Anyone Experiencing Missed Periods And Slight Weight Gain On Lo Loestrin Fe Birth Control (Page 3)
UpdatedI have been on this pill since March and only got my period the first month I was on it and it was very light and only lasted a couple of days. haven't gotten it since. I have taken tests...all negative. Any one else experiencing this?
Need help I was on lutera before I never felt as bloated but I got off it because I was bleeding ever 2 weeks and I thought could of making me dizzy but I'm on other meds for 10 yrs now for anxiety. But any ways I switched to lo loerestrin feel because my cousin said she didn't gain or feel bloated and she had no real periods only spotting which I was fine with but now I been on it for 4.5 months I was fine in first 3 months not bloated and didn't gain nothing was happy with that but now going on 4 n half I been bloated and I bleed ever 13 to 14 days for at least 4 to 5 days like a period not spotting I need one where I won't gain weight I ride the bike 20 min a day and have a 2 n half yr old kid. I eat healthy exept6for pizza once in awhile but my body was fine before eating it 2 times a month isn't huge deal. I'm 29 and upset now I feel bloated and upset about it and I don't know what to do since I didn't feel this way 3 months into it. Can the bloat and gain happen then. What is the best for some one to not gain weight please help I am so disgusted of myself and it is causing me to become depressed and it it summer season I don't even want to take her out I need a switch and fast
I am on the iud for 3 months now. I am very happy with it. Im glad Im off hormones. I have the copper iud. I feel better, more energy, better libido. My cycles are very short though. Only about 28 days but no spotting. The only thing I miss about pills is controlling my cycles and also the lighter periods. I dont have a lot of cramping with the iud. Just heavier periods, need to change tampons much more often. I am going on vacation in a couple of months so I went back on the pill for a few weeks trying to plan my cycle not to have my period the week of vacation. Im not so happy messing with my hormones again but no choice.
This exactly what I wanted to hear. I work out like a fool. I am a healthy eater for the most part and I always felt I had a very high metabolism. I have gained 10 pounds in 6 months. It makes me crazy because I am working soooooo hard. Anything I did previously to loose a couple pounds before does not work anymore. I am calling my doctor tomorrow.
I've been taking it for 2 months gained 10 lbs. I never gain weight. Hate it.
I've been using it for 8 months. I have gained weight like 10 lbs, I never been like this in my life. I just noticed an increase in the frequency of my migraines, it's horrible. I even had to go to the ER, in addition to that I am having daily headaches. I am using it because I was diagnosed with ovarian cyst, my doctor prescribed it for a year, I think this is too long without checking on my cyst if it's still there. I am going to stop it and never take it again.
wow all of this information is great to know. I wish there was a place I could go to get my levels tested. My problem is that my mental PMS problems are so severe that I lock myself in a room and cry for two days, the days after I am sleepy and sad and very paranoid. My doctor put me on Loloestrin Fe which after 2 months really reduced the mental symptoms, sometimes I wouldnt even get sad. but the weight gain was pretty crazy, just in the stomach and over only 6 months I gained 9 pounds. I'm 29 And yes, very active and healthy diet.
Sparrow It has been sometime since you posted and I was wondering if you are still on the Sprintec ? I wish there was a place I could go to get my levels tested. My problem is that my mental PMS problems are so severe that I lock myself in a room and cry for two days, the days after I am sleepy and sad and very paranoid. My doctor put me on Loloestrin Fe which after 2 months really reduced the mental symptoms, sometimes I wouldnt even get sad. but the weight gain was pretty crazy, just in the stomach and over only 6 months I gained 9 pounds. I'm 29 And yes, very active and healthy diet.
I am currently on my 3rd pack also and I have had the same experience. I had a very light period the first month taking it and I have not had a period since. It seemed really wierd.
I have had the exact same problem with weight gain. I have gained 15 lbs in 3 months and I have been running 4 times a week and going to the gym to burn fat off but not even a pound has dropped. Changed all my food intake as well. My belly just keeps getting flabbier
I switched from Minastrin 24 because of insurance issues to Lo Loestrin since May and I never had withdrawal bleeds on Minastrin and now I do and I hate it and I also have a breakthrough bleeding as it is so low dose at only 10 mcg of Estrogen and not strong enough.
I have lost weight on this pill and most birth control pills have depression associated with them so you just have to find the right one for you.
I am switching back to generic Minastrin which will be no charge on my insurance plan!
Thanks for your post.
