Any Easy Way To Get Off Suboxone?
UpdatedI have been on Subs for about 2 years now and really want off of them! However now i am reading that Sub Withdraws are worse than the Oxycodone i had been taking. which only makes sense because of the half life and what not of Suboxone. I do not really want to taper down because i am just Horrible at such a thing which is why i started taking Suboxone in the first place! My Dr should really have told me to only take it for the first 2-4 weeks.
I am looking for something i can take for 2-3 maybe 4 weeks to help cut me off of Suboxone COLD TURKEY! besides Opioids obviously! Anyone out there have something in mind or have experience?
1 Reply
Hi Chef,
Sorry to hear about your situation. I agree that it's so wrong for these doctors to be taking advantage of patients by prescribing suboxone for any length of time over what's absolutely necessary (otherwise in a way it defeats the purpose of substituting one drug for another). Yet many physicians are blindsided by the idea of turning patients into long term customers (profiting from additional copays, kickbacks, etc)... At some point maybe there will come a time when moral values exceed enticing paychecks, but until that realization reaches mainstream consciousness, we'll just have to keep options open when it comes to various forms of treatment.
As far as having something else in mind (other than opiates) that could potentially be of benefit during a period of withdrawal, my thoughts go straight to things like medical marijuana, CBDs, meditation, a healthy diet, lots of rest, regular exercise within your own realm of capabilities, and engaging in positive social interactions with loved ones who want to see you succeed.
In no way do I endorse going cold turkey if tapering is available, but I do favor the idea of putting your mind to something and trying hard enough until you reach your intended goal of being free from suboxone. My best wishes go out to you for a quick and painless withdrawal process.
Does anyone else have advice to add?
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