Amneal Oxycodone (generic Percocet) 10 325 (Page 4)
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Amneal's oxycodone, generic for percocet 10/325 is white, oblong, blank on one side, and imprinted with IP 204 (not IP 203)! I usually take Watson or Mallinckrodt, 10/325, (2) tablets every 4-6 hours (240 monthly), but I was given Amneal today when filling my script, and I am not happy! I have cancer, and I also take morphine sulphate 30 mgs as well (1 every 12 hours), and Fioricet with Codeine for severe migraines (as needed)! I do not feel Amneal is sufficient or even close to the chemical makeup as Watson or Mallinckrodt for controlling pain/chronic pain! Amneal does not act the same way on my body, and I should not have to take more for same result! I think when you pay cash for your medications, and have been on the medication for 8 years, using the same pharmacy, they should order what helps you! The pharmacist says he has been ordering Watson 10/325 and Mallinckrodt 10/325, but they are only sending him Amneal! I am not happy, as I pay over $300 out of my own pocket for the my generic oxycodone alone! Pharmacist says he has to take what is shipped to him! Not sure I like that answer, but I checked 7 pharmacies within a 10 mile radius of me, and they all are stating the same fact, and substituting Watson or Mallinckrodt with Amneal! What is going on with ocycodone, generic percocet 10/325? Whatever it is, I don't like it? Generics are NOT all created equal as they say they are! It sucks to have to rely on medications to live, but what else are we to do! Thank you all for reading this! Love to all! <3

101 Replies (6 Pages)

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There made in India by some company that only uses a quarter of active. Ingredients.

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I switched to amneal 10/325, they are awesome. I feel, its our tolerance level. I can only take one, n im off n running. I use to be like you pharmacy shopping. Now i have no choice, almost every pharmacy here has the Amneal... So, we gave in.. Lol

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I think malli r just as bad if not worse then amneal im on 4 a day and its NOT WORKING i run out eearly because iHAVE TO WORK and if i sont take 6 A day i cant work, MY POS NEW DR DOESN'T SEEM TO CARE THAT IF I LOS3 MY job i will become homeless, he refuses to even out,me BACK ON what i was on for years in anotger state that was more helpful then this which was 5 norco and 1 ms contin 15mg the dea has destroyed so many lives while the junkies on the street continue to do as they have always done.

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I have a filled script to pick up abd it's always been endocet but it's Amneal and after looking at so many rrevies, I will not pick it up as why does FDA LIE about effects and active ingredients being the equivalent of brand?

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Looking at reviews, I have a generic for percocet by Amneal, as I've always had endocet 10/325. I have until Wednesday to pick it up. According to some reviews, Amneal is like one of the worst. Is this true?

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I too am on the tail-end of a 30 day prescription of these (4x daily) and loss of sleep is huge along with minimal relief as from others such as Endocet, Malli, and Qualitest. These ARE the worst of the worst, and WILL go out of my way to make sure I NEVER get these again! My new rule- check before I hand over the script, I WILL leave my preferred pharmacy if this is what they carry!

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That's because Watson was sold to Actavis.

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Just like all of you I have had to be careful with which manufacturer of the generic Percocet I take. For a few years now Watson does nothing for my pain, but makes me itch. So I told pharmacist no Watson brand. All was good until a few months ago. Apparently the manufacturer that they were giving me is no longer producing?? So now I've noticed that I'm having stomach issues and the meds aren't effective for all my pain issues. (RA, DDD, OA, and other chronic pain issues). The brand I have now is Rhodes and it socks! Going to be doing a lot more research to see what I can find that will actually work. I can no longer have any more epidural inj's. or facet inj's. Basically no steroids. I have issues with them. So this is now my only pain relief. I hope for all our sakes that enough complaints can be made to get things changed. Start typing those letters!

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I got mylan o4 something last time and they r just as bad as amneal. what is going on? these companies have got to be ripping us off. when i take half i feel absolutely NOTHING. This is insane and im gonna be losing my job as im gonna be in withdrawal for over a week now due to this sickening bs. 4 a day is not working n i am so tired of this s*** suffering why.

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I was just prescribed Percocet 5/325 and it is also Amneal. I usually just took a half of tab for relief but this mfg does nothing, even taking A whole one to 2 tabs. I agree with you. They do nothing. Looking for new Pharm?

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I too just switched from years on norco which stioped working when watson changed,ever since then i have been in pain went up to 5 norco a day that didnt helpbafter 9 months then new pharmacy( i moved to new area)started giving me the crap watson the last gew months n i been complaining to my dr for months that i suffer for over a week every month as 5 of these doesnt touch my pain,last month broke down crying as i am forced to work part time in addition to get disability and i cannot work on the extended release meds like ms contin. i was also taking 15 mg but they dont work and make me sleep ajd headaches, so last month he FINALLY switched me to oxycoodne but ONLY 4 a day and cut out the ms contin.

he said taking 1 ocycodone will be same as taking 2 norco as i told him 4 wont be enough since 5 norco did nothing,so he said 4 a day n thats it said call if any problems well pharnacy gave me amneal generic oxycodone 10 325 right away i was nervous as amneal norco r horrible n dont work,so being as i never took oxycodone before the firsf few days i only took half at a time n that felt a little relief,but after a week they stopped working even taking 1 at a time i felt nothing!so i started taking 5 instead of 4 a day tmassuming my dr woukd help me as he said to call if i have any problems,well its not been a month n im almost ououtf them now so i called last thurs to make appt at 27 days n they said hes full n i cant get in til WEDNESDAY i explained i am gonna BE OUT OF MY MEDS BY SUNDAY n that he said to call if i had problems.

