Any Way To Reverse Long-term Chantix Side Effects? (Page 3)
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My mother took Chantix several years ago in an effort to quit smoking. Well, she quit for a year. During that time, however, she became unbearably depressed. She has no history of depression.
She consulted a doctor several times and tried 3 different prescriptions, 1 of them being Zoloft. She stopped because she said they made her feel like she was just in a constant haze. She hasn't been to a doctor or a psychologist since then. In the mean time, she started smoking again because she thought that it would make the depression go away. It didn't.
Because of her experience with the 3 prescriptions, she is unwilling to go back to a doctor, and dismisses any notion of going to a psychologist. Our family has pleaded with her to keep trying, even if she has to tell whoever she sees that she won't try any drug for fear of the side effects; even if her only option is therapy, we want her to at least see someone. She is reluctant.
This side effect of major depression has persisted for years now, long after she stopped taking Chantix. Does anybody have any advice, or experience with the reversal of such severe side effects? My mother, and the rest of my family, is terrified that this is permanent, and she is terrified of the possibility that another prescription will result in even worse side effects.
Re: Lehua (# 255)
The only problem with the vaping is that there isn't enough research or information on what the inhalation of vegetable oil is. There is a possibility that vaping creates a symptom called "popcorn lung". Until more info is avaliable, I certainly won't be toking on one.
Have her try a Cbd vape pen. It seems to be working for me. I also took chantix and know what your mom is going through.
Hey Luke, yes, just 3 doses of thuja, 3 drops in 50mls water, morning, night, morning, then don't take any more. As for the Rhodiola Rosea, take 1 each day til finished. Then repeat for 3 months... it works wonders.. if you feel dark (you know what I mean) get some Arsenicum Album, and take doses the same as the thuja. It's been 5 yrs since I took the combination of Thuja and Rhodiola Rosea, and I am feeling pretty much like I was before taking the champix or chantix. I still have a minor amount of dark times, and I keep the Arsenicum Album on hand if it occurs. To be honest, I've only had to take it once this year. Did you read the reply from Laura regarding the Rhodiola? I have tried to contact her outside of this blog, but I haven't been able to find her, tho I did however hear a podcast with her talking to some radio in the U.S.A. Keep up the Rhodiola Rosea matey.. there is definitely a light at the end. I'm here if you require any further advice. Blessed be.
Re: Stephanie (# 232)
I took chantix in 2009 and I'm still feeling it now. Wish I could take back what I did.
Re: Riegan (# 39)
How did you make out after taking these things? I just received the 900 MG caps of Rhodiola Rosea and the Thuja 200C today. I've only taken two of the Rosea so far. Does this combo really work? How should they be taken exactly? Only 3 doses of the Thuja and then stop taking it all together?
Re: Justin (# 250)
Read from post number 45 from me and the reply I got from Laura. This may be a help to you. And anyone else.
Re: Little hope (# 11)
I know this was posted a long time ago but I’m dealing with aftermath of Chantix my self 3 months after stopping it. I ended up in a psyche ward. I’m hoping these effects eventually went away for you?
Re: laura (# 13)
I too took Chantix to quit smoking. It will be 2 years on Jan 1st that I quit smoking completely and I continued to take Chantix for maybe a few weeks after my last cigarette. I think I probably took it for about 2 months. Like many others, I still suffer from depression after Chantix and never had a day of depression previously. My primary care Dr. prescribed Citalopram (10MG) and Lorazepam (.5MG)which I take daily. It helps some, especially with anxiety, but I am still not myself. Do you know of anything that has been proven to work to reverse the mal effects of Chantix?
Re: free again (# 8)
I first took chantix almost 3 years ago along with working out and a fairly big change in lifestyle. It worked awesome! ..but I relapsed and went off for over a year. ..Started chantix again the same dosage with massively different effects, I went DARK..suicidal, angry unmotivated... so bad I reported to health Canada through my pharmacy.
This sounds exactly like me. It just dawned on me while watching a commercial for an antidepressant, that I think the champix had some long-term effects. I also have tried some other antidepressants with some terrible results. I have done counseling to deal with my depression but never fully been better. Daily now I deal with mild to severe depression and suffer from a constant head to toe muscle pain that only gets worse with more exercise or stretching. I feel for your mother. I hope she finds help. I don't know if this champix is the true cause, but after thinking about it and my first search comes up with some patients with almost exactly the same symptoms I have, maybe this confirms something.
Most people who smoke are covering their depression. Nicotine and chemicals from smoking will mask an underlying problem. It is when you quit smoking that you will face depression more. It is when you need psychologists to get to the issues that may be causing it. It could be from her past, etc.
Re: laura (# 43)
Hi Laura.. are you still here on planet Earth? If so, I would still like to communicate with you. Even after 5yrs. Please reply. Rhodiola Rosea...
Blessed be,
Re: Danny (# 243)
Hey... You could try going back to post number 45 and reading my experience with homoeopathic remedies. Just know that it's not a lifetime cure, and you do have to keep yourself rooted. I was on chantix like 7 yrs ago. I still have bouts of darkness, but I have remedies to counteract them, and over a period of time, one gets used to the feelings that brings out the darkness.
Good luck mate
Re: laura (# 13)
Please help!!! Chantix depression for six years. Tried multiple antidepressants. Presently on Effexor (150) and valium, which I take roughly 5 t0 10 mg a day. This has maid it at least a tiny bit bearable. THANK YOU.
Re: CJ (# 240)
Hey CJ.. I'm sorry you are going through this. Champix most certainly has created adverse reactions for many ppl, myself included... I have gone thru homoeopathy and natural remedies to sort myself. A good exercise for getting rid of Anxiety is to take a sip of water and just hold it in your mouth, don't swallow it. And concentrate on breathing thru your nose for as long as you can. This simple technique helps to regulate the breath, as anxiety causes over breathing, this can create lots more problems which can lead to bigger attacks, possibly causing asthmatic / stress / panic attacks.
I took Chantix for 2 years straight with no side effects... Except I still want to smoke.
So before "Stopping" Champex I could handle anything Life threw at me and as part of my career spoke in front of many people, I had all the usual side effect whilst taking Champex which I just dealt with and I quit smoking, 2 months after no cigarettes / 2 weeks after stopping Champex the anxiety and flying off the handle started with avengence and whilst I can control my temper the anxiety is through the roof and out of my control, my thoughts are irrational and I get anxious for no real reason, life is very different and doctors don't seem to acknowledge the link
I have experienced the same long-lasting side effect. I also took Chantix years ago and feel that it re-wired my brain. I can't shake the constant feeling of depression. (Never suffered from depression before). I see a therapist and a psychiatrist, it helps but the feeling never completely goes away. I am not taking any medicine either for the same reason as your mom. Chantix is poison for some of us. And I'm still smoking!!
I took Cham pix to stop smoking . And I've now got an under active thyroid fuming is not the word . As I'm very active and have a good diet .
My husband is currently going through this, he quit chantix a few months ago.
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