Alpz-1 By Neuro Vision (Page 3)
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Hi there. I recently got my Alprazolam 1 mg refill from the pharmacy. Has anybody tried these alpz-1 tablets by neuro vision? They are small, white and round. Blank on one side, and just a single score on the other.

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Re: Jay (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

So you think they’re real alprazolam, just weak and not really a full 1 mg?

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They’re made in India and were shipped from the UK. Are they real alprazolam 1 mg. or filled with something else?

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They seem crumbly and low quality.. don't know if I can really trust them

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I've tried them... they're crumbly, but work and taste like alprazolam

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I got some too. I wondered how they work for you? I can’t tell I have taken Benzodiazepines so long now since Gulf War.

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Were they decent quality?

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Hello Buddy,

Here is a link to a different chat where people discuss this pill. The discussion regarding them starts at response 13 - Christy.

[1] Alprazolam almee 2 India

I hope this helps.

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