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I've been taking Zoloft then Sertraline for twenty years and I'm SURE the brand is not the same. For the past few years, I've become very depressed again, but never thought it might be because of a lousy manufacturer (as happened with Lorazepam when Watson was bought by lousy Actavis). Does anyone know a good, effective BRAND of Sertraline that has helped them a lot with depression? I order from Costco but can't figure out the brand on the label - will call tomorrow and ask. What a jungle this is becoming. Just not right. ## Hello, Denise! How are you? After being on it for 20 years, it is also possible that your body had just become tolerant to it and it no longer works as well for you. It is completely normal for that to happen and it usually will eventually happen wit...
I have been taking 15mg of Mirtazapine for three weeks. This was prescribed after suffering from insomnia and anxiety, with moderate to severe depression, for three months following complete withdrawal from the SSRI Citalopram (which I did very gradually, over three before this months as I thought I was stable enough to stand on my own two feet). My sleep improved immediately and I started to have some better days over the first two weeks. I know recovery should take time, and that the Mirtazapine takes at least 4 weeks to show its beneficial effects. On that basis, by the end of the second week I was feeling in a pretty good frame of mind and quite optimistic that I had finally turned a corner out of my anxiety. This third week has been a real disappointment though. My anxiety has got ...
Anyone? Found this in the kitchen cupboard. Its small, round, brownish rusty colored with a 13 printed in black on one side. Blank on the other side. ## Based on your description the closest thing I'm finding is a 50MG Amitriptyline hydrochloride tablet, used for treating depression, anxiety, as well as a number of other conditions. Unfortunately I haven't come across any photos of the pill online, so I'm unable to verfity the color of the imprint/ink being used. However it's description reports a round brown pill that has " I3 " marked on one side and is blank on the other side. Additionally, the manufacturer is listed as Accord Healthcare. Does this sound like it could be a possible match? ## Peach with black print A13
I found a small blue pill with MP 49 imprinted on it. Does anyone know what it could be? ## I have found a small round blue pill with mp49 on it. Can you tell me what it is please? ## Amitriptyline 10mg an anti depressant and pain killer ## Just to confirm, Lucy is correct. A round blue film-coated tablet with the marking MP49 on one side is reportedly identified as 10mg Amitriptyline. Manufactured by: DDSA Pharmaceuticals Limited, 310 Old Brompton Road, London SW5 9JQ I was unable to locate the company's website to retrieve additional information, but I hope this helps add a sense of verification. ## Hey David, how did you find out it was 10mg amitriptyline? ## Are pictures of this tablet available anywhere? ## It's amitriptyline as antidepressants and also for insomnia
Does Mirtazapine continue to cause drowsyness as long as it is taken, or does that (side) effect wear off in time? If so, how long does it take to wear off? ## Ive been on it for two years, you will def. feel drowsy when you wake up it will take at least and hour or two to wear off and It also seems to wear off once you keep yourself busy ## I have been on Mirtazapine for 9 months now - 15mg at night. I take it around 9:30 pm, but always feel groggy in the morning. True - if you just get up and get going, it will wear off fairly quickly. It has helped me sleep thru the night and gain back weight that I had lost. I feel bloated most of the time, even when I am at my normal weight. ## I've been on Mylan-Mirtazapine for the last year. At the start, my doctor prescribed 30mg per day. Th...
Because of the cost of Fetzima 120 mg, I have requested to go back on Venlafaxine XR 150 mg. I have heard that the half-life of Venlafaxine is longer than Fetzima, so I shouldn't have to take any step down drugs and not have many side effects. Is this information true or false?