I was on loloestrin for almost 3 years with maybe 3 periods the entire time. I got off it 2 weeks ago and still no period. How long did it take for your body to go back to normal? Like have a period?... Thanks, Melissa
I've experienced the same. I have been on it for a year and ive gained 40 lbs. My doctors always blamed it on me saying it was supposed to LOSE weight and it has been the total opposite. Its terrible since dieting has not helped what so ever. Glad to know im not alone.
I was eating like I was pregnant. I work out all the time but though th of food even more. Gained ten lbs which is a lot for me. I went off of it after 6 months.
Yes, I also lost my period. Don't worry , you're not pregnant. After I went off it I got my period within 4-6 weeks
I'm reading all of your posts, I feel so vindicated knowing I was right.I was also gaining weight with loestrin. Im posting a follow up to my original post. I got an iud, and after 3 months finally started losing weight and feeling better. Then I went on vacation took a progesterone only pill for about 4 weeks cuz I wanted to hold off my period while on vacation. That alone also caused me to gain weight and bloated my stomach. Im off it for 5 weeks now, and finally starting to see the bloating go down. Im done with hormones. It really messes you up!
I am exactly the same way. I went off of it and it took almost 2 months to even get a small period. I am still having a more difficult time than previously losing weight, but I am not gaining despite my hard workouts like when I was on it.
I have been on this birth control for 3 months now and still haven't gotten a period. I recently took a test 2 days ago and it came out negitive. Every other contraceptive make me go insane. Plus my boyfriend is uncomfortable with me not getting periods... ALSO I've gain 15-20 pounds since then. I'm only 18 but still that's ridiculous. Honestly I decided to go off of it for month and then try another pill. So glad to see I'm not the only one gaining weight and being crazy.
I was one that could never ever take birth control. Was married for 18 years before we had our only child - at the age of 40. I am now 49 and have been going thru perimenopause for almost 4 years now. My doctor just recently gave me 3 trial packets of Lo Loestrin Fe. After reading all of the comments I am scared to death to take it, due to the weight gain. I, like many cannot loose the weight now. I have been walking almost everyday at lunch 10-15 brisk walking. I do not drink pop (diet or regular), I might get a sip or two of sprite just to calm down my stomach when riding in a car to avoid getting carsick. I drink lots of water and eat weight watchers or lean cuisine everyday. I have been taking Estroven for a few years and here lately it isn't doing enough. Not sleeping is worst. This menopause stuff is for the birds. Please someone help.
Girls... I have been on Lo Loestrin Fe for 6 months now, just like most of you I have gained 20 pounds exactly. When my doctor prescribed the BC I weighed 132 lbs. I went back for a check up 2 months after, they weighed me and I could not believe my eyes, I was weighing 142 lbs even. She told me to continue, and that the weight gain was not a side effect. It's been 6 months now, I weight 153 lbs which I CAN'T GET RID OF like you all mention.Nothing has changed in my life other than taking Lo Loestrin Fe. I love the fact that I don't get my periods, but a part of me misses it, I always felt that getting my period confirms that everything is ok in my body. Truth is that us women should not use any form of BC whatsoever, slowly it decreases a lot of important functions in our bodies as it's not something natural. After reading what all of you have stated above, I am convinced to stop taking Lo Loestrin Fe or any other BC.
I know that your post is from a very long time ago but it has me so intrigued. You have clearly done your homework! I am 50 years old and have been on LoLo for 4 reason for going on the pill was to have more regular and predictable, lighter periods. I thought a lower dose pill made more sense. I am doing a lot of travelling over the next 12 months and basically just want to be more scheduled with my periods. In the past four months, I have had breakthrough bleeding every single month for about 9-11 days. Ugh....and even WORSE, I have gained about 8 pounds! I am not a large person by any means but have gone from 118 to 127 in four months. I work out every single day and eat a very strict and low carb diet (I have discovered over the past 7 years or so that I do not process sugars well). Nothing is changing no matter how hard I work at it. I do not cheat eat EVER and always do my workouts. I have made a doctor appointment for Thursday and am going to come off the lolo BUT everything I read (with the exception of your post) has me afraid of gaining even MORE weight - if I go with a pill that is estrogen dominant. Everything seems to say that if you are gaining weight, you probably have TOO much estrogen! I am at a loss and would love some of your expertise here to guide me. I know it's a long shot considering how long it has been since you made your posts but thought it was worth a try :) Are you still happy with Sprintec? How about overall weight loss?
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