symptoms have not gone away
I have now been back on the regular Necon pill for almost 4 weeks and my body seems to be readjusting and weight is almost back to normal and much more steady. I was on Bio-identical hormones for 4 months to see if my overall health would improve, but that was a bust, caused me more anxiety in weight fluctuations to make it worth while. Stress is way more harmful to the body.
I say stick to what you know works for you and if you start gaining weight on a new pill, my advice would be to stop that and try something else right away. At 3 lbs weight gain I stopped mine so it wouldn't get to a point that would be too difficult to
rectify. I can't imagine gaining 10 lbs, I would be miserable.
I started this medicine about Feb 2015. Since starting it, I had my period up until June of 2015. The medicine is supposed to stop your period which is normal. The other problem I have experienced is I have gained 30 lbs since being on it. Nothing has changed in my diet or routine.
I've just started this pill and I've noticed a change in my body-weight gain around my mid-section and feeling sluggish. I used to be on the pill for years but this is the worst. I think I should stop taking it...I've also increased my exercise and nothing is helping!
I've been on this since April and haven't gotten my period now where in June I took tests as well all negative
hello. so i have been on the loestrin for about a year.. and noticed no matter how much i change the way i eat, how much i work out i can't lose weight. i have thought that it was all me. i was doing something wrong. then i read your posts.. and it all made sense.. i used to gain weight from other birth controls. and this is the first pill i ever gained this much weight to were i feel discusted, i don't want to go outside because my clothes show my stomach. I'm always so tired even when i get a good nights rest.the doctor put me on it and didn't say anything about it. i may have endrimitrious. please help me.
In reading all your posts on your significant weight gain on Loestrin, I really have to stress not to let it get to the point where you can't lose the weight again. There are a myriad of pills all with different ratios and types of Estrogen and Progesterone, talk to your Dr. and try a different approach. My Doctor was more than willing to change it and continue changing it till I was happy and felt it was what I felt best on. For me it was still a matter of birth control and even though I am 51, I went back to the regular pill with slightly more estrogen because it had worked for me so well for over 20 years. Since my health is good, I am not overweight and exercise regularly, the chance of a stroke is minimal. To me staying at my current weight was worth it.
I have been on lo loestrin fe for a year now and gained about 20 pounds. I am 5'5", size 14, 37 years old. I weighed 181 before taking this pill and now weigh 200. I feel disgusting, and actually stopped taking the pill a couple days ago. I was taking the pill for skin problems and irregular periods and night sweats that were occurring around the irregular periods. It did help with all of these symptoms, but the weight gain isn't worth it to me and fatigue isn't worth it to me. I hope I will see some of the weight come off now that I am discontinuing the pill. I don't feel as bloated but the scale hasn't moved yet. We will see. I guess you have to outweigh the risks and benefits and which symptoms you prefer to have. I guess if I was thin in the begininng it wouldn't have mattered as much to me, but I was already trying to lose weight when I went on the pill. I was probabaly a good 30 pounds overweight already. Not worth it to me.
My doctor put me on lo esterin to help me with my perimenopausal hot flashes. I am 48 and have NEVERhad a weight problem. Ive been on this pill for about 2 months and have gained 8 lbs. everything is tight on me and i feel gross. Today i decided to google this pill to see if anyone had the weight gain complaint and sure enough there are hundreds of women complaing of the same thing. Needless to say i am not taking another pill. My question is, will the weight come off easily now that im off the pill, or am I gone ng to have to heavy duty diet and exercise to get it off?
Hi..I am 47 and taking it for heavy flow. .I too had the weight gain with it but once i stopped and used a water weight pill I was back to normal...
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