Am I In Precipitated Withdraw??
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Hi everyone....I posted a few days ago about my suboxone being stolen and was wondering if using a 30mg oxy a day to take care of withdraws then resuming my suboxone once Im able to get them filled would send me into withdraws?? I took a 30mg oxy at 8am then a half of a 30mg oxy at 8 pm. I was able to get my suboxone filled at midnight thanks to a wonderful pharmacist at Walgreens. Ive been in withdraw since 11 last 5am I decided to score myself on the Cows and I scored a 20. I decided to take a suboxone. It has been twenty minutes since the suboxone and I don't feel well but i don't feel sick...I have absolutely no energy!!! Will I know if Im getting precipitated withdraws. My cramps went away and Im not really sweating just kinda got the chills a lil bit. My chest feels really heavy. Is it safe to say I escaped these dreadful PW Ive heard so much about?? If Im still not feeling all that well should I take more suboxone??

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Ive had the same thing happened to me.. scored some Lts, even though it didnt give me any kind of buzz like it used to it eased some of the withdrawl symptoms...I was told my my doc one time you shouldnt go into withdrawls from being out of saboxine until about 4 days later. Is it just me or are they out of there mind....obviouslly they dont know everything. Or maybe its just me....My doc has had me on 8 mlg for like 2 years and has never said anything about tapering down. Ive read some people that say they were only on it for a couple of months.......when does being an addict stop....NEVER..

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Update: I feel just fine...nothing major happened. It was roughly 10 hours since I orally took 15mg of oxycontin, and almost 24 hours since I took a 30mg oxycontin and then took an 8mg sub. I'm just wondering if the reason I escaped the PW was because I did not build a tolerance over the 8 days Ive been on the oxy. I'm just happy I'm back on my suboxone, but I am definately going to ween myself because the withdraws are horrible....and its been almost 2 years, it time.

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