Updated in FetzimaI have read the leaflet that came w/ my meds. Its listed as an antidepressant but was prescribed to me for insomnia. Two questions now. 1. Do I have to take it every night? 2. How worried should I be about the side effects? Frankly, I've put off taking it because I've never been diagnosed w/ depression, just insomnia & migraine. Any concise info you can provide would be great! Just speak to me like a person, not a doctor. Thanks! ## Trazadone. First off Trazadone is a cocaine withdrawal pill. And I guess it is prescribed for insomnia as well. My doctor gave it to me to help me sleep. It most definitely put me to sleep. But the bad, bad, bad thing about this medication is it stops your nose up to point where its impossible to breath. The first time I took it I knew exactly ho...
Thousands of bottles of a popular antidepressant medication are being recalled due to the presence of what the National Library of Medicine describes as a toxic chemical, according to a notice from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The recall involves the medication Duloxetine, which is sold under the brand name Cymbalta, according to the FDA's notice of the voluntary recall, which began Oct. 10th:
Updated in CymbaltaI started a suboxone program 6 weeks ago. My level dose is 8mg films/tid. I also take adderall ir 15mg/tid (that was prescribed by my psychiatrist, years ago). My sub dr. wants me to get off the adderall & I agree. So he’s started me on bupropion xl/150mg; which, I started today. Took it this morning, along with all my other meds. I was told the bupropion xl works similar to adderall? As far as increasing dopamine receptors, with a slight stimulant & eventually help the brain function without using such harmful & addictive medication. As I said, I started today & I feel like I’ve been given a sedative! I can't keep my eyes open! It’s doing the opposite! My questions: Has anyone taken this combo before? Does it work? I need to know why I'm so tir...
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has switched from Effexor to Brintellix? I was currently taking Wellbutrin 300mg daily and Effexor 37.5 mg daily. I was at a stand still for a while and just found I still was struggling. So on Monday I did a direct switch from Effexor to Brintellix 10mg. I took a dose of Effexor on Sunday then started Brintellix Monday. Since then I have had flu like symptoms, high anxiety, muscle aches, and very dizzy to the point I shouldn't drive!! It is now day 5...will these symptoms subside or should I see the Dr.? Need your help.. anyone in the same situation? Thanks ## Contact your doctor! I went through something similar and I was in withdrawal from effexor. He/she should be able to advise you. I do know I was so dizzy that I could barely walk or stand stra...
Has anyone had amitriptyline for nerve pain? I want to come off them, but I’m concerned the nerve pain will return. Has anyone had any experience with this? ## There is a chance that the pain may return, if you stop abruptly, sudden withdrawal could result in a rebound effect, where they pain might be even worse than it was to begin with. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, dry mouth, and weight changes. Why do you want to stop taking them? ## At the beginning I felt so pleased when the tablets kicked in. I started at 25 mg and eventually increased to 75 mg. All was going well. I get the usual side effects, but no real problems. I’ve been on them for about 6 years. The reason I want to come off, is because a...
Good day. I was put on Nuzak about a month ago. I went to the doctor for back pain, then she saw me shaking or shivering. I mentioned that this was in my family since my father has the same symptoms as me but now lately these symptoms have increased. I've been more shaky then ever and I'm starting to stutter which I never did or as a child had it. I'm beginning to think that this is just worsening the situation and that the DR scratched where it didn't concern her. I work on a daily basis with a lot of clients and this is embarrassing because now I seem incompetent as if I do not know my job or work. This week I stopped taking it and now I'm wondering how long it will take to fully clear out of my system? Please is anybody experiencing this or is it just something wr...
I've been on Nortriptyline for 4 years, mainly for nerve irritation after an op. I had another op to solve the problem but continued with Nortriptyline because it helped my mood and pelvic pain. Just lately the pain has returned. My pharmacist has changed brands but tells me there isn't any way the tablet could cause this problem because the active ingredient is exactly the same. Could my discomfort returning and a change of brand be just coincidence? ## I just had exactly the same thing happen. I was on Nortryptyline for about year and it worked great. Switched pharmacies, got a new brand (Teva) made in Eastern Europe, and now the pain has come roaring back. When I switch back to the old the pain subsides. The Teva brand also causes bad headaches and nausea. There is no effing ...
