Alpz-1 By Neuro Vision (Page 2)
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Hi there. I recently got my Alprazolam 1 mg refill from the pharmacy. Has anybody tried these alpz-1 tablets by neuro vision? They are small, white and round. Blank on one side, and just a single score on the other.

47 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: PatrioticIntrovert (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

So these helped with your withdrawal symptoms? I'm almost afraid to take them again even in withdrawal because Idk what's in them. They're so chalky and I never feel anything from them even if I take a few.

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Re: Steve (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Where did you get them filled and what was the cost $?

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Re: Steve (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

What did you pay? I paid $200 for 30!

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Re: Rock On 85 (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Kasol 1mgs are the best brand. I dunno where you're based? I'm in the UK.

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There is so many real alprazolams made by India. Alko-1, Alp, there are approx. 400 brands & generics that are real, so why are they sending this garbage?????

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They are good. I got access to lab test, they are a little weak. I suggest you get 2 mg Klonopin or 2 mg Ativan script filled from India, klozaps 2. Same Pharma company and made in India. Shop around. You shouldn’t pay more than 120$ to 140$ with shipping. The larger prescription you fill, the better deal you can make. Don’t over pay like 90 for 299$ Rip off. Email plenty of the INDIA companies. Ask for pictures. They are more than glad to send pics of what they stock for dispensing refills. Google the pharm company and name on 10 strip foil pack. Do some research. Thanks all, stay safe.

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These xanax coming out of india unless the good ones of course like alko-1 and many others are fine. Let me discuss the two that arent. Apex-1 are probably poison. Alpz are real to a point. You must take 2 or 3 to get the same effect as one real alprazolam.

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Re: Rock On 85 (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

But where can you safely fill a script with genuine ksalol brand? These are the best xanax brand I have come across, but pharmacies lie and say they're out of stock?

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Re: Steve (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Do you know why the exp. date is so soon? Also, they put alot more in your script for a reason. They are not real! If anything I'll make this concession 2 for1. It takes 2 of these to equal 1. There is your reasoning...

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

not almee-2, we are discussing Alpz-1. these should never be bought. Pure garbage I have tested these.

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Re: Kyle (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

So what! These are not Alprazolam, sorry. They are a strange knock-off. They do some of whats required. But the lab analysis has ambien,and if you cannot tell any difference something is wrong! Do not take them anymore is my strong opinion. They do have fillers and additives that are unnecessary. Please do not purchase these. Alpz-1 are the cheapest, non alprazolam medication on the market today. Stop worrying, just stop buying! There are over 358 type names from other countries. Get something else. My personal fav is ksalol and they are 100% good, no joke!

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Re: Rock On 85 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

No they are not, garbage!!!!

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Re: Dani (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

They dissolve in water but not enough to be water repellent or water soluble. Weird. The taste is similar but not strong enough at all. There is I believe, could be wrong, some alprazolam in here but damn why even get them? They are trash. Go with Ksalol, alp, purple 1mg. Or other Uk, Scandinavian countries, or so many thousands of better brands. Go with them and forget those others. Especially Alpz-1= garbage!

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Re: Jay (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Low quality, sorry. 2 for 1.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Where is the link. These Alpz-1 are everywhere now. What in Gods name is in here?

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yeah i got some and took some and didnt feel a thing. r they real or am i wasting my time

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Re: Jay (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

They are alprazolam!

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I refilled the same pack of #90 off the web bc my psychiatrist now requires an appt every month to obtain a refill of controlled substances @ $400 a 15 minute visit. This was for 60 clonazepam 1mg/mo.

They are super bitter and crumble in your mouth. They are probably .5 mg instead of 1mg. Not the same at all, give me headaches, but certainly beats the withdrawal symptoms.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

WARNING. I have taken benzos for years, different brands, and NEVER before have I had such a bad experience with ALPZ brand "alprazolam" - I don't believe it's alprazolam. I believe it's laced with Fentanyl. Why? Because after taking half a tablet as I normally do with other brands within half an hour, instead of feeling fine, I felt faint, really off. Thought it was just me, so took another on another day and the same thing happened. Did this six or seven times and each time I felt faint after taking this ALPZ brand. STAY AWAY FROM IT. The pharmacy I purchased it from REFUSES to swap it for another brand. Please do not take this brand. It could harm you.

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They’re made in India I read. Seem weaker than many brands. Very generic. Wonder if they’re really 1 mg. of alprazolam. The pharmacy or whoever sends them put a bunch more in the package with expiration date in just in few months. For as many as I got, it was worth the money.

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