Any Way To Reverse Long-term Chantix Side Effects? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy mother took Chantix several years ago in an effort to quit smoking. Well, she quit for a year. During that time, however, she became unbearably depressed. She has no history of depression.
She consulted a doctor several times and tried 3 different prescriptions, 1 of them being Zoloft. She stopped because she said they made her feel like she was just in a constant haze. She hasn't been to a doctor or a psychologist since then. In the mean time, she started smoking again because she thought that it would make the depression go away. It didn't.
Because of her experience with the 3 prescriptions, she is unwilling to go back to a doctor, and dismisses any notion of going to a psychologist. Our family has pleaded with her to keep trying, even if she has to tell whoever she sees that she won't try any drug for fear of the side effects; even if her only option is therapy, we want her to at least see someone. She is reluctant.
This side effect of major depression has persisted for years now, long after she stopped taking Chantix. Does anybody have any advice, or experience with the reversal of such severe side effects? My mother, and the rest of my family, is terrified that this is permanent, and she is terrified of the possibility that another prescription will result in even worse side effects.
Get a life Monty
To devil drug...
if you love your husband, and theres no doubt you do, please try going to a health store and getting a supplement with the highest dose possible of Rhodiola Rosea. This amazing herb fights the MAO inhibitors that the champix / chantix contains, he will need to take one every morning, keep up with the supplement for 3 months, if you have a homoeopath in your area, ask them for a 200c dose of thuja enough for one dose x3 over 36 hours, morning, night, morning, stop.
there is hope devil drug, you just have to read our comments and take your own steps towards the process.
I, myself still get dark moments, but I combat these using homeopathic remedies, arsenicum album, the dosage for the thuja, 3 doses over 36 hours.
There really isnt anything a psychotherapist can do for your husband.
Another thing that has come about from my path of champix or as its known in the USA, chantix, is that my doctor has realised I'm susceptible to psychosis from some other normal type pharmaceutical drugs, but, it's really a trial and error path.
I bid you much love in the endeavor of helping your husband back to a life of normality.
Blessed be.
You probably won't see this 4 years later, but THANK YOU for posting this! It is the first helpful, promising thing I have read about the long term effects of Chantix. I quit smoking in 3 weeks and have spent the last 6 years wishing I still smoked! The depression, anger, irritation and lack of motivation have made my life hell.
I hope your mother is well. Drug almost ruined my marriage, gave me shingles, and 9 years later still can't drink alcohol without blacking out. So I am assuming the brain changes are permanent. Fighting depression and suicidal thoughts are the norm, but those do seem to be subsiding now. I am hoping that time will heal all wounds. I quit previously with Wellbutrin and asked my doctor for that, but she insisted on Chantix. Pretty sure she got a kickback for almost ruining my life and probably ruining others. And the drug company has almost no responsibility.
That almost sounds like where my husband is headed only we are the only two in the house. He is up and down. Just the other day he grossed me out then called and apologized and has been happy since. But he snaps for no reason at any moment. It is frustrated because he never was depressed, he too cries alot. He loved life now he hates it and thinks god is punishing him. He thinks its Karma I think it is Chantix. We have to stop this from happening to other families. It is better if they smoke...hate to say that..I might just contact the guy that is a neurobioligist
Hi from new zealand, I'm a 44 yr old male living in darkness thanks to the horrors champix has left me with after using the s*** for 9 days, i can tell you that something clicked over in my brain within 15 minutes of using this for the first time, and has left me feeling depressed, anger, DARK, and I have suicidal dreams of going out hanging myself... I was ordered to stay clear of them after the 9th day of the first card of champix by my doc after I told her that I have been driving 5tonne forklifts, and having things jump out at me whilst driving, hallucinations after the 2nd day, I also had visions of severe anger towards my Immediate boss at work, and often times I get the feeling of being smothered by a heavy wet blanket, my head is cloudy with dark negative thoughts... in reality my safety factor is my 6 yr old daughter and my job, I also live alone.... the doctor wants to try me on anti depressants, and sleep tablets, but I dont feel they have anyway of helping me,, there is a natural product on the market called Rhodiola that helps to rebuild the seratonin, I will try that first before my doctor fux me up more..
Hello Reigan, I just read your posts about Chantix and rhodiola. Thank you!! You are the first person that has posted something that has given me hope!!!
some of the people's answer is un-INFORMED .
I am about 7 months removed from taking Chantix . 7 months later and still the side effects! I am positive that this was a direct result of Chantix .. its a nasty nasty drug
I am so very glade you had no problems with Chantix and your one of the lucky few who didn't, but there are hundreds that it has torn their life apart!! My son is no longer the young man he once was. He was always a very happy, always cutten up to being very depressed, scared, and very high anxiety! As far as you thinking it should be in the water,well that wold be a living hell for everyone!!! This drug is not for everyone!! I only wanted to voice my opinion as so do you.