they said hes on vacation n let me leave voicemail to prescription refills line i explained my situation n told them i cant get an appt til wednesday and ill be out of my meds Sunday n i have a job that i cannot afford to lose n if im in withdrawal i will lose it ,they called back n said no im not due til thursday for new script i explained again n finlly defeated said ill just call dr on monday n iam scared to death now i got 2 pills left n trying to make them last the last few days has been hell i am scheduled to work mon thru thurs so what am i susupposedo do now. Funny cuz this dr i see they supposedly take walk ins yet when i asked if i could do that they told me no..its like they want me to suffer as i heard medicare will fill meds when you are 75 percent finished. this should he illegal. these pharmaceutical companies are DEFINITELY not using correct AMOUNT OF THE opioids as my mother tried them and she's got horrible arthritis n never taken any narcotics and she doesn't even feel anything. I wish there was an affordable lab we can have these analyzed at. Id bet my life that they are not making them right.

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I just went to my pain mgmt dr today. The dea is now limiting the amount ant dr can prescribe for us, well in Cali, dont know if it is across the U.S., but was told the max dr can give on the 10/325 is 120per month. Luckily i started my own tapering and now, even tho given my last script of 180, am pleased with the amneal 10/325. i use to think theh didnt work, but realized after shoving almost 200a month, realized with a combo of tylenol, xanax and baclofen, i could survive, and my body adjusted to amneal and am happy with them. Endocet i feel is a poor generic. Good luck al.

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See if you can get Endo. Not sure your acetaminophen level, but lower is easier on stomach.

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I was hoping to talk to you about this topic. ive also had the same issues and was wondering if you knew what pharmacy carries endo percocet

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Endocet in my opinion is a very generic generic. the cost is half of what the normal costs, so that should tell me something. But im very pleased with Amneal. i feel we get use to a brand and then if it switches, we rend to freak. but i was in the hospital recently, received watson, and felt like they weren't as strong. but im sure they were.

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in 2005 i broke my hip in two place, in a work related accident, was given 5/325 of what ever thye had, I did noticed a slight difference, I am still am on the same dosege 2 per day for slight pain , mainly because my job as me standing up on a forklift allllll dayyy longgg...and it bothers my hip, for the last 6 months I have been taking Amneal 5/325 and I have to say it works good, so wheni go into my Safeway I ask they what they have and they tell me and I try it out. I have heard so much about Endocet being great I thought I would give it a try , absalutly no effect what so ever, infact made me very depressed and moody as heck, this week I will need a new priscription, so im going back to Amneal, now I dont have the pain as most of you , and believe me i really feel for thoes that have the pain upon pain, but I thought I would ask most of you , take a look at the Endocet pill, it has a larger than normal gash where you can cut the pill in half, it the US allows 20% either way of the Gerneric to be aT point blank that big gash ontop of the Endocet pill takes out alot of the medacation, if in fact your running very close to the limit ..under..the normal 5/325 i HAVE never tried watson my insurance only takes Kroger, so i have tried Menkropt (sp) Roxicet, Endocet, and amneal

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Try Amneal.10/325. If you can find them, you will be very happy with endocet. Other than thet, they are all crap. You are right.

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The exact same problems I have been having when picking up my meds! I researched this and also contacted Watson pharmaceuticals and the problem is, is that they no longer exist or produce the Watson brand pain meds any longer. This Amnio company is who took over Watson thus the result of these new meds they are producing. I too, am not experiencing any pain relief from the new meds from this company and have actually contacted them and put in a complaint. I have had no choice but to try all these other brands of percocet that the pharmacies carry now and have not been able to achieve the same pain relief from any of them! I've also discussed this issue with my prescribing doctor and basically there's nothing anyone can do. And believe me I'm concerned and extremely pissed with all of this myself! Im searching for a better solution but have not been successful as of yet. Watson was the ONLY brand that worked for my pain.

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You are obviously less experianced as alot of us on these pills. Ive been on them since 1997. And Endocet, is the very best generic you can get, if you can get them. They are made by Percocet, and are the most effective in the area of pain managemnet, and anti anxiety. This is NOT in our minds, the world cannot all be wrong about these generics and how different they are.I remember once bening switched just for a month to Roxycet from watson. I was at the market where my pharmacy was, and I took the new roxycet. I soon after walked directly into a pile of lettuce, they were so much stronger. Its amazing how different each company is. Amneal only lasts for 3 and a half hours, while endocet last for 6 hours. Your lucly that ignorance is bliss in this case. You will remain comfortable without knowing the difference.Kuddos to you. Your luckier than most of us. Who wouldnt be on this site if everything was actually just...fine.

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Its all in our minds. The minute ingreedients have nothing to do with the.oxycodone.ive been on them for 6 yrs, tried all brands and felt the same way as you do. Once i was off then abt a month, i realized my head was the prob.i do know if its a capsul vs a pill, it is more noticable, pharmacist dif agree but with a drug like percs, there is s huge competition, so pharmacy co's are trying to out do each other, so ive had no problem with amneal, but cant take endocet, that is the poor mans generic, no pun intended.

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