Can I take Trepiline with Urbanol? Will it keep me awake or will I be able to sleep? I don't take Trepiline. I use to for neck spasms, but it stopped and after a long time it's back. Can I combine 1 Trepiline and 1 Urbanol? I just don't want it to clash, then I cant sleep. Please advise. ## Can I use trepiline with urbanol? ## Can urbonal and trepiline be taken together? ## I normally take one tripiline at night. I have already taken an urbanol due to a trauma. Would it be better to take a sleeping tablet and not take my usual trepilene? ## Can i take urbanol and tripiline together? ## Are Trepiline and Urbanol the same thing? ## Can I take trepilene with urbanol?
Is there anything that anybody can tell me about Lexamil? ## I have been on it for 5 days for anxiety/depression connected with menopause - feel ok although couple of small side effects, dont exactly know what to expect. it is a new drug described by my doc as being cleaner than previous ones and very effective ## Lexamil contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, commonly sold in the U.S. under the brand name Lexapro. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, sexual dysfunction and weight gain. ## I've been on Lexamil for four days now. Found that it is making a difference. I have had weight gain though. ## I have been on a daily 5mg dosage of lexamil for two weeks for pms related anxiety and depression. I am 23 years old and found a severe drop in my sex ...
As my title says I've switched from celexa to fluoxetine 60 mg. I know the 60 mg is too high. Was just trying to get leveled out and then was coming down. My question is I've been taking the dose of 60mg fluoxetine for 11 days now per my cross taper schedule. Can I lower to 40 mg. now during the transferring phase and if so how do I go about it? Just stop taking one of the 20 mg tablets? I was always on 40 mg or lower (20mg) of the celexa but after a life threatening traumatic accident never got back down after 5 surgerys. Doc wanted me to switch over to the higher amount but feel I've always done better in a lower amount. ## Whoops title should've said switched from 60mg celexa to 60 mg fluoxetine. ## Actually, the 60mgs of Fluoxetine might be too low, going from 60mgs ...
I've always had poker straight hair my entire life. As a little girl, my mom would try and put curls in my hair on picture day and by the time got to school, hair was totally straight again! I'm 44 & have been taking Cymbalta 60mg x 3 years. My hair started with kind of a "beachy" wave where today it looks like I've had a perm. All along I've thought this was hormonal changes but this curl seems consistent with the time I started taking Cymbalta. I'm just curious-I find it incredibly strange that medication can do this to your hair!! I've asked my psychiatrist and my OB/GYN about it. Psych said he doubts it & OB/GYN said she wasn't aware of meds that can curl your hair like this. Wondered if others on Cymbalta have found the same thing happen,...
I am a healthy 60 year old. I have never smoked, rarely drink alcohol, I work out often, do strength training, swim laps three times a week, walk frequently. With all of this I am still diagnosed with Osteoporosis. I have broken both wrists and a few ribs at different times. Finally looked up the effects of Zoloft on your bones, It said you have a 76% higher chance of breaking a bone on Zoloft or other antidepressants. This is horrific. Please give me tips to get off this killer of bone density. I was put on Zoloft for PMS and have been on Zoloft for thirty some odd years and no one has ever said it will destroy my bones. Every time I try to get off Zoloft I get weepy, which is off base of who I am normally. I am a very happy person. Please help. Thanks. ## Hello LU! How are you? Have y...
if you take sleepasil, can you still feel something when your already asleep? ## How many milligrams of sleepasil can I safely take to fall asleep faster? ## Is it safe to take sleepasil when ur depressed? ## Is Sleepasil good for an 80 yr/old? ## Is there a lower dosage of sleepasil available? Someone told me it is good to take this when u need to sleep. Can I buy it over-the-counter or does it require a doctor's prescription? Thank you. ## How many mgs of sleepasil can I take at bedt ## How many milligrams can I take at nighttime