Julie, if you so wish to help your son, Please read my input from at least post #36, also read what Laura states after my posts.
There is help... all it takes is time.
and that is something we all have when it comes to our health.
Blessed Be
So your explanation then? Loads of people with no prior history of any kind of depression take this drug and are instantly suicidal - if you can't be helpful then leave this thread, this drug should be banned!
Hi... I was on chantix 5yrs ago and it literally f@#@ed me up, mentally and emotionally. If last 30 ppl to have posted in here with the same symptoms could spend some time going back through to post number 40ish to where Rioghann or Riegan and Laura were talking, there is some info on how to get "some sanity" back in your lives... but you will need to follow the instructions about the Rhodiola Rosea.. and any homoeopathy tinctures taken by myself.
5yrs on, I still to this day do have dark sessions in my life, but I can feel the difference between my normal self and my darkened self and take the homeopathic remedies when I feel I require them. Self management is the key.. please for the sake of yourselves and your loved ones, try the methods I used.
Google as much info as you need to concerning Rhodiola Rosea and Brain histology. As long as you and your friends and family know what you are going through, be upfront in the light..
Blessings and good luck.
I never had any issues with depression until I took Chantix for six weeks. It has been since 2007 since I have taken Chantix, and I still battle depression. I truly feel that this medication is the reason why I started having issues with depression. I would not recommend this drug to anyone.
My husband took Chantix over a year ago and still has extreme rage and mood swings, he is very hard to live with. He is always blaming everyone else for his problems. I don't know what to do anymore! I feel very sorry for him but at the same time he is so mean to me that I don't even like being around him. He doesn't want to do anything to try and help himself he puts it all on my shoulders. He is honestly pushing me away and driving me crazy. Any suggestions?
I was prescribed the starter pack (30 day?) February 2013, age 36. I took it the entire time, even though during that time I had unusual highs & lows, along with a plan to commit suicide upon arriving home (this was during a tiff at the airport with my husband). Since then I have begun smoking again & I often have suicidal thoughts. I have had every opportunity to follow through, but haven't, so I don't think it's a real possibility. I don't have a history of mental issues or depression. I am miserable & I am making my husband's life hell. My life is hell, I'm not who I was & feel detached from everyone, including myself. My husband is the main target for my erratic, over-the-top behavior & I stay in fear we won't make it. He tells me I'm crazy & how much fun I use to be, I'm just horrible now. I wish I never took Chantix. I truly feel my soul & spirit have been sucked from me.
I stopped smoking 7 yrs ago with Chantix and have never felt worse. Stress , depression anxiety. Now the autoimmune diseases psoriasis, and Hashimoto disease. High blood pressure good and bad cholesterol are bad. Weigh gain, and antisocial. I used to love a party and being with friends and now im just a
Shell of the person I was. So all the great things I thought I would be doing when i stopped smoking never happened. Other that 2 BP meds 2 cholesterol meds antidepression and anxiety pill and B viamins . So I traded smoking for a nightmare .
To I think I see a light for us...
Hey dude, I am pleased to hear you have had a positive result from trying the Rhodiola Rosea... the thuja, helps with decreasing the negative effects, and the Rhodiola helps to reinforce the brain, seeing that you have become more aware since taking it, you can continue taking just one per day.
I really hope you continue to be the man you have now become, and it pleases me to know someone else has had the success that I had.
Hi, if you look back to page 3 of this conversation, to note #43, a scientist has replied to one of my posts regarding rhodiola rosea.
please try it, it really is the hope that you are looking for.
Hi Michelle.
Please look down through my comments regarding the homoeopathic remedies I took, because they got me back on track. I took the pills for 11 days, and I had the same effects as your husband after about the same period. I was ordered not to take anymore by my doctor. It possibly took me about 6months to feel normal again, but even now I have dark periods, but I'm now able to sense when I'm about to experience the darkness and I just take a weeks worth of the multi vitamin stated below. It is a long process but as long as you give your husband the support, he will get there.
Hope he feels better soon.
Blessed be.
aka Riegan.
My son took Chantix and has been off of it for 1mo now. This past Tue he tried to commit suicide. Thank God he was not successful in doing that! He only took Chantix for abt 3wks then stopped. He did quit smoking but for the past month has had these feelings of things that he thinks happened but in reality they did not happen! Feelings that something very bad is abt to happen to him but doesnt know what! Feelings that people are against him or mad at him, when nobody is! Severe depression, withdrawn,crying alot, fidgity, sleeping alot! My son is very different now. He was this happy young man and now he is someone thats very afraid! Idk what will bring him out of this but I want my son to be happy again! This is very heart wrenching to see your child go thru this! My word to people is dont take this drug!!!!! I am a medical professional and I never heard of this happening to people after they quit taken this drug, just whule on it!
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