Anemia Forums (Page 5)
Recently active Anemia forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Anemia and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.anabolic ## Sorry, this is not listed in the drug databases, so I cannot find information on it. ## what are the side effects of oxymethobol.can we used it for penis enlargement ## The use of oxymethobol or anadrol ia highly recommended by me, by a variety of different reasons. It is hands down the best bulking/strength enhancing compound yet to date. As for you're erections, it increases red blood cells, so... yea.... It'll give you a bigger, harder, erection. However, the side-effects are severe. Depression, anxiety, feelings of inadequacy all occur on the wild ride we know as anadrol. I recommend a dosage not less then 50 mg's per day (and thats if you're a small guy) some people go 150-200mg's per day!!! ## I am in the army and Im researching anabol before hand. ...
4 REPLIES Updated in AnadrolFor the last 2 months my husband has been getting tired, weaker and short winded. We have been to all our Neph. Drs. and till today they would not tell us a thing. When they found out we were going to a gastronoglist today he was told to have his hemo and epogen levels checked because the gov. was making them cut back on the drugs and type of care he is getting as a "medicare cost savings" 'their hands are tied' when a dialysis patient dies of heart failure or body shut down there is no way to check for this cut back. I say who are they to decide what quality of life kidney patients get????? The last time I checked we were still living in a FREE LAND not a dictatorship or communist regiem! let your Congress men and women know we won't stand for this!!! They can cut t...
Updated in EpogenHi There, I am advised to take nurokind od for three month for B-12 deficeincy.Is is ok to go ahded? ## A deficiency in B12 could cause some serious medical problems, such as Pernicious Anemia, so it is important to follow your doctor's instructions to rectify the situation. Nurokind-OD contains Methylcobalamin, which is a form of Vitamin 12. You can learn more on it here: Are there any other questions?
1 REPLY Updatedwhen i get up i feel dizzy, what drug can help ## I think that taking drugs will only create more problems for you. There are a number of factors here that may be valid reasoning for waking up with dizzy feeling. Just to name a few possible factors: Dehydration (if your pee is not clear on a regular basis) Abnormal sleeping patterns (or not enough sleep) Stress Dietary habits (plenty of fruits and veggies) Anemia B12 Deficiency Chronic fatigue There are many more possibilities, so I would suggest that you check in with a doctor if all of the above is not an issue. Generally the dietary habits are a contributing factor to other problems, like not sleeping well..etc.
1 REPLY UpdatedI got some anadrol from endosyn and they are green and round no imprint. Are these real? ## I'm sorry but they sound bad. I used to have 200 mg. Anadrol/Oxymethalone pills and they were small and white. I might also add that they kicked butt and increase the human bodies muscle capacity through the roof!
1 REPLY Updated in AnadrolI found a small bag of pills that are salmon in color and round, a little height to them like a cylander, but not that all, just enough to have flat sides but circular from the top. They have XO on the or OX and are blank on the other side. What are these? ## I was told they are Anadrol 50 pills, i have been taking one pill for the last three days, little weight increase so far, if you try tasting it a little it should taste real chalky medicine like, almost bitter and the red should wear off. I'm still second guessing what they are.
1 REPLY Updated in AnadrolLast night, my son had a nose bleed. After I got the bleeding to stop by pinching his nose for about 8 to 10 minutes his sinuses then drained. He's been on Histatussin for three days now. Is this normal? My son is 7 yrs old and he also has a sinus condition. My local pharmacist recommended this medicine, Histatussin. Is this good for sinus for a child of his age? My son also is slightly anemic but also has nose bleeds whenever he takes medication for low blood. At times I'm confused as to what to give him because in my mind a person can't have low blood then when given medication for it develops what seems to be high blood or something closely related to high blood. Please help me. ## what are the side effects of histatussin? Trouble breathing? ## my hands shakes each time i...
2 REPLIES Updatedgeneric name,action,contraindication,side effects,nursing responsibilities,indication ## I want to know the indications... ## Sorry, I cannot find any information on this. ## i want now the research. ## Hi, juz want to inform you that terreferon is a safe multivitamins for pregnant woman. It can be use from the beggining of pregnancy untill you give birth or even after giving a birth. Terraferon helps in the prevention of pregnancy related anemia, NTD(Nueraltube Defects.) it also has vit C that helps mother avoid being sick. And B complex. ## what are the side effects of terraferon?is it also given to patients who suffered stroke?
5 REPLIES UpdatedIt has the letter ax on it and is green diamond shaped I was told it was anadrol ... ## It is possible, there is a company that makes them and uses the AX logo. I cannot confirm the exact ingredients, though, because they use this logo on all their pills and I saw several that are green that contain different steroids. Is anyone else familiar with these products?
1 REPLY Updated in Anadrolred football shaped tablet, scored in half.. one side says Ther Rx, other says 155 ## Sorry, I can't find any listing for this in the prescription drug databases. ## I'm anemic and was prescribed repliva by my doctor, it has really helped me over the past 3 years. I went in the drugstore on 8/30/09 to get a refill and I was told the drug was recalled, is this true and why? I'm in columbia south carolina.
2 REPLIES Updatedmy grandson is taking adarol,he is having trits of the mouth and body movements,also has became depressed is this commom? ## Depression is a more serious side effect while taking Anadrol. I would contact the physician that prescribed your son anadrol. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questios or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Crystal, I think the original post is talking about the medication Adderall - this is commonly prescribed to children for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy, whereas Anadrol is actually a steroid. More details about Adderall, including side effects with children can be seen at: Please post back to confirm if this is the correct medication which you are speaking of...
2 REPLIES Updated in Anadrolfor low hemaglobin ## I think you mean Aranesp - manufactured by Amgen. Mostly used to treat anemia which set on as a result of cancer treatment, etc. ## I have auto-immune hepitius. The drug IMURAN has improved the liver numbers, but have left me with very low hemoglobon. Aranesp is being pushed by my doctor, fighting my HMO to approve it. Any other drug therapy to consider? ## Your doctor would be the best judge of the best drug for you to use, no one here is a medical professional and none of us can even guess at your medical history.
3 REPLIES Updated in AranespDoes anyone know if Aranesp injections could cause or worsen cellulitis? My husband has had cellulitis in his leg for over 4 months, which seems to get some better then worse again. Because of Stage 4 renal failure, his doctors are cautious about the antibiotics they give him. He also takes Aranesp injections usually every 2 weeks. We're now wondering if Aranesp could be worsening this condition. The manufacturer's product information says that it can cause infections, but doesn't specify what kind. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ## If you look on this website under Product Information, then look at Side will see that swelling in the legs or cellulitis is a common side effect.
1 REPLY Updated in Aranespback pain ## Niferex is an iron and vitamin combination used to supplement the diet. It may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor. SIDE EFFECTS that may occur while taking this medicine include nausea, constipation, diarrhea, or stomach pain. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. WHILE YOU ARE TAKING THIS MEDICINE, you may notice darkening of bowel movements. This is normal. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience rash, itching, or vomiting with continuing stomach pain and black or green bowel movements. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6 years old. KEEP THI...
1 REPLY Updated in Niferex